what are the course codes at uf for international and diversity credits

by Gussie Muller V 10 min read

Does IDs 1161 count towards UF requirements?

9. Physical (P) and Biological (B) Sciences. 9. International /Diversity Focus (I) 6 credits taken in conjunction with H,S,P or B. Total Credit Requirements: 36. * Three of the six credits must be approved mathematics courses. Certain classes offer general education credit in more than one category (the same class may count as a "C" or an "H ...

What are UF Quest 1 courses?

The general education program requires the completion of two 3-credit courses, one with the diversity (D) designation and the other with the international (N) designation. Important Considerations. A minimum grade of C is required for general education credit. Courses intended to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be taken S-U.

What is a UF course equivalency on a transcript?

UF Quest 1 courses, including IDS 1161, fulfill the UF Quest 1 requirement and three credits of the general education requirement in the humanities. Some may also fulfill three credits of the diversity or international requirement and/or count toward the writing requirement. UF Quest 1 courses extend beyond any one discipline.

What happens if a course is not offered at UF?

International studies course (Critical Tracking; Category A, 3000 level or above) 3: International studies course (Critical Tracking; Category B, 3000 level or above) 3: Electives (3000 level or above, not in major, if needed) 2: 6: Elective: 3 Credits: 15: Semester Eight; INS 4930

What are the required courses for UF?

General Education Program RequirementsSubject AreaState CoreGen Ed CoursesComposition33Humanities1, 233Social & Behavioral Science1, 233Mathematics333 more rows

What is the minimum number of credits required to earn a bachelor's degree from UF?

124 creditsTo earn a bachelor's degree, a student must satisfy the following requirements: Earn at least 124 credits, up to 60 credits of which may be accepted by transfer from another college or university. The last 31 of these credits must be earned while the student is enrolled in classes in this college.

Can I get my AA at UF?

Associate of Arts Degree Although not required, students may receive an A.A. degree, which is awarded by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The degree must be awarded prior to or at the same time as the bachelor's degree. The application is available on ONE. UF.

Can you take less than 12 credits at UF?

The minimum full-time load for undergraduate students is 12 credits, including summer term. Postbaccalaureate students are considered undergraduates. Students with disabilities who are registered with the Disability Resources Center are eligible for full-time status and all the benefits thereof at or below 12 credits.

How many credits do you need to graduate college in Florida?

Students must satisfactorily complete 120 credit hours. For residency purposes, a minimum of 30 credit hours required for graduation must be completed at SCF.

Does UF require a summer semester?

The coursework does not have to be completed in one summer term. Students who bring 60 or more transfer credits to UF, regardless of institution, will be exempt from completing the summer requirement at UF.

Can I transfer to UF without AA?

FIND YOURSELF HERE. To be eligible to transfer to UF, you need to complete an Associate of Arts degree from a Florida public institution or at least 60 transferable semester credit hours from a regionally accredited institution.

What GPA do I need to transfer to University of Florida?

2.0 GPAHave a minimum 2.0 overall GPA and a minimum 2.0 GPA from your last attended institution, as calculated by UF. Have completed or will complete specific requirements for your intended major before attending UF.

What is the minimum GPA for University of Florida?

2.0 GPAMust have a minimum 2.0 overall GPA and a minimum 2.0 GPA at the last institution attended as calculated by UF. Must complete or will complete specific prerequisites for intended major before attending UF. Must be in good standing and eligible to return to any institution previously attended.

How do you check how many credits you have UF?

UF has an excess credit-hour counter to track the number of credit hours a student has attempted that apply toward the excess hours' limit. To view this counter, go to One. UF. The counter automatically updates each time a student enrolls in a credit that counts toward the excess hours' baseline limit.

How many credits should I take UF?

12 creditsThe student must be in good academic standing and may not apply more than six semester hours of correspondence credit toward a UF degree. The minimum full-time load for all undergraduate students is 12 credits....Classification of Students.ClassificationExplanation1Students with fewer than 30 credits earned.9 more rows

How many credits are considered full-time at the university of Florida?

12 credit hoursUndergraduates are considered full-time if enrolled for at least 12 credit hours, half-time if enrolled for at least six credit hours.

What is international course?

International courses provide instruction in the values, attitudes, and norms that constitute the contemporary cultures of countries outside the United States. These courses lead students to understand how geographic location and socioeconomic factors affect these cultures and the lives of citizens in other countries. Through analysis and evaluation of the students’ own cultural norms and values in relation to those held by the citizens of other countries, they will develop a cross-cultural understanding of the rest of the contemporary world.

What credits count toward completion of the general education program requirements?

AP, IB, AICE, and CLEP credit count toward completion of the general education program requirements. In general, course equivalencies are derived from the course equivalency charts from the student's year of matriculation at UF.

What are the courses in mathematics?

Courses in mathematics provide instruction in computational strategies in fundamental mathematics including at least one of the following: solving equations and inequalities, logic, statistics, algebra, trigonometry, inductive and deductive reasoning. These courses include reasoning in abstract mathematical systems, formulating mathematical models and arguments, using mathematical models to solve problems, and applying mathematical concepts effectively to real-world situations.

What is the purpose of a humanities course?

Humanities (H) Humanities courses provide instruction in the history, key themes, principles, terminology, and theories or methodologies used within a humanities discipline or the humanities in general. Students will learn to identify and to analyze the key elements, biases, and influences that shape thought.

What happens if a course does not have a common numbered equivalent?

If the course does not have a common-numbered equivalent at UF (either because UF does not offer the course or because the transferred course was not taken in the state system), then the student's college needs to evaluate the course to determine whether it fulfills a general education requirement. Back to Top.

What is composition course?

Composition courses provide instruction in the methods and conventions of standard written English (i.e. grammar, punctuation, usage) and the techniques that produce effective texts. Composition courses are writing intensive, require multiple drafts submitted to the instructor for feedback prior to final submission, and fulfill 6,000 of the university’s 24,000-word writing requirement. Course content must include multiple forms of effective writing, different writing styles, approaches and formats, and methods to adapt writing to different audiences, purposes, and contexts. Students are expected learn to organize complex arguments in writing using thesis statements, claims, and evidence to analyze writing for errors in logic.

Can you count a general education class toward one area?

Students can count a general education course toward one area only except for (D) and (N) credits, which must be earned concurrently with another area. For example, a course designated as HD can count toward both the H and D requirements, but a course designated CH can count only as C or H.

General Education Program Requirements

All undergraduate students (except those transferring to UF with an A.A. degree from a Florida public college or an A.A. certificate from a Florida public state university) are required to complete UF's general education requirement to graduate. More Info

Important Considerations

A minimum grade of C is required for general education credit. Courses intended to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be taken S-U.

Selecting General Education Courses

Students can take Gen Ed courses at the 1000-4000 levels. First-year students generally take introductory (1000/2000-level) courses. If a student has the academic background and the interest they may take more advanced courses, but they should first check the course prerequisites and/or consult an academic advisor.

Applying Incoming Credits to General Education

AP, IB, AICE, and CLEP credit count toward completion of the general education program requirements. In general, course equivalencies are derived from the course equivalency charts from the student's year of matriculation at UF.

How many credits are required for a major in UF?

The major requires 36 credits of coursework in addition to the language requirement. All courses must be completed with minimum grades of C. A minimum of 15 credits of Category A and/or B courses must be completed at UF.

How many credits are required for a major in foreign language?

The major requires 36 credits of coursework in addition to the language requirement.

How many credits do you need to take for INT?

INT majors still will need to take 9 additional credits of 3000-level electives from courses NOT approved for any INT category.) Four semesters minimum (0-20 credits) of a single modern foreign language or demonstrated proficiency equivalent to completion of the intermediate level.

What do you learn in a foreign language?

Students acquire proficiency in a modern foreign language, and knowledge of at least one major region of the world and significant global issues; are encouraged to experience living and studying abroad or working with an international organization focused on international issues; and conduct research on a global issue in conjunction with a senior research seminar, study abroad experience, or relevant internship or service learning opportunity.

What is international studies?

The International Studies interdisciplinary program provides knowledge of major international or global issues including regional and global political economies; comparative cultural and political systems; ethnicity, identity and belief systems; peace, conflict and wars; gender, culture and politics; and environment, health, and science issues.

What is a course prefix?

The course prefix is a three-letter designator for a major division of an academic discipline, subject matter area or subcategory of knowledge. The prefix is not intended to identify the department in which a course is offered. Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course.

What is equivalent course?

Equivalent courses at different institutions are identified by the same prefixes and the same last three digits of the course number and are guaranteed to be transferable between participating institutions that offer the course , with a few exceptions, as listed below in Exceptions to the General Rule for Equivalency.

Is ENC 1101 the same as ENC 2101?

For example, ENC 1101 is offered at a community college. The same course is offered at a state university as ENC 2101. A student who has successfully completed ENC 1101 at the community college is guaranteed to receive transfer credit for ENC 2101 at the state university if the student transfers.

Award of Incoming Credits

Credit will be awarded only once for the same course, whether from credit by examination, dual enrollment, transfer credit or UF course credit.

Guidelines for Credit Awarded by AICE, AP, CLEP, DLPT, DSST, IB or UEXCEL Examinations

A maximum of 45 semester hours may be granted by combining all types of test credit.

Using Transferology to Check Credits

You can see which courses will transfer by following the Transferology link.

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General Education Program Requirements

  • All undergraduate students (except those transferring to UF with an A.A. degree from a Florida public college or an A.A. certificate from a Florida public state university) are required to complete UF's general education requirement to graduate. More Info
See more on catalog.ufl.edu

Important Considerations

  1. A minimum grade of C is required for general education credit. Courses intended to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be taken S-U.
  2. Some majors require or recommend specific general education courses.
  3. Certain classes are approved to count for multiple general education program areas. Students can count a general education course toward one area only except for (D) and (N) credits, wh…
  1. A minimum grade of C is required for general education credit. Courses intended to satisfy the general education requirement cannot be taken S-U.
  2. Some majors require or recommend specific general education courses.
  3. Certain classes are approved to count for multiple general education program areas. Students can count a general education course toward one area only except for (D) and (N) credits, which must be...
  4. Study abroad courses can fulfill international credit, in addition to fulfilling credit in other subject areas. Study abroad must be approved in advance by an academic advisor and the UF Internatio...

Selecting General Education Courses

  • Students can take Gen Ed courses at the 1000-4000 levels. First-year students generally take introductory (1000/2000-level) courses. If a student has the academic background and the interest they may take more advanced courses, but they should first check the course prerequisites and/or consult an academic advisor.
See more on catalog.ufl.edu

Applying Incoming Credits to General Education

  • AP, IB, AICE, and CLEP credit count toward completion of the general education program requirements. In general, course equivalencies are derived from the course equivalency chartsfrom the student's year of matriculation at UF. Acceptable dual enrollment and other transfer credit will fulfill the general education requirements that the same UF course fulfills if th…
See more on catalog.ufl.edu