which of the following nutrients is a trace mineral? calcium copper sulfur magnesium course hero

by Jaylon Yundt 6 min read

Which of the following is a trace mineral?

chromium , copper , fluoride , iodine , iron , manganese , molybdenum , selenium , zinc and cobalt. One of the most essential trace minerals, Iron forms an important part of enzymes and proteins.

What trace minerals are found in food?

Most foods contain Selenium though the content can vary depending on the soil quality. Some of the rich sources of this trace mineral are mushrooms, seafood, Brazil nuts, whole grains, cereals, meat and dairy products. Cobalt is a key trace mineral that forms the structure of vitamin B12.

Why are the major minerals called major?

absorption bindability bioavailability mineralization C The major minerals are called "major" because they have more important roles in the body than the trace minerals. True False B Which mineral does sodium work with to help transmit nerve impulses that signal muscles to contract? magnesium chloride calcium potassium D

How many trace minerals should you take a day?

The recommended daily intake of most trace minerals ranges from 0.2 to 15 milligrams. If the body does not get enough of these critical nutrients, there is an increased risk of ailments and health problems.

What are the functions of trace minerals?

Here are some of the most essential functions trace minerals have an impact on: 1 Facilitate a number of biochemical reactions 2 Important building blocks for enzymes 3 Serve as anti-oxidants 4 Crucial for growth and development and support neurological functions 5 Support the blood system 6 Essential for some hormones 7 Required for normal gonadal development

How to get trace minerals?

Trace minerals are present in plants as they take them from the soil for their growth. So, we can get minerals by eating plants or eating animals who have eaten these plants.

Why is selenium important?

This trace mineral is important in the body for DNA production, reproduction, bone health and thyroid function. It also helps fight off infections and reduce free radical activity. Deficiency of Selenium can cause symptoms like a compromised immune function, thyroid imbalances, infertility, cardiovascular problems and brittle bones. This trace mineral plays an important role in sustaining our vitality and youth. As it decreases with age, it is important to maintain the right levels to protect the body from free radical damage and maintain longevity.

What is the role of zinc in the body?

this trace mineral plays a vital role in providing protection from free radicals, facilitating toxin elimination and maintaining the immune system. The human body uses zinc to produce DNA and proteins, to develop and repair tissues, to heal wounds and to grow. Most people get sufficient zinc from their diet though deficiency is common in undeveloped areas. Zinc deficiency can lead to skin rashes, anemia, impaired development, reduced immune function and neurological problems.

What are the health effects of Selenium?

Excess of Selenium can result in brittle nails and hair, dermatitis, discoloured teeth, diarrhea, nausea, hair and nail loss and irritability. Consuming this mineral in small amounts on a daily basis gives the best absorption in the body. Most foods contain Selenium though the content can vary depending on the soil quality. Some of the rich sources of this trace mineral are mushrooms, seafood, Brazil nuts, whole grains, cereals, meat and dairy products.

Why is manganese important for bone growth?

Manganese also influences thyroid hormone, blood sugar regulation, free radicals and cerebral function. Low levels of manganese lead to weaker bones, weight loss, slow nail and hair growth, skin rashes and blood lipids decline. Deficiencies occur in places where poor quality soil is used for cultivating food.

What is the best supplement for sports injuries?

Supplementing with manganese can treat sports injuries because it interacts directly with the immune system and boosts antioxidants in the body. Some of the best sources of this trace mineral include nuts, cereals, whole grains, tea, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and other spices.