where do i take nys bow hunting course on long island

by Dr. Ellis Towne DVM 6 min read

What is the NYS bowhunter education course?

The NYS Bowhunter Education course is required for hunters who use a bow and arrow to hunt deer or bear. While this course is not required for hunting deer with a crossbow, or for using a bow and arrow to hunt small game or turkey, DEC encourages you to take this course to learn bow and tree stand safety techniques.

What are the best hunting opportunities on Long Island?

The rural eastern half of Long Island and the extensive bays and tidal wetlands surrounding the island provide excellent hunting opportunities. Small game hunting consists primarily of a two-month season for stocked pheasants.

What is bow hunting safety course?

This course covers safety techniques and responsible, ethical hunting practices when pursuing game with a bow. NOTE All courses require the completion of homework prior to attending the course. If you do not complete the homework you cannot complete the course. IMPORTANT MINIMUM AGE FOR COURSE: 11 YEARS (Minimum age for a license is 12 years).

Do you need homework for bow hunting courses?

It is recommended for all other game. This course covers safety techniques and responsible, ethical hunting practices when pursuing game with a bow. NOTE All courses require the completion of homework prior to attending the course. If you do not complete the homework you cannot complete the course.

How do you get your bow license in NY?

What you need ready:One proof of residency (for resident fee)Hunter education certificate (for hunting license)Bowhunter education certificate (for bowhunting privilege)A credit card or debit card.

How long does the NYS hunter safety course take?

All in-person trapper education courses require: Completed homework must be brought to the in-person course. The homework can take several hours to complete. Participation in an in-person course that is a minimum of 8 hours in length.

Do you need a bow license in New York?

You need a hunting license if you are: 12 years and older and using a firearm or bow to hunt or take wild game. Persons under age 12 cannot hunt.

Do you have to take a hunter safety course in NY?

Yes. In order to buy a license, New York requires that first-time hunters who are at least 12 years of age must first complete a course approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and IHEA-USA.

What are the two basic styles of firearm actions single shot and repeating repeating and bolt action pump and semi automatic single shot and revolving?

Actions are either single-shot or repeating styles. Single-shot firearms must be reloaded each time the firearm is fired. Repeating firearms have extra cartridges or shotshells ready in a magazine, cylinder, or extra barrel.

Which group is a primary supporter of hunter education?

The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a primary supporter of hunter education. Hunter education teaches people how to responsibly handle firearms, read maps, identify wildlife species, and understand the importance of conservation. The NRA offers hunter education courses across the United States.

Can you shoot a bow in your backyard in NY?

You must have permission from the owner of the property and a proper backstop to make sure arrows do not leave the property. Some townships may change this or have alternate laws you must follow. Can You Shoot A Bow In Your Backyard In New York? New York state has no law prohibiting archery target shooting.

Can I hunt on my own land without a license in NY?

All residents must have a valid hunting license in their possession except: Resident owners primarily engaged in farming, lessees and members of their immediate families do not need a hunting license when hunting small game on farmlands they are occupying and cultivating.

How many deer tags do you get in NY?

You will receive one Bow/Mz Season Either Sex Deer Tag and one Bow/Mz Season Antlerless Deer Tag, both of which may be used in either season.

What legal requirements must you consider when selecting a firearm for hunting?

When choosing a firearm for hunting, make sure you meet any minimum legal requirements for caliber, gauge, or the amount of energy produced by the projectile. When hunting, your firearm should: Be powerful enough to kill the game quickly and effectively and… Fit you properly and…

What group sets hunting regulations in most states?

wildlife management agencyIn most states, a wildlife management agency sets hunting regulations. These agencies will have regular meetings where the public can voice their concerns and make suggestions.

Which part of a firearm loads fires and ejects shells?

actionAll modern firearms have three basic groups of parts: action, stock, and barrel. Action: The action is the heart of the firearm—the moving parts that load and fire the ammunition and eject the shells or cartridges.

How old do you have to be to be a bow hunter in New York?

New York. All first-time bowhunters must complete an approved bowhunter education course as well as an approved hunter education course. You must be at least 11 years old to take this online course. You must be a resident of New York to take the online course.

How many states require bowhunting?

Hunter education is currently required in all 50 states, 10 Canadian provinces, three Northwest Territories, and Mexico. A separate bowhunter education course is required in many of the states, provinces, and other countries to comply with the bowhunting laws and regulations in those jurisdictions.

What do bowhunters learn?

Bowhunters must become adept at scouting, tracking, and recovering game. Bowhunters must master new archery techniques and learn the anatomy and behavior of the game. Before attempting to use archery equipment as a hunting tool, each bowhunter should become a proficient archer.

Why is safety education important for bowhunters?

Bowhunting is a challenging sport! This type of hunting is done at a much closer range and requires a high degree of stealth, perseverance, patience, and effort. Bowhunters must become adept at scouting, tracking, and recovering game.

Does New York accept bowhunter certification?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory bowhunter education requirements will accept the New York Bowhunter Education Certificate of Qualification . Likewise, New York will accept Bowhunter Education certifications that are issued by other jurisdictions that meet official IHEA-USA requirements. (This is known as “reciprocity.”)

Where to hunt on Long Island?

Hunting on Long Island. The rural eastern half of Long Island and the extensive bays and tidal wetlands surrounding the island provide excellent hunting opportunities.

When is deer hunting season in Suffolk County?

There is an abundant population of white-tailed deer in Suffolk County. Deer hunting opportunities consist of an archery season from October 1 to January 31, and a shotgun and muzzleloader season in January.

When is the season for small game hunting?

Small game hunting consists primarily of a two-month season for stocked pheasants. Pheasants are stocked in various locations on DEC managed hunting areas throughout the season, which runs from November 1 through December 31. There is also a four-month season for cottontail rabbits and squirrels from November 1 through the end of February.

When do ducks and geese winter in Long Island?

The various seasons run from early October through mid-February.

What is a Hunter Education Program?

The Hunter Education Program teaches future hunters and trappers how to be safe, responsible, and ethical. After successful completion of a hunter education course or a trapper education course, students will receive a certificate of qualification necessary for purchasing a first-time hunting or trapping license.

How is Hunter Education funded?

New York State's Hunter Education Program is funded by the purchase of sporting licenses through the New York State Conservation Fund and purchases of firearms, ammunitions, and archery equipment. through the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Fund (leaves DEC website).

Do you need New York Hunting education?

You need education to buy a hunting license in New York if you are at least 12 years old, unless you show proof of having held a license previously.

What to Expect From This Homework

Our course videos feature a combination of professional educators (who double as professional actors), entertaining storylines, and up‐to‐date scenarios that give you one of the most effective ways to learn safe hunting practices.

New York Approved

This safety course is proudly made to serve students, agencies, and organizations worldwide.

Hunt More Strategically

The HuntWise app combines pinpoint mapping features with accurate weather forecasting to provide hunters with the ideal tool to determine the best times and places to hunt all major North American game species. Complete your Hunter's Ed certification and you can get 50% off everything HuntWise PRO has to offer.

What license do you need to use a crossbow?

License Requirements: A hunting license is needed to use a crossbow to hunt small game species. A turkey permit is also required to hunt turkeys. All crossbow specifications remain in effect.

When to use crossbow for bear hunting?

Crossbows may be used to take bear during the early bear season, early muzzleloader season in the Northern Zone, regular firearms seasons in the Northern and Southern Zones, and the late muzzleloader season in the Southern Zone.

How many days of muzzleloader season in Northern Zone?

During the last 10 days of the early bowhunting season in the Northern Zone; this includes the 7-day early muzzleloader season in the Northern Zone; Only Bow/Muzz tags, DMPs or DMAPs may be use during these times.

When to use crossbow for deer?

Crossbows may be used to take deer during: early and late muzzleloader season in the Northern Zone and late muzzleloader season in the Southern Zone using Bow/Muzz tags, DMPs, DMAP tags, or an unfilled Regular Big Game tag (late season only); regular firearms seasons using a Regular Big Game tag, DMPs, or DMAP tags.

How old do you have to be to use a crossbow?

General Crossbow Regulations. Age requirement: Crossbows may be used only by licensees who are 14 years of age or older. Without landowner permission, crossbows may not be discharged within 250 feet of any home, school building or playground, public structure, farm structure in use, or occupied factory or church.

What is a legal crossbow?

A legal crossbow consists of a bow and string, either compound or recurve, that launches a minimum 14-inch bolt or arrow, not including point, mounted upon a stock with a trigger that holds the string and limbs under tension until released. The trigger unit of such crossbow must have a working safety.

Can you use a crossbow on a youth hunt?

Junior big game hunters (age 14-15) may not use a crossbow to take a deer during the Youth Deer Hunt weekend. Adult mentors who accompany a junior big game hunter on the Youth Deer Hunt weekend may not possess a crossbow (or firearm) while afield on those days.

Hunter Safety Education Requirement

All first-time hunters must pass one or more courses before they can get a hunting license in New York. Visit the Hunter Education page to learn more and find a free course near you.

License Types & Fees

Annual Hunting License ( View residency qualifications) With this license you can hunt big game and small game. ***This license is required before other privileges (i.e. bowhunting, muzzleloading & turkey permit) can be purchased.***

Who Needs a Hunting License

Junior Hunters (12-15): review regulations and information for junior hunters, ages 12-15.

Do deer eat trees in New York?

Unfortunately, deer do not eat trees! It's more accurate to say that about 20 percent, or less, of New York's public lands can be considered ideal habitat for whitetails. This means hunters should plan on spending as much time in the woods as possible prior to the season. Finding good cover can often prove more challenging than finding a deer to shoot at, but once the connection is made the hard part is over.

Is there a bow hunter in New York?

All of this means more opportunities for New York's dedicated contingent of bowhunters . However, there is more to successful archery hunting than merely standing in the woods with a bow or crossbow in hand. To be consistently successful hunters must know their quarry, its habitat and behavior. No one can outsmart every deer every time in every situation, but knowledge is power when it comes to whitetails and the best hunters become avid students of the sport early on.