why does your hair grow back course after shaving with razor

by Kylie Tillman 4 min read

The reason this takes time is that after shaving your body hair grows in very slowly. Your hair will take months or even a year to grow back depending on how big it is and how healthy it is. Another reason it takes time for new hair to grow after shaving is because your skin sheds and grows new hair at different times.

Full Answer

Why does my hair regrow after shaving?

This may be due to the fact that hair regrowth after shaving often has a different appearance. Learn why this is, how you can get a better shave, and what the real side effects of shaving can be.

Does your hair grow faster when you shave?

When adolescents and teenagers start shaving, it seems like hair starts growing faster and thicker after each shave. While that's probably true, it's not a causal relationship; it's just a coincidence in timing. Hair starts growing more as you age.

Does shaving your legs make hair grow back thicker?

"Women shave their legs all the time. They would be like gorillas if the hair was coming back thicker or darker," dermatologist Amy McMichael tells Dina Fine Maron at Scientific American. "Plus we would never have to think about hair loss on our heads if cutting the hair shaft would make it come back thicker."

Why can’t I Shave my Body hair?

Ask anyone who has ever tried to shave their body hair when they were younger if their parents forbid them from doing that, and for what reason. You will notice that many were not allowed to shave their hair because it was supposedly going to grow back thicker and darker. But if you haven’t learned that on your skin already – that can’t happen.

How do I keep my hair from growing back after shaving?

These Shaving Tricks Will Legit Keep Hair From Growing BackSoak In Warm Water. ShotPrime/Moment/Getty Images. ... Gel The Right Razor & Keep It Fresh. ... Lather On The Right Protection. ... Focus On Direction & Take Your Time. ... Remember Your Aftercare. ... Exfoliate The Right Way. ... Know Your Body.

Why does hair turn black after you shave it?

The Mayo Clinic states that shaving hair won't change its color. Again, the regrowth phase can often create the illusion of hair that is growing in thicker—and therefore darker—since it has a blunt tip once shaved.

Why is there still hair after shaving?

If you still have stubble on your face after shaving, this might be because your razor isn't sharp, you're not shaving across the grain or against the grain of your hair, or you don't take multiple “passes” with your razor. Regardless of the issue, it all comes down to how close of a shave you can get.

Does razor thicken hair?

No — shaving hair doesn't change its thickness, color or rate of growth. Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip. The tip might feel coarse or "stubbly" for a time as it grows out.

Which is better shave or wax?

“Waxing lasts longer over time because hair is being removed from the follicle whereas shaving just cuts it at the surface,” says Shays. “Waxing will leave you smoother longer as unwanted hairs become thinner and in some cases don't grow back at all.

Does facial razor make hair thicker?

Shaving Your Face Will Not Make Your Hair Grow Back Thicker. A major myth about shaving your face is the idea that your hair will grow back thicker and darker. But that's not true, according to Dr. King, who says that no matter the type of hair removal method you use, it will never affect the thickness or darkness.

Does pubic hair stop growing?

Your pubic hair won't keep growing forever to endless lengths. Some people are blessed with Rapunzel-like locks or thick man buns adorning their scalps, but pubes don't grow that long. The fur on our fun bits has a shorter growth cycle, lasting a matter of weeks.

Why is my hair sharp after shaving?

Dermatologist Anthony Rossi also previously provided us with prickliness-reducing advice: “Trim or shave with the grain, never against — if you're not sure which way to go, pull the razor in the same direction that your hair seems to be pointing,” he explained. “That will prevent creating sharp angles.

What does it mean when you start shaving?

It simply means they started shaving at a time when the body was ready to start massaging those body hair follicles into action. Of course, during puberty, dark, coarse, and curly hair starts to appear on the body parts that are generally hidden from the public.

When do you start shaving your hair?

It feels authentic because most of us start shaving during puberty. For guys, hair growth will usually accelerate until you're around 25. After that, it levels off, although some changes can still happen. None of that is dependent on your use of a razor. The idea that shaving makes your hair grow faster is a misconception, ...

What is the difference between lanugo and vellus hair?

Lanugo hair covers newborn human babies. It falls out shortly before or just after birth. Vellus hair is short, fine, and light ly colored hair covering many parts of your body , like your arms. The hairs sprout from follicles that aren't connected to oil glands.

Why does my girlfriend complain about shaving her legs?

That's because the portions of her body that she's shaving have a smaller landscape, and she's trying to keep the hair away.

How long does pubic hair last?

Pubic hair only hangs around for about a month or so before it falls out and finds its way into the trash can or shower drain; this is true for other non-head body hair, as well. Generally speaking, body hair that's not coming from your scalp will grow for about 30 to 44 days.

Why does my hair look thinner?

Because as hair is exposed to the sun, it tends to get lighter in color. On the surface, that can make it look like it's thinner. The brand new hair that hasn't been exposed to the elements is likely to be darker, and as such, will often look thicker.

How many hairs do you shed a day?

According to Medicaldaily.com, most people cycle through all 100,000 hairs they have every three years, replacing them daily as they fall out.

Shaving and Hair Thickness

Shaving your hair does not affect hair regrowth, but it does create the illusion that the body hair starts to grow back thicker and darker, and there is a simple explanation for that.

How to Get a Clean Shave

Now that we’ve debunked that myth, getting a clean shave is still an important process in terms of your hygiene and health. Plus, who doesn’t love that post-shave smoothness that makes your skin feel like the softest silk? We’ve put together a few tips on how to get an impeccable shave every time.

How to Make Hair Grow Thicker

If you shaved your head and are waiting to see the results of the regrowth process, or if you shaved your beard in hopes of getting the hair to grow back into a beard that is both aesthetically pleasing and healthy, you should know that everything we have said so far applies to any case of shaving, no matter the area.

Grow Naturally, Not Forcefully

Now that you understand the disconnection between shaving and thicker hair growth, you can treat both of these as separate processes in terms of balancing your hair’s health and your body’s hygiene.

Why do you shave your groin?

Shaving the groin area also takes special care to prevent ingrown hairs, cuts, and other signs of irritation. It’s best to use a new razor each time you shave this part of your body.

How to shave properly?

To set yourself up for a safe and proper shave, follow these steps: Wet your skin first. Apply a shaving gel or lotion to help protect your skin from nicks and cuts. Shave with the direction of natural hair growth, not against. Avoid shaving too quickly or pressing the razor too hard against your skin.

How to shave your own hair?

To set yourself up for a safe and proper shave, follow these steps: 1 Wet your skin first. 2 Apply a shaving gel or lotion to help protect your skin from nicks and cuts. 3 Shave with the direction of natural hair growth, not against. 4 Avoid shaving too quickly or pressing the razor too hard against your skin. 5 Use disposable razors or fresh blades. Dull razors can lead to irritation and cuts. 6 Rinse your skin with cool water to reduce inflammation and irritation. 7 Apply a moisturizer or aftershave lotion.

How to get rid of hair growth on face?

When shaving your face, wash it first before applying shaving gel or cream. You can also use soap. Be sure to gently glide the razor against the skin in the direction that your hair grows.

How to prevent ingrown hairs and pimples?

When shaving your arms and legs, you can prevent ingrown hairs and pimples by exfoliating beforehand. You can use a light exfoliating shower gel, a loofah, or even a washcloth.

What to do if shaving isn't working?

If shaving isn’t giving you the results you’re looking for, consider talking to a dermatologist about other hair removal options. They might recommend more permanent options, such as waxing or laser removal, depending on skin type, body part, and more. Last medically reviewed on December 4, 2019.

Why is my new hair darker?

New hair may also look darker. This is partly due to its thickness, but it may also be because the new hair hasn’t yet been exposed to natural elements. Sun exposure, soaps, and other chemicals can all lighten your hair. The dark shade of hair regrowth may also be more noticeable than you’re accustomed to.

How Long Does Body Hair Take To Grow Back After Shaving?

Shaving is a common practice for men and women alike, and while it may seem like a relatively harmless practice, shaving can have potentially harmful side effects. After shaving, the hair that was on your body before you shaved is likely to grow back.

Does it Make Any Sense to Shave Your Body Hair?

You hear many people say that shaving your body hair is not a good thing to do. They say it can cause skin problems and it will make you look like a razored sheep if you do it often enough. I am here to tell you that this is simply not true.

Does Chest Hair Grow Back After Shaving?

Does chest hair grows back after shaving? For many men, the thought of having to shave an entire area of their chest off and then having to put it back in is not appealing. However, this is a reality for many men who are suffering from pattern baldness caused by male pattern alopecia.

Is it Better Shave Or Trim Body Hair?

Shaving is an option that many men turn to when they are faced with the dilemma of whether or not they should shave their body hair. There are actually several different ways to go about shaving your body hair, and one of them is by removing the hair with a pair of clippers or scissors.


If you are one of those men who likes to shave their body hair off every day, then the best choice for you is going to be shaving. When choosing between trimming or shaving, it is important to consider how often you will be shaving your body hair, because this will affect the decision that you make on what method you will use.

How Do I Stop My Leg Hair From Growing So Fast After Shaving?

How do I stop my leg hair from growing so fast? If you’re losing hair rapidly, whether or not it’s causing a nuisance or an embarrassment to you, it’s likely that you’re looking for ways to stop it.

How Do You Stop Your Leg Hair From Growing After Shaving?

If you have been shaving for long enough, then by now you must know how do you stop your leg hair from growing after shaving? Unfortunately there are a few things that tend to hinder the growth of leg hair.

How Can I Stop My Leg Hair Permanently Growing Naturally?

So, you want to know how I can stop my leg hair growing naturally? There are many ways you can do this. Some of them may work better for you than others.

Why Is My Leg Hair Growing Faster Than Normal?

So, why is my leg hair growing faster than normal? The main reason you will probably get from your doctor or barber is that you have got a hair growth condition known as traction alopecia.

Why Does My Leg Hair Grow So Fast After Shaving?

When it comes to shaving legs, there are a few things you need to know before you get started. First of all, if you shave your leg hair, then you will want to make sure you use a good quality blade. Using a razor that is too sharp can cause the hair to be broken or snipped.


If you use the common sense that I mentioned above, you will be able to avoid many of the shaving myths that I mentioned above. Most people think that all they need to do to grow their hair back is to use a razor that is designed for shaving your legs.