who is re-atum? course hero

by Jeffry Cummerata 4 min read

How did Atum become Ammon Ra?

Ra: Variations: Re, Ra-Harakhti, Atum, Aten, Aton, Kheph-Ra. (1) The Egyptian Sun God and Chief god of the Heliopolis pantheon. His name is so old that its original meaning is lost. He is usually depicted as a man, sometimes with a hawk's head. (2) A deity mentioned in the cry of the aethyr Zax in Liber Aervm Vel Saecvli. (3) A name which appears on the Pantacle of Frater V.I.O. in …

Is Course Hero the last of its kind?

Then Re-Atum said, ‘‘If you are pregnant, young woman, it means that you should conceal from the gods whom you are pregnant with and are giving birth to, that he is the seed of Osiris lest that enemy who slew his father should come and break the egg in its nonage 1 —the one 2 against whom the Great-of-Magic shall make protection ...

What happens if you copy from Course Hero without understanding?

The ancient sun-god Horus is absorbed and disappears, because he has merged into Atum-Re. With Atum, the Egyptian sun-theology gains a new quality. The big theological change consists in pro-claiming and preaching the Pantheon-chief Atum-Re as the "Self-Created" GOD; he is the first male god who procreates himself, actually on the "Primor-dial Mountain" Ben Ben. Atum-Re is …

How does Course Hero work?

May 19, 2018 · 7 Senwosret I led by Atum to Amun Re is an example of Answer low relief 8 How from ART 1002 at Treca Digital Academy

Can you track who is using Course Hero?

It provides a temptation to students who are looking for exam answers and want to cheat in class. You also can’t track who is using Course Hero. Often, notes are posted anonymously, so the individual who posted them cannot be tracked down.

Is Course Hero free?

Course Hero isn’t really free. While you can create an account for no cost, you can’t view anything until you pay in one of two ways: By posting materials (40 documents = 1 month free) By paying a monthly, 6 month, or yearly fee.

Is SciHub a good thing or a bad thing?

It's blocked at my university and I was just wondering what the general consensus is about this website. Happy Saturday.

People without surnames, what do you publish as?

Just curious. I don’t have a surname; my name is in the form [given name] [child of] [father’s name], and I publish as [given name] [father’s name]. What do other people do?

How important are journal publications, really?

Disclaimer: not trying to come across as arrogant or entitled, just trying to work out where I'm going wrong.

Is Stealing Ideas Common in Academia? Should I be Worried About Potential Theft?

I am attending my first conference this week, and yesterday I attended a poster session and stopped by one that belonged to an RA of a lab quite similar to mine. I was pretty excited to meet someone that's more of a "colleague" to me, since most attendees are professors/postdocs/PhD students and I was quite overwhelmed.

Depressed over mistakes in master's thesis

So this week I successfully completed my master's thesis and I'm preparing myself for the defence that scheduled to take place in a couple of days. I was going over my paper and I noticed two mistakes re the interpretation of a the P-value under a null hypothesis in my paper.

How on earth do you write a PhD research proposal? (Humanities)

I apologise for the melodrama - but I literally have no idea. Currently, I'm trying to put together an 1000-word proposal to apply for grad school, stating the research aims, significance, structure etc. for my prospective PhD. On the face of it, this shouldn't be too hard. And I've done well in research tasks before. But I am struggling.

How much choice do you have in where your job is as a professor?

Hello everyone! I'm a current undergraduate student studying physics and math, but planning to continue into grad school by studying atmospheric science. I'm strongly considering a career in academia as I believe I would love the balance between performing research and teaching students.
