what is a critical thinking course cal states

by Jennie Emard 3 min read

Critical Thinking (Foundation): GE Category A3
In the course, students will develop the abilities to analyze, criticize, and advocate ideas to reason inductively and deductively; and to reach well-supported factual or judgmental conclusions.

What is critical thinking in psychology?

The California Critical Thinking Assessment Test. This is the most widely used, and is actually a family of tests, with different versions for different ages, educational levels and professional fields. It is based on research and is considered a reliable and objective measure of core reasoning skills. It allows test-takers to show the critical ...

What is an example of critical thinking in the workplace?

Must be met using a Philosophy class in logic, a Communication Studies class in argumentation and debate, a Political Science class in the critical analysis of political ideologies and communication, or an approved California Community College course that fulfills the Critical Thinking requirement per the college’s CSU General Education Breadth, or IGETC pattern.

Is the IGETC pattern accepted by the University of California (CSU)?

Critical Thinking (Foundation): GE Category A3 The following courses develop an understanding of logic and its relation to language; elementary inductive and deductive processes, including an understanding of the formal and informal fallacies of language and thought; ability to distinguish matters of fact from issues of judgment or opinion.

What is the American institutions and ideals requirement at California State University?

Jun 16, 2021 · Courses in thefollowing areas require a grade of " C-" or higher to earn GE credit: A.1 Oral Communication A.2 Written Communication A.3 Critical Thinking B.4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Courses in all other GE areas (including Overlay Z) equire a grade of "D" or higher to earn GE credit

What classes are considered critical thinking CSU?

A3: Critical ThinkingCOMM 200 - Intro To Communication Studies.ENGL 107 - Advanced Composition/Rhetoric.MATH 230 - Logic And Mathematical Reasoni.PHIL 130 - Logic & Phil Reasoning.PHIL 230 - Logic And Mathematical Reasoni.UNIV 105 - Empowering First Generation St.UNIV 150 - First-Year Seminar.More items...

What counts as a critical thinking course?

Concisely summarized, a “Critical Thinking” class is a 100 or 200 level course designed to help freshman and sophomore students learn key cognitive skills, attention to which will aid their success in all their course work.

What are the golden four courses for CSU?

Completion of the “Golden Four” The following semester campuses require the "Golden Four" courses (Oral Communication, Written Communication, Critical Thinking, Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning) be completed the semester before the start of the upcoming term.

What are the golden 4 requirements?

The Golden Four represent the four basic skills general education requirements (one course in each area: oral communication, written communication, critical thinking, and mathematics/quantitative reasoning). You need to have completed these four courses with a grade of "C-" or higher.

Is a critical thinking course hard?

Complexity. Critical-thinking tasks tend to be much more difficult than others in part because critical thinking needs to be built on a foundation of language and comprehension. Also, some of the issues involved when analyzing statements and arguments are quite subtle.Nov 29, 2016

What majors teach critical thinking?

5 Majors for Creative Thinkers and Critical StrategistsPre-Pharmacy. ... BIOLOGY/CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE. ... Data Science and Analytics. ... Pre-Engineering. ... Political Science.Jun 12, 2019

What is the minimum GPA for CSU?

High school GPA of 3.5 or higher in grades 10, 11, and 12. High school English GPA of 3.3 or higher. Weighted math GPA 3.5 or higher and completed an approved year-long math course beyond Algebra 2 (C- or better) High school Biology and Chemistry with grade of B (3.0 GPA) or better.Mar 8, 2022

Do you need an associate's degree to transfer to a CSU?

have earned or be completing an approved Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) at the time you apply; have completed a minimum of 18 semester or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis and an approved set of general-education requirements (CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC);

What is A3 critical thinking?

A3: Critical Thinking & Communication The purpose of GE Subarea A3 is to help students develop their reasoning skills in English by examining principles of argumentation, reasoning, and logic across the range of modalities and technologies in which composing occurs.

What classes do I need to transfer to a Cal State?

To be admitted to the California State University as an upper-division transfer (UDT) student, you must:have completed a minimum of 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable coursework;have an overall college GPA of at least 2.00; your GPA is calculated using all your transfer units attempted.More items...

What is the 7 course pattern?

The 7-course pattern includes: one course in mathematical concepts, two courses in English composition and critical thinking and four other transferable courses from the areas of arts and humanities, social/behavioral sciences and physical/biological sciences.

What is the acceptance rate for Cal State San Marcos?

79.4% (2020)California State University San Marcos / Acceptance rate

Oral Communication (Foundation): GE Category A1 (formerly A2)

The following courses will develop knowledge and understanding of the form, context, and effectiveness of oral communication. In the course, students develop proficiency in oral communication, examining communication from the rhetorical perspective and practicing reasoning and advocacy, organization, and accuracy.

Written Communication (Foundation): GE Category A2 (formerly A1)

The following courses will develop knowledge and understanding of the form, context, and effectiveness of written communication. In the course, students develop proficiency in written communication, examining communication from the rhetorical perspective and practicing reasoning and advocacy, organization, and accuracy.

Critical Thinking (Foundation): GE Category A3

The following courses develop an understanding of logic and its relation to language; elementary inductive and deductive processes, including an understanding of the formal and informal fallacies of language and thought; ability to distinguish matters of fact from issues of judgment or opinion.

What is the prerequisite for a graduate writing test?

The prerequisite for taking the WPE or enrolling in the course alternative is completion of GE Basic Skills (Block A).

What is ENGL 1050?

ENGL 1050: Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking#N#Instruction in argumentation and critical writing, critical thinking, analytical evaluation of texts, research strategies, information literacy, and proper documentation. This course integrates writing and other critical thinking activities to increase students’ learning while teaching them thinking skills for posing questions, proposing hypotheses, gathering and analyzing data, and making arguments, applicable to any discipline or interest.

What is the first year of writing?

In all first-year writing courses, students receive personal attention, detailed guidance, and ample opportunity to revise and edit their papers based on instructor feedback. Faculty commonly employ peer review, individual writing conferences, peer workshops, and portfolios, as well as maintain a close relationship with the University Writing Center, which offers one-on-one writing tutoring to students.

What is GWAR in college?

Successful completion of the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) is a prerequisite to the upper division writing course in the major. Students should contact their individual departments for more information on the courses that satisfy the upper division writing requirement in their majors.


Courses in thefollowing areas require a grade of " C-" or higher to earn GE credit:

A. Core Competencies (9 units)

Note: A grade of “C-” (1.7) or better is required in Areas A1, A2, and A3. A “D+" (1.3) or below is not sufficient to satisfy these requirements. Students must satisfy the English Placement Test (EPT) requirement prior to enrollment in any oral or written communication course.

B.4. Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (3 units)

A grade of ‘C-’ (1.7) or better is required to meet this General Education requirement. A grade of ‘D+’ (1.3) or below will not satisfy this General Education Requirement.

A. English Language Communication & Critical Thinking

Nine (9) units minimum; select 1 course from each of the 3 groups. (C or better required in all courses.)

B. Scientific Inquiry & Quantitative Reasoning

Nine (9) units minimum; select one course from each group. One course must include laboratory.

C. Arts & Humanities

Nine (9) units minimum; one course must in the ARTS and one in the HUMANITIES

D. Social Sciences

Six (6) units minimum, with courses taken in two different disciplines.#N#Note: The "American Institutions" requirement may be satisfied by taking either HIST 017 or 018, plus PS 001. AP Government credit does not count toward this requirement.


The First-Year Writing Requirement

First-Year Writing Courses

The Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement

Writing Intensive (WI) Courses Requirement

The Upper Division Writing Requirement

Descriptions For The First Course in Writing

Descriptions For The Second Course in Writing

  • ENGL 1050: Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Instruction in argumentation and critical writing, critical thinking, analytical evaluation of texts, research strategies, information literacy, and proper documentation.This course integrates writing and other critical thinking activities to increase students’ learning while teaching them thin...
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English Department Writing Elective Courses Open to All Majors