what is the minimum cost of a defensive driving course in texas?

by Felton Tillman 9 min read


How much does defensive driving cost in Texas?

Feb 10, 2021 · Unlike other states, Texas state law sets the minimum price for a defensive driving course. That price is $25.00 whether the course is completed in person or online. There are, however, situations where it may be worth it to spend a little more.

What is the best defensive driving course?

When you need to take a Defensive Driving course, the state of Texas requires the minimum price be $25.00. Comedy Driving offers the 100% online animated course for that lowest price! We provide everything you need; audio, video, and animations are included at no additional cost.

What is the shortest defensive driving course in Texas?

Unless you are paying for something very specific, such as a video course instead of a text-based course, $25 is the maximum you should spend on a defensive driving school in Texas. The fees for classroom defensive driving courses will vary, but are usually more expensive and set independently by individual driving schools.

How much does a defensive driving course cost?

How much does a Texas defensive driving online cost?? When you need to take a Defensive Driving course, the state of Texas requires the minimum price be $25.00. Comedy Driving offers the 100% online animated course for that lowest price! We provide everything you need; audio, video, and animations are included at no additional cost.

How long is Texas defensive driving course online?

While there is no standard cost in California, DefensiveDriving.com offers one of the lowest prices among our competitors. By law, our course length is 340 minutes.

How much is a driving course in Texas?

The cost for driver's education courses in Texas varies, but it is generally affordable, with driver's courses for student-age teens costing around $95-$150 and courses for adults costing around $45-$75.Feb 18, 2020

What is the shortest defensive driving online course in Texas?

Fast Track Defensive Driving is the shortest course allowed by Texas law. Our course is 5 hours long and you may take it in one stretch, however, a total of one hour of break is recommended.

What is the easiest defensive driving course in Texas?

Quick List Of The 8 Best Texas Defensive Driving Online Courses For 2022iDriveSafely – Most popular.Approved Course – Easiest course.Aceable – Best on mobile-devices.Improv Traffic School – Most entertaining.

What is the minimum time requirement by law for Texas driving safety course?

According to Texas law, each defensive driving course must have a minimum of: 10 minutes introducing the course to the class. 10 minutes addressing the traffic safety problem in the U.S. and Texas.Apr 6, 2021

How much is the written driving test in Texas?

If you are older than 25 and are applying for a Texas driver's license for the first time, you are not required to have completed driver education, however, it is highly recommended. The DPS-approved Road Test fee is $75.00.

How much is Texas defensive driving?

$25How much does it cost to take defensive driving course in Texas? The state of Texas requires defensive driving courses to cost a minimum of $25.

Which online defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Who qualifies for defensive driving in Texas?

Defensive Driving Eligibility RequirementsSpeeding at or more than 25 MPH over the posted speed limit.No car insurance.Leaving the scene of an accident (hit and run)Passing a school bus.Construction zone violations.

Which online defensive driving course is best in Texas?

The 7 Best Online Defensive Driving Courses In Texas For 2022Aceable. Aceable is without a doubt the best online defensive driving course in Texas for 2022. ... iDriveSafely. ... Approved Course. ... Go To Traffic School. ... Improv Traffic School. ... Get Defensive. ... A Sense Of Humor Defensive Driving Course.

Which online defensive driving course is best?

#1 Defensive Driving Course ProviderIDriveSafely is one of the oldest defensive driving brands in the business. ... IDriveSafely.com has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). ... Take an IDriveSafely Course.Take a DriversEd.com Course.Take a MyImprov Course.Take ApprovedCourse Defensive Driving.More items...•Dec 21, 2021

How many modules are on the Texas defensive driving course?

6 modulesThe course consists of 6 modules: Module 1 – Your License to Drive. Module 2 – Right-of-Way. Module 3 – Traffic Control Devices.

How long is defensive driving class?

Our Defensive Driving course is only 5 hours of actual class time, with a required 1 hour break. For our online course, You may log in and out as many times as you like, and have up to 120 days to complete the online course (just be sure to complete it and turn it in before your court due date).

How much is the insurance discount for defensive driving?

Most insurance companies offer discounts up to 10% for completing a Defensive Driving Course. Ask your insurance agent if you qualify.

How much does a defensive driving course cost in Texas?

The state of Texas regulates pricing for online defensive driving schools by setting a minimum price they are allowed to charge. That price is $25. The vast majority of Texas state-approved online defensive driving schools sell their course at the state-minimium, but you may find a few that charge more than $25.

What is an approved defensive driving course?

Approved Course. Approved Course is a Houston-based online defensive driving course in Texas. This is by far one of the easiest online defensive driving courses you can sign up for in Texas for 2021. I’m not sure exactly what it is about Approved Course that makes it so easy, but this course is simple to pass.

Why do people take defensive driving classes?

There are plenty of different reasons that people decide to take a defensive driving course in Texas. Basically, these programs instruct you on how to drive more alertly and more safely. The benefits are numerous and include: 1 Increased safety for you and your family while on Texas roads 2 Ability to potentially receive discounts on your auto insurance policy 3 More peace of mind when you drive 4 You learn how to spot potential safety issues before they arise so you can avoid them

What is a go to traffic school?

Go To Traffic School is a defensive driving course in Texas that has been around since literally the 1990’s. They first started by offering home-based defensive driving programs that were sent through the mail using VHS tapes and booklets. As time progressed, they began to change their business model, and in the early 2000’s they began offering their home-based defensive driving course online in Texas.

Can you take defensive driving in Texas?

If you got a traffic ticket in Texas but you live in another state, you can still take a Texas defensive driving course. You’ll need to fill out a notarized Statement of Assurance and send that in, but that is the only additional step you’ll need to complete. You can see an example of that form here.

Can you get a copy of your Texas driving record?

Many defensive driving schools in Texas will offer to give you a certified copy of your Texas driving record. If you are interested in obtaining your driving record in Texas, I highly recommend you only get your driving record directly from the state.

Is iDriveSafely good for 2021?

This continues to be a top choice in 2021 as it has been for many years now . It offers numerous programs including defensive driving courses and delivers them over any device you want to use. It also offers some of the best student support services in the country, letting you get help when you need it quickly so you can get back to your lessons.

When do you receive your certificate of completion?

This means that if you finish the course at 5:59 PM and selected the overnight delivery method, you will receive your certificate of completion the very next business day.

Is GetDefensive.com online?

Also, when you take GetDefensive.com's internet defensive driving class, you do not have to allow extra time to attend and sit through any lengthy classroom instruction. The GetDefensive.com program is convenient for an active lifestyle, and you can set your own schedule!

Is GetDefensive.com a Texas state?

GetDefensive.com is 100% recognized by every court in the State of Texas for online ticket dismissal. If your traffic ticket is eligible for dismissal, your court will inform you as to when you have to complete a defensive driving class. You may also qualify for a 10% auto insurance discount through your insurance carrier if you successfully complete the online defensive driving class at GetDefensive.com; however, we advise that you first call your local auto insurance agent.

Can I take defensive driving online from multiple computers?

Absolutely! You can complete the GetDefensive.com defensive driving online class from multiple computers if you have to, but you will need to besure that each computer is equipped with the flash and browser requirements that are necessary. GetDefensive.com will run a quick scan on any computer that you log into for the initial time to make sure that it has the required software installed.

How Long Is a Defensive Driving Course in Texas?

A defensive driving course in Texas requires a minimum of six hours ( 16 Tex. Admin. Code § 84.502 ). The six hours consist of at least five hours of instruction along with at least one hour dedicated to breaks and the minimum course content topics.

What Does a Defensive Driving Course in Texas Cover?

A driving safety course (also referred to as a defensive driving course) is designed to help you become a more informed and aware driver. The ultimate goal is to reduce the number of traffic-related injuries and deaths on the road, as well as to reduce the associated economic costs.

Why Do You Need to Take a Defensive Driving Course in Texas?

By taking a state- and court-approved defensive driving course and completing it with a 70% grade or better, you can receive a certificate that enables you to get a traffic ticket dismissed. This can help you to remove points from your Texas driving record while also helping to reduce your insurance premium cost.

Frequently Asked Questions About Defensive Driving Courses in Texas

The law requires course providers to send you your certificate of completion by mail. At DriversEd.com, we mail the certificate to you as soon as you complete the course — at no charge.
