eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual course hero

by Camilla Ward 8 min read

What is eminent domain?

Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual? Property The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the... States and local communities What philosopher believes the maximin rule is relevant to justice?

Who gave decision making power for eminent domain to the States?

The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the... States and local communities What philosopher believes the maximin rule is relevant to justice? John Rawls Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first? Mercantile The profit motive... Must be checked by competition if society is to benefit

What is the ancient right of government to take?

Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual? Property The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the... States and local communities What philosopher believes the maximin rule is relevant to justice? John Rawls Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first?

What is true about the maximin rule?

T or F: According to the "maximin" rule, you should select the alternative under which the worst that could happen to you is better than the worst that could happen to you under any other alternative True T or F: Distributive justice concerns the morally proper distribution of social benefits and burdens True

What is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual?

Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual?

Which principle of justice states that insofar as inequalities are permitted, justice for some jobs or positions?

T or F: John Rawls's second principle of justice states that insofar as inequalities are permitted -- that is insofar as it is compatible with justice for some jobs or positions to bring greater rewards than others -- these positions must be all open

What is the prime value of libertarianism?

T or F: According to libertarianism, liberty is the prime value, and justice consists in being free from the interference of others

What chapter is Justice and Economic Distribution?

Start studying Chapter 3 - Justice and Economic Distribution. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

When are inequalities justified?

inequalities are only justified if they benefit the least advantaged

Who argued for the desirability of breaking down the sharp and hostile division between the producers or workers?

T or F: In his Principles of Political Economy, J.S. Mill argued for the desirability of breaking down the sharp and hostile division between the producers or workers, on the one hand, and the capitalists or owners, on the other hand

Who said people in the original position do not know what social position or status they hold in society?

T or F: According to John Rawls, people in the original position do not know what social position or status they hold in society

Which court gave the power to make decisions on eminent domain?

The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the...

What is the common defense of capitalism?

A common defense of capitalism is the argument that people have a fundamental moral right to property and that our capitalist system is simply the outcome of this natural right. Marxism states.. Capitalism leads to a concentration of property and thus a concentration of resources and power in relatively few hands.

What is Nozick's example of Wilt Chamberlain?

In Nozick's example of Wilt Chamberlain, he argues that other theories of economic justice inevitably fail to respect people's...

What does the veil of ignorance assure us?

The veil of ignorance assures us that people in the original position will be...

When are inequalities justified?

Inequalities are only justified if they benefit the least advantaged

Who advocates for anarchy, state and utopia?

In "Anarchy, State and Utopia", Robert Nozick advocates...

Who justified utilitarianism from rival perspectives when he argued?

Mill justified utilitarianism from rival perspectives when he argued...

Why is property a moral right?

According to Locke, Property is a Moralright, because individuals are morally entitled to the products of their labor. When they mix their labor with the natural world, they are entitled to the resulting product.

What does Nozick say about natural rights?

Nozick stresses that these rights are both negative and natural.

Why are utilitarians sympathetic?

Utilitarians are likely to be sympathetic to the argument that steps should be taken to increase the great disparities in income that characterize the society.

Why are regulations an infringement of personal liberty?

Regulations, according to Rawls, are an infringement on personal liberty, because they limit what someone can do. (T/F)

What chapter is Justice and Economic Distribution?

Start studying Chapter 3- Justice and Economic Distribution TEST Review Part 2. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

Who believed in the original position theory?

John Rawls believed in the Original Position theory (T/F)

Is justice a moral standard?

For utilitarians, justice is NOT an independent moral standard distinct from their general principle. Rather, the maximization of happiness ultimately determines what is just and unjust.
