things to think about when teaching a course

by Ivory Littel 8 min read

Teaching a course at any level requires knowledge, authority and the ability to anticipate and answer questions. Your students will expect to learn things they did not know, and to attain the tools necessary to continue learning in whatever subject you are teaching. You may be teaching in front of a few students, in a large lecture hall or online.

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What should I think about when preparing to teach a course?

You should take time to think about who you will be teaching, how your course fits within their studies, and about the facilities and resources that you have access to as an instructor. Who are my students (i.e., age range, program of study, year of study, experience)?

What do your students expect you to teach them?

Your students will expect to learn things they did not know, and to attain the tools necessary to continue learning in whatever subject you are teaching. You may be teaching in front of a few students, in a large lecture hall or online.

How can I learn more about teaching?

Talk to other instructors about your course. You can learn a lot about teaching by discussing ideas with other instructors. Talking to instructors who have taught the same or similar courses can help you when you are planning your syllabus and lesson plans. You can also gain ideas from them throughout the term.

What do you need to teach in a class?

For example, your state board of education will have rules about what you need to teach in class. Write a class schedule to cover everything in your syllabus, including the focus of each class and the dates of major exams and assignments. You may also want to include things like quizzes and presentations to assess your students along the way.

How do you prepare to teach a course?

To design an effective course, you need to:Consider timing and logistics.Recognize who your students are.Identify the situational constraints.Articulate your learning objectives.Identify potential assessments.Identify appropriate instructional strategies.Plan your course content and schedule.

What 3 things do teachers want to know about their students?

What Good Teachers Know About Their StudentsNative language.Critical medical needs.IEP/504s/Giftedness, and other services.Living Situation”, including religious beliefs, safety, food, family, access to books, technology, etc.Grade Point Average & academic strengths.Favorite subjects.Reading levels & reading habits.More items...

What are the 3 most important skills or attributes that teachers must have in order to successfully reach and teach all students?

Traits of a good teacher.Patience. Every student will have their own unique struggles. ... Empathy. Empathy is an important quality for teachers. ... Drive for self-improvement. A great teacher should be able to look at themselves objectively and see where they can improve. ... Adaptable.

What are the teaching criteria of your course?

Proper planning. Planning is the first criteria of a good teaching. ... Arouse the interest to learn: A good teaching does not mean only to provide information to the students. ... Give necessary information: ... Individual differences: ... Sympathetic: ... Co-operative: ... Democratic atmosphere: ... Progressive:More items...

What is the most important thing that a teacher must have?

Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do. Without a solid foundation and relationships built on trust and respect, no quality learning will happen. While I believe the importance of relationships cannot be over stated, many teachers have no idea where to start.

What are 2 core teaching strategies?

With that said, here are a few essential core teaching strategies that will help make you a great teacher.Behavior Management. Getty/Banksphotos. ... Student Motivation. ... Getting-to-Know You Activities. ... Parent Teacher Communication. ... Brain Breaks. ... Cooperative Learning: The Jigsaw. ... The Multiple Intelligence Theory.

What are the top 5 qualities of a teacher?

Top 5 Qualities of Effective Teachers, According to TeachersAbility to develop trusting, productive relationships. The most frequent response is that a great teacher develops relationships with students. ... Patient, caring, kind. ... Knowledge of learners. ... Dedication to teaching. ... Subject matter knowledge.

What are the 10 qualities of a good teacher?

Qualities of Effective TeachersLove Their Students. ... Listen to Students. ... Make Time for Each Student. ... Learn Something New Every Day. ... Fill the Classroom with Positivity. ... Patiently Handle Challenging Situations. ... Constantly Look for Ways to Become Better. ... Collaborate with Other Teachers.More items...•

What are the 5 most important characteristics of a teacher?

Characteristics of a good teacher.Patient and approachable. They say that 'patience is a virtue', and this couldn't be more true for teachers. ... Enthusiastic. ... Strong communication skills. ... Strong knowledge and a solid education. ... Disciplined and professional.

What are the 12 principles of teaching?

Terms in this set (14)Twelve Principles of Effective Teaching. and Learning. ... knowledge of the subject matter. essential to the implementation of important teaching tasks.Interaction. ... taking responsibility. ... many roads. ... expect more. ... cooperation. ... meaningful.More items...

What are effective teaching skills?

Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

What is effective teaching?

Effective teaching is a term used to describe the knowledge, strategies and conduct of a successful educator. It's the ability to make a positive impact on a student's life and academic career, including the capacity to teach important skill sets, introduce new concepts and manage any classroom concerns.

What are the methods of teaching?

Teaching methods include lecturing, facilitating discussions, inviting in guest lecturers, guiding group activities, and organizing many different types of active learning exercises both in and out of the classroom. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How to identify learning outcomes?

To identify the learning outcomes for a course, consider what you want your students to leave the course knowing, thinking, feeling, and/or able to do. List four to six main outcomes and be as specific as possible. The time you spend identifying and articulating the outcomes can pay off in many ways. It can mean less time spent selecting and/or ...

What are the areas of the course evaluation model?

The questions are organized into the five interrelated areas of the model depicted below: Intended Learning Outcomes, Context, Content, Teaching Methods, and Assessment Methods . Course evaluation processes should inform ongoing design decisions as will your philosophy of teaching and learning. Feel free to enter the model wherever it makes sense to you. For each issue area, continually consider how your answers mesh with and/or help you to identify your overarching intended learning outcomes for the course. Also, remember to keep in mind the interrelationships among the five components. For example, if you chose to respond to the course evaluation by changing one component, you should double check your overall course design to ensure that your plans are still realistic and achievable.

How many hours does the Faculty of Math teach?

The Faculty of Math advises 8 to 9 hours per course per week.

How many hours per week is extended learning?

The Centre for Extended Learning advises 10 to 12 hours per course per week.

How to get students to be more comfortable with back and forth?

Another strategy is through in-person conferences. A back-and-forth discussion requires students to face specific criticisms head-on. It also allows them to become more comfortable with defending their work while staying composed -- a valuable skill in any field. While in-person conferences do require more time from both the student and professor, a conversation lasting even 15 minutes can help.

How long does it take to introduce a class?

But in small classes, introductions take just three to five minutes. Large lectures are more difficult, but TAs can effectively administer that process in discussion sections. Just taking time at the start of each class to have students introduce themselves can have invaluable effects in and beyond the classroom.

What did Joe Venuta learn?

Joe Venuta (B.A. 2018), a philosophy major: One valuable lesson I’ve learned has been how to approach negative feedback. Specifically, I have come to realize the value in engaging with criticism and improving the work on which it is given. And I would not have discovered this without professors whose classes required me to do so.

Why do professors cover solutions in their entirety?

By covering solutions in their entirety, professors allow their students to focus on absorbing the complex new information in front of them. That frees students to ask questions and leaves them with complete examples in their notes, which can be crucial when they are trying to solve similar problems in their homework or when studying for exams.

How to get students to process negative feedback?

My professors have used two main strategies for inducing students to process negative feedback. One was to require the submission of a draft in advance. While successful students often work through multiple drafts anyway, submitting a draft for review forces them to consider major weaknesses in their assignment that they may otherwise overlook. In addition, submitting an improved final draft after responding to any criticism can help show students the value and achievability of addressing shortcomings.

How should professors use STEM?

Christian Cuevas, a senior majoring in computer science: One strategy that more professors should use, especially in STEM classes but also anytime a complex solution or process needs to be explained, is to explain all the details. While that can result in professors covering information that may seem painfully obvious to them, it saves students confusion. When professors skip over steps of a problem and only focus on those they feel are the most crucial or important, it puts the burden on students to connect the dots in their heads, while still trying to pay attention to the stream of information in the lecture.

Why should instructors publicize student comments?

One point of publicizing these students’ comments is just to provide good additions to the instructors’ toolbox. Of course, for any suggestion, the instructor has to reflect on whether it will work for them, in their discipline and in their situation. The second point is to encourage administrators and instructors to seek out and disseminate considered student suggestions. Thoughtful students are invaluable resources when we are looking to improve, and their insights are solicited too rarely.

What is the best idea to add to a course?

The best idea is to add a little bit of everything to the course; these could be the videos with text transcriptions . Also, adding graphics is a nice way to spice things up and make sure all students will be happy with the way the content looks.

What does a course look like?

Your course can look like a number of posts, letters, etc., with nothing but plain text. On the upside, your students can go over the posts when they are in hurry, without having to specifically dedicate their time to eLearning. Also, these posts will be easy to make, and you’ll get a chance to save more time for promotion.

What is video elearning?

Video eLearning course design is on the wave right now. Recording videos is a way to show step-by-step actions and explain everything clearly. Such a course can be aesthetically appealing and worth every dime a student pays for it.

How to make sure you always keep track of time?

To make sure you always keep track of time, set a deadline for every stage, for example when writing the content, formatting the course, and promoting activities . With these deadlines in mind, it will be easier to follow through with such an impressive product as an online course.

What to consider before starting an eLearning course?

However, here are the 7 main things to consider before you start custom eLearning course development. 1. Choose The Right Topic. The most common advice is "choose a topic you have a lot of experience in". However, sometimes, it’s better to deviate from the saying and turn it into "teach about something you would love to learn yourself".

Why is it important to take an online course?

An online course is a commitment. It’s important to have every step on the way planned in advance to save yourself from stressing out in the process. The topic is the core of the course. Choose something you’re passionate about and wouldn’t mind investing a lot of your time into.

Is having a few competitors good?

Having a few competitors is good for one thing; it means the topic is needed. Also, you can follow in their footsteps while planning your own online course. Keep in mind, however, that a few powerful competitors can completely overpower your content. If you have a few of these, it might be better to consider a different topic.

How do teachers make a difference?

We make a difference by caring about them as people, seeing and responding to them as individuals, and building safe, respectful places in our classrooms. Every now and then you will learn what a difference you made in a particular student’s life, but even when you don’t hear it directly from a student or family, you are making a difference—and that feels great.

What are some good things to do with kids?

1. Seeing how kids think. Kids have amazing ideas and perspectives. It’s fascinating to hear how they approach problems and explain concepts in their own words. I love the creative ideas they come up with for art and writing and building and the connections. 2.

Why is it important to be ready for change?

Being ready for change is key when you are moving into something new, and your mindset as you go in is incredibly important. As you consider taking a new position, there are, of course, the big concerns. But don’t overlook the smaller things as well. While these may seem trivial now, the small things can quickly add up.

Why do you need a growth mindset?

Of course, you want to approach the idea of a new position with a growth mindset –embrace the challenge and give yourself the opportunity to get better! You will need that mindset to set yourself up for success because you will be in a new environment with new people, new students, and new expectations. Being ready for change is key when you are moving into something new, and your mindset as you go in is incredibly important.

Can you get credit for years of school experience?

No matter how much experience you have, you will be the new kid on the block. Some districts will only give you credit for so many years of experience, and it can actually force you to take a pay cut when you switch to a new district. In addition, if you are a department chair, or have a leadership position in your school, that likely will not be waiting for you in a new position. Are you okay without it?

Can you keep in touch with your current job?

It can be tough to give up the relationships, the camaraderie, and the sense of belonging you have established in your current job. Yes, you can keep in touch if you leave, but those relationships will not be the same as if you were still seeing those people every day.

What to do if you get a performance review?

If you get performance reviews, try not to think of it as negative criticism. With or without formal reviews, ask for feedback regularly on your work, perhaps using the 30 percent rule.

Is criticism the best way to grow?

As awkward as criticism can be, though, being critiqued is often the best way to grow. I learned what I was good at (improvising) and what I needed to work on (timing). It's hard to see yourself as others do, but crucial if you want to improve your work and relationships.

Is teaching a rewarding job?

Teaching is one of the most challenging, underrated, and yet often deeply rewarding professions you could go into. There's a lot you can learn from trying to teach a room full of (mostly) disinterested students. Here are some of the biggest lessons I learned and am still applying today.

Is teaching college hierarchical?

Teaching college is no longer hierarchical with the teacher imparting their knowledge from above to the students below. In various disciplines (like technology, which I taught), students often know more than teachers. It's humbling. But it's also exciting. If I can learn something from my students, teaching becomes a conversation—a dialogue. And through that dialogue students can learn how to present their ideas in a clear and concise way. And, if they can teach the teacher, it's exciting and encourages them.

Do teachers work off of lesson plans?

Some teachers work great off of their lesson plans. I, on the other hand, despite all my planning, tended to impulsively veer from the program. That didn't make my lesson plans useless, though. As Dweight Eisenhower has said, "In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable."

What is the advantage of teaching in higher education?

Teachers in Higher Education retain a very significant advantage over teachers in other branches of education: their control over the curriculum… . Much of the creativity and power in teaching lies in the design of the curriculum; the choice of texts and ideas which become the focus of study, the planning of experiences for students and ...

What are learning outcomes?

Learning outcomes are statements of what skills, knowledge, or learning a student will have once they have completed the module.#N#Many learning objectives are based on a hierarchical model of learning first articulated by Bloom in the 1950s. Bloom’s model has been critiqued and modified since then, but it is still useful for thinking about learning outcomes.

Is designing your own modules rewarding?

Designing your own modules is a hugely rewarding experience and I hope that these three key tips will be helpful for your future planning.

What is the pathway to becoming a teacher?

Some graduates of the Think about Teaching Foundation Certificate will gain entry to Bachelor of Education (or ‘B.Ed’) programmes which lead, on successful completion, to a teacher qualification. Most graduates of the programme will progress to Bachelor ...

What is a B.A. in teaching?

Most graduates of the programme will progress to Bachelor of Arts degree (often called a ‘B.A’ ) which, on successful completion, will allow them to apply for any three of the postgraduate teaching qualification programmes (i.e., primary, secondary, further education). You will be asked, on application for the Foundation Certificate, ...

What is the school of education in Ireland?

The School of Education is unique in Ireland in having four academic departments which cover teacher education and development from early childhood, through to primary, secondary and further education. Pathways to teaching. There are a number of pathways to becoming a teacher.


Intended Learning Outcomes

Identifying and articulating intended learning outcomes is key to successful course planning. To identify the learning outcomes for a course, consider what you want your students to leave the course knowing, thinking, feeling, and/or able to do. List four to six main outcomes and be as specific as possible. The time you spen…
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Contextual Issues

  • There are many contextual issues that will affect how you shape your course. You should take time to think about who you will be teaching, how your course fits within their studies, and about the facilities and resources that you have access to as an instructor.
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Content Issues

  • Choosing what to cover in a course can be very intimidating – there are often so many different ideas and perspectives to choose from within each topic! Here are a few questions to think about when you are narrowing down your choices.
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Assessment Issues

  • There are many different types of assessment designed for use in a university course (see the CTE Teaching Tip “Types of Assignments and Tests”) and the key is to choose assessments that allow you to evaluate whether students have attained the outcomes you have set out. 1. What assessment tools will I use (i.e., assignments, exams, projects, collaborative work, peer assess…
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Teaching Methods Issues

  • Teaching methods include lecturing, facilitating discussions, inviting in guest lecturers, guiding group activities, and organizing many different types of active learning exercises both in and out of the classroom. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. You need to select methods that support your plans for the course and that help students be able to do the assess…
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  1. CTE Teaching Tip: Course Design Heuristic
  2. CTE Teaching Tip: Course Content Selection and Organization
  3. CTE Teaching Tip: Creating Course Outlines
  4. CTE Teaching Tip: Course Design: Planning a Class
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