which of the following σ-bonds can participate in hyperconjugation? course hero

by Prof. Jermaine Doyle I 7 min read

Which bond will participate in hyper conjugation?

Thus Iand VHydrogen bond will participate in hyper conjugation. Solve any question of Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniqueswith:- Patterns of problems

What is hyperconjugation in organic chemistry?

In organic chemistry, hyperconjugation (or σ-conjugation or +H Effect) refers to the delocalization of electrons with the participation of bonds of primarily σ-character which was first observed by Nathan and Baker.

Why is hyperconjugation more stable with more methyl groups?

The more adjacent methyl groups there are, the larger hyperconjugation stabilization is because of the increased number of adjacent C–H bonds. Hyperconjugation was suggested as the reason for the increased stability of carbon-carbon double bonds as the degree of substitution increases.

What is negative hyperconjugation?

However, sometimes, low-lying antibonding σ* orbitals may also interact with filled orbitals of lone pair character (n) in what is termed 'negative hyperconjugation'. Increased electron delocalization associated with hyperconjugation increases the stability of the system.

Which of the following σ bonds participate in hyperconjugation?

Thus I and V Hydrogen bond will participate in hyper conjugation.

What kind of orbitals can be involved in hyperconjugation?

Usually, hyperconjugation involves the interaction of the electrons in a sigma (σ) orbital (e.g. C–H or C–C) with an adjacent unpopulated non-bonding p or antibonding σ* or π* orbitals to give a pair of extended molecular orbitals.

Is hyperconjugation possible in triple bond?

As, (CH3)3 C - C ≡ CH has no hyperconjugation, the triple bond character is fully preserved and it has the highest C ≡ C character among the given alkynes.

Can hyperconjugation involves sigma pi conjugation?

Solution : Hyperconjugation, an extension of the resonance effect, involves `sigma, pi` conjugation.

In which of the following hyperconjugation is involved?

Hyper conjugation is possible in carbon containing hydrogens adjacent to sp2 hybridised carbon. Was this answer helpful?

In which of the following hyperconjugation occurs?

Explanation: Hyperconjugation can occur only in compound III as it has α-hydrogen atoms.

Is there hyperconjugation in alkyne?

Originally Answered: why hyper conjugation do not occur in alkynes ? Similar to alkenes, higher substituted alkynes are more stable than their lower substituted (terminal) isomers. The reason for this behavior is the hyperconjugation of the π orbitals with the sp3 hybrid orbitals of the alkyl groups.

Is hyperconjugation possible in alkenes?

Answer: Carbocations, free radicals, and alkenes can all undergo hyperconjugation.

How many hyperconjugation structures are possible for CH3 3C+?

No. of hyperconjugating structures = (No. of alpha H + 1) In (CH3)3C+ the no. of alpha H are 9 so total hyper-conjugating structures will be 10.

In which of the following hyperconjugation is not possible?

B does not contain any alpha carbon and H and hence it does not exhibit hyperconjugation.

Which of the following is correct related to hyperconjugation?

Among the following which is true about Hyperconjugation? Solution : Hyperconjugation involves conjugation of `sigma ` electrons of C - H bond and `pi` electrons of multiple bond. It is noticed due to delocalisation of `sigma and pi-` bonds. It is also known as nobond resonance.

What is hyperconjugation and example?

The interaction between the electrons of p systems (multiple bonds) and adjacent s bonds (single H–C bonds) of the substituent groups in organic compounds is called hypercojugation. It is a permanent effect. Example: Hypercojugation in propene.

In which of the following hyperconjugation is not possible?

B does not contain any alpha carbon and H and hence it does not exhibit hyperconjugation.

Which of the following Cannot exhibit hyperconjugation?

Hyper conjugation is not shown by compounds which do not have hydrogen attached to adjacent carbon of sp2 carbon. Was this answer helpful?

How many hyperconjugation structures are possible?

Therefore, total 6 contributing structures showing hyperconjugation are possible for the given carbocation.

Is hyperconjugation possible in alkenes?

Answer: Carbocations, free radicals, and alkenes can all undergo hyperconjugation.

Why is hyperconjugation important?

Hyperconjugation was suggested as the reason for the increased stability of carbon-carbon double bonds as the degree of substitution increases. Early studies in hyperconjugation were performed by in the research group of George Kistiakowsky. Their work, first published in 1937, was intended as a preliminary progress report of thermochemical studies of energy changes during addition reactions of various unsaturated and cyclic compounds. The importance of hyperconjugation in accounting for this effect has received support from quantum chemical calculations. The key interaction is believed to be the donation of electron density from the neighboring C–H σ bond into the π* antibonding orbital of the alkene (σ C–H →π*). The effect is almost an order of magnitude weaker than the case of alkyl substitution on carbocations (σ C–H →p C ), since an unfilled p orbital is lower in energy, and, therefore, better energetically matched to a σ bond. When this effect manifests in the formation of the more substituted product in thermodynamically controlled E1 reactions, it is known as Zaitsev's rule, although in many cases the kinetic product also follows this rule. ( See Hofmann's rule for cases where the kinetic product is the less substituted one. )

What is hyperconjugation used for?

Hyperconjugation can be used to rationalize a variety of chemical phenomena, including the anomeric effect, the gauche effect, the rotational barrier of ethane, the beta-silicon effect, the vibrational frequency of exocyclic carbonyl groups, and the relative stability of substituted carbocations and substituted carbon centred radicals, and the thermodynamic Zaitsev's rule for alkene stability. More controversially, hyperconjugation is proposed by quantum mechanical modeling to be a better explanation for the preference of the staggered conformation rather than the old textbook notion of steric hindrance.

Why was the method used by Rogers and Kistiakowsky inappropriate?

Another group led by Houk suggested the methods employed by Rogers and Kistiakowsky was inappropriate, because that comparisons of heats of hydrogenation evaluate not only conjugation effects but also other structural and electronic differences. They obtained -70.6 kcal/mol and -70.4 kcal/mol for the first and second hydrogenation respectively by ab initio calculation, which confirmed Rogers’ data. However, they interpreted the data differently by taking into account the hyperconjugation stabilization. To quantify hyperconjugation effect, they designed the following isodesmic reactions in 1-butyne and 1-butene .

What are the effects of hyperconjugative effects?

From these experiments, it can be concluded that hyperconjugative effects delocalize charge and stabilize the molecule. Further, it is the vicinal hyperconjugative effects that keep the molecule in the staggered conformation. Thanks to this work, the following model of the stabilization of the staggered conformation of ethane is now more accepted:

When was the first study of hyperconjugation published?

Their work, first published in 1937 , was intended as a preliminary progress report of thermochemical studies of energy changes during addition reactions of various unsaturated and cyclic compounds. The importance of hyperconjugation in accounting for this effect has received support from quantum chemical calculations.

What is the conjugation contribution of 1,3-butadiene?

The conjugation of 1,3- butadiene was first evaluated by Kistiakowsky, a conjugative contribution of 3.5 kcal/mol was found based on the energetic comparison of hydrogenation between conjugated species and unconjugated analogues. Rogers who used the method first applied by Kistiakowsky, reported that the conjugation stabilization of 1,3-butadiyne was zero, as the difference of Δ hyd H between first and second hydrogenation was zero. The heats of hydrogenation (Δ hyd H) were obtained by computational G3 (MP2) quantum chemistry method.

Which type of molecules proved to be the most problematic?

Kistiakowsky also investigated open chain systems, where the largest value of heat liberated was found to be during the addition to a molecule in the 1,4-position. Cyclic molecules proved to be the most problematic, as it was found that the strain of the molecule would have to be considered.
