what is zzz 0000 course

by Emery Barton 5 min read

What does 0zzz mean in comics?

Zzz is commonly used in comic books to indicate that someone is sleeping. It has also become a part of the idiom catch some Zs, which means to sleep.

Is Zzz capitalized in a sentence?

Henry David Thoreau was the first writer to represent nonvocal sounds with the letter Z, but he was writing about the sound of crickets, not snoring. There are no firm rules about capitalizing zzz.

Why is Zzz capitalized for snoring?

It’s unclear why zzz came to represent snoring. Henry David Thoreau was the first writer to represent nonvocal sounds with the letter Z, but he was writing about the sound of crickets, not snoring. There are no firm rules about capitalizing zzz.