where to view high school course codes

by Mr. Sammy Denesik 6 min read

Course codes are used to manage student course enrolments and are listed on the Alberta Official Transcript of High School Achievement, along with the course name. See a list of provincially authorized high school course codes. Contact For access to myPass call the Help Desk. MyPass access cannot be completed by email.

Full Answer

How do I find a high school code?

To find a high school code, select your country, and a state, territory, or province if US, US territories, or Canada, and enter either the city and/or high school name. High schools are listed under the actual city name, not metropolitan area. Please select a State/Territory.

What course codes should I use on my high school transcript?

The department requires that districts use the State common course codes on a students' high school transcript. Districts have the flexibility to keep local course titles and descriptions, if the course content aligns with the intent of the course and course descriptions.

When will the school code list be updated?

The list will be updated on the first of February, May, August, and November of each calendar year. Federal School Code Lists resources are listed below.

What is the course code directory?

The Course Code Directory (CCD) is a comprehensive information resource consisting of a narrative section that provides general and in-depth information on applicable laws and State Board of Education rules; explanations of requirements and policies pertaining to multiple topics, and details on the PreK-12 course numbering system.

What is your course code?

Typically, a course code includes a letter or number for each specific department; a letter or number for each specific subject (i.e., American history in the history/social studies department OR biology in the science department.)

How do you read high school course codes in Ontario?

Course codes use six characters, with the first five set by the Ministry of Education....Departments are identified by the first letter of the code:A = Arts.B = Business.C = Canadian and World Studies.E = English.F = French.G = Guidance and Career Education.H = Humanities and Social Sciences.L = International Languages.More items...•

What is a Sced code?

SCED is based on a 5-digit Course Code that provides a basic structure for classifying course content. Additional SCED elements and attributes provide descriptive information about each course.

What is a coarse code?

A coarse code is a concept that comes from connectionist cognitive science. It is an example of a distributed representation that has been discovered by some network trained to do a task. In a coarse code, an individual hidden unit represents a particular kind of property, but does so quite inaccurately.

How do course codes work?

Course Numbers The second part of a college course code is a series of numbers. These are often three digits long, but many colleges use four digits (or even five). These numbers are the main way colleges organize their course catalog. No two courses at a college will share the exact same course number.

What does E mean in class code?

E = English. F = French. G = Guidance & Career Education. H = Humanities & Social Sciences. I = Interdisciplinary Studies.

What are the key features of a single case experimental design?

Single-case experimental designs are a family of experimental designs that are characterized by researcher manipulation of an independent variable and repeated measurement of a dependent variable before (i.e., baseline) and after (i.e., intervention phase) introducing the independent variable.

What is the course title and course code?

Course Title – Write Subject Name. for example – Environment Studies. Course Code – You can easily find this in your assignment question paper. for example MEV-011.

What is a course number?

Courses are designated by two numbers, separated by a colon. The first number refers to the department or area of the course; the second number refers to the specific course. For example, in the course designated 600:111 the "600" refers to the Department of Art and the "111" refers to the course.

What does NAC stand for in high school?

NAC. National Assessment Centre. Training, Course, Medical Education. Training, Course, Medical Education.

What grade do you get credit for in high school?

High School Credit Prior to 9th grade. Schools may elect to award high school credit to students who complete high school courses before entering Grade 9 if the course is equivalent to its high school counterpart and taught by a highly qualified teacher.

What does the SCC decide after reviewing all the information?

After reviewing all the information, the SCC makes the final decision. If approved, the course information is provided to the Education Standards and Practices Board for review. They determine what level of training/education the teacher requires in order to be highly qualified to teach the course.

What is the Course Code Directory (CCD)?

The Course Code Directory (CCD) is a comprehensive information resource consisting of a narrative section that provides general and in-depth information on applicable laws and State Board of Education rules; explanations of requirements and policies pertaining to multiple topics, and details on the PreK-12 course numbering system.

New Course Submissions

The Department is currently testing a new electronic course request and review application, available through www.cpalms.org and the iCPALMS platform. This new system allows for courses to be built within the application, using the department's format for course descriptions and state standards approved by the State Board of Education.

The Subject Of The Course

The subject of the course is identified by the first three characters of the course code. The first character identifies the department area.

The Grade Level

The fourth character of the course code identifies the grade level of the course.

Course Types

The fifth character of the course code helps identify the course type. Grades 9 and 10 have one grouping of codes, while grades 11 and 12 have a separate grouping of codes.

Grades 9 & 10

The four codes for grades 9 and 10 signify different types of coursework:

Grades 11 & 12

The five codes for grade 11 and 12 signify different types of coursework:

Course Characteristics

The sixth character for course characteristics is optional and is used to distinguish the course or its delivery method. Examples may include “I” for Immersion, “R” for Regular, and “V” for E-learning.

What is the purpose of course codes?

The purpose of the common course codes is to provide consistency on high school students’ transcripts across school districts. The state course codes on public students’ transcripts will be used for accountability purposes including, but not limited to, Career and Technical Education federal reporting, migrant course history, ...

Do high school transcripts have to be state common?

Transcript Information. The department requires that districts use the State common course codes on a students’ high school transcript. Districts have the flexibility to keep local course titles and descriptions, if the course content aligns with the intent of the course and course descriptions.


The Subject of The Course

The Grade Level

  • The fourth character of the course code identifies the grade level of the course. In the sample code, ENG2DR, the fourth character “2” signifies grade 10. A fourth character 1 signifies grade 9, a character of 3 signifies grade 11, and a character of 4 signifies grade 12.
See more on blytheducation.com

Course Types

  • The fifth character of the course code helps identify the course type. Grades 9 and 10 have one grouping of codes, while grades 11 and 12 have a separate grouping of codes. Grades 9 and 10 use four codes: D for Academic, P for Applied, L for Locally Developed, and O for Open. Grades 11 and 12 use five codes: C for College; E for Workplace; M for University/College; O for Open; and …
See more on blytheducation.com

Grades 9 & 10

  • The four codes for grades 9 and 10 signify different types of coursework: 1. D = Academic courses in grades 9 and 10 cover standard core content for the subject and emphasize theory and conceptual learning. The sample course, ENG2DR, falls under this category. 2. P = Applied courses focus on the basic concepts, offering content that covers the essentials and concrete a…
See more on blytheducation.com

Grades 11 & 12

  • The five codes for grade 11 and 12 signify different types of coursework: 1. C = College preparation courses are designed to prepare students for meeting traditional college entrance requirements. Courses focus on theory, critical thinking, research, and problem-solving skills. 2. E = Workplace preparation courses are geared toward moving students into the workplace or appr…
See more on blytheducation.com

Course Characteristics

  • The sixth character for course characteristics is optional and is used to distinguish the course or its delivery method. Examples may include “I” for Immersion, “R” for Regular, and “V” for E-learning. In the sample code, ENG2DR, the sixth character is one used by Blythe Academy. Blythe Academy uses only one characteristic code, “R,” which signifies a course is an Accelerated Repeat Course…
See more on blytheducation.com