according to a course in miracles why does god let us suffer

by Claudine Medhurst 8 min read

God came to earth and suffered with us in His pursuit of us. He didn’t give a lecture on why suffering exists, rather He says I’m with you and I will not leave you. His promise is that one day it will end, but until then He will be with us. One day it will all make sense. But in the meantime, we do not suffer alone.

Full Answer

Why does suffering exist in the Bible?

His desire is that no one would perish, but that everyone would be reunited with Him (1 Peter 3:9). God is waiting, He’s being patient, He’s continually pursuing those far from Him in hopes they will return to Him. Suffering exists because the story is not over. God is still pursuing His people.

How should we react to suffering like Jesus?

The example of Christ’s suffering in 1 Pet 2:24 also clarifies Peter’s point in 1 Pet 2:21: We should react to suffering like Jesus did, being willing to suffer for other people. When we suffer, we share something in common with Jesus.

Is the problem of reconciling human suffering with the existence of God?

The problem of reconciling human suffering with the existence of a God who loves, is only insoluble so long as we attach a trivial meaning to the word “love”, and look on things as if man were the centre of them. Man is not the centre. God does not exist for the sake of man.

What is the message of unity in suffering?

In suffering there is a message of unity. Jesus prayed “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You” (John 17:21). And that’s the way we ought to be as Christians, one in Christ. If you have been born into the family of God, you are a child of God.

What is the purpose of A Course in Miracles?

A Course in Miracles (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman. The underlying premise is that the greatest "miracle" is the act of simply gaining a full "awareness of love's presence" in a person's life.

Why did God let us experience trials and tragedies in this life?

God sometimes allows trials in our lives because He wants to test our faith, to see if we are truly willing to follow Him no matter the cost. Though they can be indescribably difficult, we can stand firm and know that it will not last forever and that with His help, we can make it through.

What is a miracle According to A Course in Miracles?

A Course in Miracles calls such change of belief and changes of perception- from false ones to a correct one - A Miracle. “Miracles rearrange perception, and place the levels of perception in true perspective. This heals at all levels, because sickness comes from confusing the levels”

Where is God when you are suffering?

When we are suffering, God is right beside us.

Why does God allow hard and painful circumstances?

God loves us, but because of our sinful nature, He allows these things to happen. He knows that by allowing us to experience failure, pain, and struggle, we will grow stronger in our faith and to become closer to Him and moving away from sin.

What does God say about suffering?

Suffering is a product of the fall, a consequence of human sin against God (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21). Suffering is in our lives because we are living in a broken world. Some suffering is due to our sinful and wrong choices, but some is due simply to the world being fallen.

How long does it take to complete a course in miracles?

It was originally published as three books. It is a text with 31 chapters in it. It has a Workbook for Students that include 365 workbook lessons in it. It takes one year to complete.

How long is a course in miracles?

This edition is the new 3rd edition by the original publisher. The text is 669 pages, with a 488-page workbook for students with a lesson for each day that clarifies the very complex text, a 92-page manuel for teachers, and a 22-page supplement.

What year was A Course in Miracles published?

1976A Course in Miracles / Originally published

What did Jesus say about pain and suffering?

In the face of human suffering, rather than asking why, Jesus swung into action and healed all kinds of sicknesses; he raised the dead and consoled the afflicted and comforted the broken-hearted; he forgave sinners, liberated those in the power of the devil, and welcomed the oppressed and rejected (Cf. Matthew 9:35).

Where does God hurt the most?

Where is God when it hurts? He is in us—not in the things that hurt—helping to transform bad into good. We can safely say that God can bring good out of evil; we cannot say that God brings about the evil in hopes of producing good.”

How do you tell if God is punishing you?

Signs that God is Punishing YouYour wrongdoings are exposed. God is love, but He is also just. ... You suffer from the consequence of what you did. ... You are haunted by guilt. ... What you did backfire at you. ... You go back to zero. ... You are being humbled. ... The discipline causes you repentance. ... It leads you to change.

What does trial and tribulation mean in the Bible?

Definition of trials and tribulations formal. : difficult experiences, problems, etc. the trials and tribulations of starting a new business.

Who had trials in the Bible?

Senior Living NewsJOB. Perhaps no Bible character has suffered more than Job. ... DAVID. David is a Bible character who is no stranger to hard times. ... MOSES. Moses is another Bible character who suffered several instances of hard times. ... PETER. In Mark 14:26-31, Peter talks about how he would never deny Jesus.

How do you overcome trials in life?

How to Overcome Trials in LifeNEVER give up. Sure, there may be days where you need to allow a retreat, a pity party but ultimately you only allow it short term. ... Move forward. ... One step at a time. ... Be present. ... Give yourself permission to have hard days. ... Don't ride the roller coaster. ... Never lose hope.

Why does God allow financial hardship?

God is working to display His glory in our financial limitations. This is true not only because it forges our character to become more like Christ, but also because it allows us to be witnesses of Christ to those who do not know Him.

Where does Jesus see our suffering?

Jesus suffered and died for us on the cross, but God raised Him from the dead. Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father , and He sees our suffering. He sees our life every day and knows exactly where we stand. The Bible teaches that we are to be patient in suffering.

Why do we have sin?

All of our problems and our suffering, including death itself, are a result of man’s rebellion against God. But God has provided a rescue in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. That’s why Christ died on the cross. That’s why He rose from the dead.

What does the Bible say about being patient?

The Bible teaches that we are to be patient in suffering. That’s the hardest thing of all, to be patient, to have songs in the night. Ask God to help you have a trusting, patient attitude, and flee from bitterness. In suffering there is also, I believe, a message of warning.

What does the Bible say about the fire?

The Bible says, “Great is the mystery of godliness” (1 Timothy 3:16). When I was asked to explain the tragedy of the fire at the MGM Grand Hotel, I had to say, “There’s a mystery to tragedies like this. We don’t know the answer.”. And we may never know until God explains all things to us.

Why do we comfort others?

Because tragedy happened to you, it gives you a greater sense of oneness with others who experience tragedy. You can feel for them in that suffering situation. Because we have been comforted through the Word of God, we in turn may be able to comfort others.

What does Jesus say about compassion?

I saw compassion in action. In suffering there is a message of unity. Jesus prayed “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You” (John 17:21). And that’s the way we ought to be as Christians, one in Christ. If you have been born into the family of God, you are a child of God.

What does God say about physical death?

God said, “If you take that position, you will suffer and die.”. Man took that position, and he began to suffer, and he has been dying ever since. Physical death is just the death of the body, but the spirit lives on. If your spirit is separated from God for eternity, it will be lost forever.

Why do we need to suffer like Jesus?

It is not that we need to suffer just like Jesus. Because Christ suffered and “bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed” (2:24). The last line of 1 Pet 2:24 is an allusion to the servant in Isaiah.

Why don't we have to endure ultimate suffering?

We don’t have to endure ultimate suffering—separation from God— because of the ultimate sufferer’s actions. All we have to do is believe, and then begin “living for righteousness” (the right purposes) ( 1 Pet 2:24 ). The example of Christ’s suffering in 1 Pet 2:24 also clarifies Peter’s point in 1 Pet 2:21: We should react to suffering like Jesus ...

What does Jesus say about the future?

All of Jesus’ sayings are about how God will vindicate His people—what He will do for them in the future. In His next statement, Jesus even echoes Peter’s logic in 3:9: “ Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” ( Matt 5:7 NIV). If you show mercy, God will be merciful.

What is the suffering of 1 Pet 2:24?

The example of Christ’s suffering in 1 Pet 2:24 also clarifies Peter’s point in 1 Pet 2:21: We should react to suffering like Jesus did, being willing to suffer for other people. When we suffer, we share something in common with Jesus. We have an opportunity to show people Christ’s faithfulness in how we react.

How did Peter direct the words of Isaiah?

Peter directs the words of Isaiah at his community by exchang ing the pronoun “we” for “you”: “By his wounds you have been healed.”. Jesus bore our sin and lifted our iniquities so that we will no longer be separated from God ( 1 Pet 2:24; Isa 53:8 ).

Why did Peter's audience suffer at the hands of other people?

Peter’s audience was suffering at the hands of other people, because they believed in Jesus. If you have endured persecution for Christ, you know how traumatic it can be. Peter offers some advice: following the example of his Savior, he encourages us not to repay evil for evil or insult for insult.

Why did Peter suffer?

Reason 1: Peter’s Experience. The apostle Peter understood suffering from identifying with Jesus and his years serving the fledgling church. Sometimes his suffering was self-induced, caused by his own mistakes. The simple, rugged fisherman failed when he took his eyes off Jesus while walking on the water.

Why does God do miracles?

God does miracles in order to teach us. Theologians call this the “pedagogical purpose” of miracles (from the Greek paideuo, “to bring up, educate”). John had this in mind when he called the miracles of Jesus “signs.”. A sign is something that points beyond itself to something greater. All of Jesus’ miracles teach us something about his nature, ...

What does the Gospels say about miracles?

The Gospels record that the report of miracles went out through the land, causing people to want to hear Jesus for themselves (Matthew 9:26, 31; Mark 5:20; Luke 5:15; John 4:30, 42; 6:2; 12:9–11, 17–19). Luke writes, “When the crowds heard Philip and saw the signs he performed, they all paid close attention to what he said” (Acts 8:6).

What did Jesus do to Peter's mother-in-law?

Jesus found Peter’s mother-­in-­law lying sick with a fever. He “took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her” (Mark 1:31). As soon as she was healed, Mark says that “she began to wait on them.” In this case, her sickness was a hindrance to her service to the Lord Jesus, so the Lord healed her. Yet sometimes the Lord does not choose to remove a hindrance to ministry by healing but gives grace to bear the hindrance while still engaging in service (see 2 Corinthians 12:7; 1 Timothy 5:23).

What kingdom did the miracles happen in?

Unlike the Old Testament period in which only a few prophesied or worked miracles in any one generation, these miraculous phenomena would be distributed widely across the people of God in the messianic kingdom. These miraculous phenomena were not simply signs of the kingdom of God; they were an essential part of it.

What does the power of God do to drive out demons mean?

The power to drive out demons is not simply a sign that the kingdom is here, but an essential part of the rule of God. For Jesus came “to destroy the devil’s work” (1 John 3:8). Miracles and the kingdom of God are inseparably linked. Wherever the kingdom was preached in the New Testament, miracles were performed.

What is a sign in Jesus' miracles?

A sign is something that points beyond itself to something greater. All of Jesus’ miracles teach us something about his nature, ministry, and kingdom. When Jesus turned the water into wine, for example, he was not just demonstrating his power over nature; he was showing us a common characteristic of his kingdom.

What does the Bible say about healing Malchus' ears?

Today there are times when the Lord heals someone we never would have expected him to heal, or he does it in a way we would not expect, and he gives no reason for it.

Who wrote the course in Miracles?

Definition: (also referred to as ACIM or the Course) is a book scribed and edited by Helen Schucman, with portions transcribed and edited by William Thetford, containing a curriculum to bring about what it calls a “spiritual transformation”. … Schucman believed that the “inner dictation” came from Jesus. A Course in Miracles is the name of a book that was written by a channeled spirit, who claimed to be Jesus – demonic revelation.

What does the Bible say about death?

While the Course denies the reality of death, the Bible teaches that every person will die : Hebrews 9:27.

Is Jesus' body an illusion?

The Course claims Jesus’ body was an illusion. The Bible, however, stresses the physical reality of Jesus’ human body: John 1:14

Is Jesus the only Savior?

According to the Course, Jesus is not the only Savior. The Bible presents Jesus as the unique and only Savior of the world: John 14:6, Acts 4:10-12, Acts 16:29-31.

Why do we feel weak and vulnerable?

The ego’s highest priority is independence, and the idea of being dependent is repulsive to the ego. Yet this very independence from God is what makes us feel weak and vulnerable because we have lost awareness of God’s strength in us.

Why does the Sonship tell us we don't go home alone?

If we do not realize we have been given all of Love (God), our perception is distorted. Because the Sonship is one, if any part of the Sonship is asleep to the truth, it affects the whole . That is why the Course often tells us that we don’t go Home alone.

What does it mean when it says "only love creates and only like itself"?

Only Love creates, and only like Itself.” (W-pII.11.1:1-2) The ego, on the other hand makes illusions. When it says, “You can make an empty shell, but you cannot express nothing at all,” (1:4 italics added) it means the ego can make the body, which is an empty shell, but this empty shell can still be used by the Holy Spirit as a medium ...

Why do we remember our true identity?

As we open to miracles, we remember our true Identity as an extension of God’s Love and become aware of the universal abundance of Love in everyone. We remember everyone is the same Love because God gives all Love to all equally.

Can illusions be solid?

But being illusions, they can never really provide a solid foundation.

Can we change God's creation?

We cannot change God’s Creation and we cannot change God. As we learn to accept Creation as It is and not try to change It, we release ourselves from the tyrannous and limiting control of the ego and we place our mind under God, or true Authority.

Can we change God's eternal extension of love?

The truth is we cannot change God and we cannot change God’s eternal extension of Love, Which is called the Son of God or the Sonship.

What is the course in Miracles about?

A Course in Miracles teaches that there is only one problem in the world, and that is guilt. Therefore, it focuses primarily on our feelings of guilt, teaching us how to identify them and undo them.

Is A Course in Miracles a New Age book?

Kenneth Wapnick has maintained over the years that A Course in Miracles is not a New Age spirituality but rather has its intellectual roots in much earlier intellectual traditions, including the teachings of Plato, Neoplatonism, and the higher teachings of Gnosticism. The following are excerpts from a letter Kenneth had sent to the Library of Congress sometime in the 1990’s, requesting that they no longer classify the Course and Kenneth’s books under the category New Age. Kenneth’s efforts were successful.

Why was the course in Miracles published?

Schucman died in February 1981 and Thetford in 1988. The primary reason for the Course is the "Correcting of the errors of Christianity. ...

What does the course in Miracles mean?

A Course in Miracles likens us to sunbeams thinking we're separate from the sun, or waves thinking we're separate from the ocean. Just as a sunbeam can't separate itself from the sun, and a wave can't separate itself from the ocean, we can't separate ourselves from one another. We are all part of a vast sea of love, one indivisible divine mind.

What is the meaning of Jesus Christ of the Course?

The Jesus of the Course explains, "There is nothing about me that you cannot attain. This leaves me in a state which is only potential in you.

What is the purpose of the course in Miracles?

To foster spiritual development through the study and practice of A Course In Miracles, a set of three books channeled by Jesus. teach the Course's reinterpretation of traditional Christian principles such as sin, suffering, forgiveness, Atonement, and the meaning of the Crucifixion...". (Foundation for A Course In Miracles, "Forgiveness," ...

When revelation of your oneness comes, it will be known and fully understood?

One learns all this by "Revelation induces only experience" ( Text, p. 7) "When revelation of your oneness comes, it will be known and fully understood" (Workbook, p. 324). This is the mystical panenthism experience where ones worldview changes by new knowledge, called the paradigm shift.

Is man still in heaven?

In actuality, man is still in heaven. It is simply the illusion of sin and death that have caused false senses of reality. However, when man gains his Christ consciousness as Jesus did, then according to the Course, man will also discover the illusion of sin.".
