how to search for people in my blackboard course

by Amparo Collier DDS 8 min read

Find Other Users
  1. In the course menu, select Tools > Roster.
  2. Select Go to list all students in your course. You can search for students by typing a keyword in the text box and using the following filters: First Name. Last Name. Contains. Equal to. Starts with. Not blank.

What is a group in a course?

Groups. Instructors can create groups of students within courses. Groups usually consist of a small number of students for study groups or projects . These groups have their own collaboration areas in the course so that they can communicate and share files.

What is a group member?

All group members are moderators in group collaboration sessions, can manage sessions, and access all of the available tools. File Exchange. Group members and instructors can share files in this area. All members can add and delete files, regardless of who added them.

Can a group member create their own forum?

Group members can create and manage their own forums and discuss topics with just the group members. Instructors can choose to grade group discussions, but each member is graded individually. Group Journal. In the group area, all members of a group can view each other's entries.

Can you comment on a group blog?

In the group area, all members of a group can create entries for the same blog and build on each entry. All course members can read and comment on a group blog, but they can't make posts unless they are members of the group. Instructors can choose to grade group blogs.

Can you view a group journal in a group?

In the group area, all members of a group can view each other's entries. Only group members and instructors can view a group journal. Instructors can choose to grade group journals. All group members receive the same grade. Group Task. Group members can create tasks for distribution to all group members.

How to enroll multiple users in a course?

Enroll users in a course. If you want to enroll multiple users in a course, enroll them in groups based on their course roles. You can select one role per set of users. For example, if a course has one or more instructors, enroll them first. Then, move on to students. Optionally, you can enroll all users with a role of Student ...

What happens when you merge a course into a master course?

When you merge a course into a single master course, its students are enrolled automatically in the merged master course. However, when students enter the course, they'll see only the course ID of the child course they were originally enrolled in. To learn more about merging courses, see Merge and Separate Courses.

Can you change a user's role in a course?

You can change a user's role in a course at any time. For example, if an instructor needs an additional assistant during the term, you can change a user's role from Student to Teaching Assistant for that course.

Can you delete a user from Blackboard?

Removing users from a course doesn't delete the users from Blackboard Learn. After you remove a user from a course, the user can no longer access course materials or user interactions. The user is no longer enrolled in the course. You can't automatically restore users to courses after you remove them.

Do you have to add students to your blackboard?

Generally speaking, you should not have to add students who are enrolled in your course to its Blackboard section. As long as the student has registered on time, they should be enrolled in your Blackboard course on Day 1.

Can you remove a user from a course?

Due to legal mandates, Educational Technology staff can only add/remove users from your course with explicit written permission from the instructor. It is therefore more efficient and safer for the instructor to manage the course membership by themselves.

Can you delete a student from a course?

There is no way to “delete” a user from your course. You can only set the course to be “not available” to an individual user. More likely you may to need to change the availaability setting for a student from unavailable to available.

Watch a video about My Blackboard

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video,

Access My Blackboard tools

When you select one of the icons, a page opens. You can access the My Blackboard menu on the left side of the page.

The Posts page

Each new post appears with a preview of the content, location, and author. Select a post to expand the content in the right panel. For discussion posts, select Reply or Quote to contribute. You can provide and view comments for wiki and blogs, but an instructor can disallow comments on a wiki. Only instructors can comment on journal entries.

How long do updates last?

Posts stay in My Blackboard for seven days. Grades stay in My Blackboard for as long as you have access to your courses. For updates, your institution controls how long notifications stay in My Blackboard. You can dismiss an update after you view it.
