what is the linked course to hist 125 gmu

by Mrs. Jenifer West 10 min read

What is considered an upper level course GMU?

Upper Level. Students seeking a bachelor's degree must apply at least 45 credits of upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above) toward graduation requirements. Mason Core (formerly University General Education).

What is GMU Capstone?

The capstone portfolio is a compilation of academic work and other forms of educational evidence assembled for the purpose of (1) evaluating coursework quality, learning progress, and academic achievement; and (2) determining whether students have met learning standards or other academic requirements for courses and ...

What is a distance education section GMU?

Distance or online education provides students with the opportunity to take the same classes offered on campus through different delivery methods such as fully online synchronous and asynchronous classes, or hybrid and blended classes (learn more). Currently enrolled Mason students can take online courses.

Can you take a prerequisite at the same time GMU?

5. Required Prerequisites indicate any course which you must first successfully pass (with the indicated minimum grade). 'May be taken concurrently' indicates that you may also register for the prerequisite course at the same time.

What is capstone practicum?

Practicum / Capstone The Practicum is a culminating experience where the student prepares a final report describing, evaluating and reflecting on the Practicum experience and outcomes thereby demonstrating a deep understanding of the chosen topic and how it impacts the larger community.

What is Capstone in health administration services?

A capstone allows the student an opportunity to synthesize, integrate, and apply the skills and competencies acquired to a public health problem. Master of Science and Master of Arts in Public Health programs often require either a Capstone or a Culminating Experience.

Is George Mason a good school?

George Mason University has five programs in the top 100 in the world in the latest Academic Rankings of World Universities. The university also gained in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Is George Mason fully online?

In hybrid online courses, 51 to 99 percent of scheduled class time is online, with the rest requiring face-to-face meetings. For fully online courses, 100 percent of class time is online, although you might have to come to campus for orientation, tests, final exams, or labs.

What is distance education section?

Distance education means the teaching of a course section when the instructor is not in the presence of the students.

How do you double major at George Mason?

Students interested in a double major must meet with an advisor in each department and will need to have the Change/Declaration of Academic Program form signed by both departments. Minors normally require 15-21 hours. To pursue a minor, please see an advisor in that academic department.

What is Dean's List GMU?

5.5 Dean's List. Students in degree status who take at least 6 credits in a semester and earn a semester GPA of 3.50 or higher merit placement on the Dean's List.

Can you have two minors GMU?

Many minors require an advisor's signature to declare. If you would like to earn two or more minors, see an advisor in each academic department. To earn two degrees a student completes the requirements for two different types of degrees, such as a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science.

How many credits do you need to take HIST 300?

History majors strongly urged to take HIST 300 as soon as possible after reaching 30 credits. Grade of C or better is required to graduate with BA in history. Students may repeat HIST 300 only with permission from the Department of History and Art History and repetitions are limited. Offered by History & Art History.

How many credits are in HIST 359?

This course is graded on the Undergraduate Regular scale. HIST 359: Modern Iraq. 3 credits. Examines the politics of Iraq under the British mandate, as an independent state under the monarchy, and as a republic after the revolution of 1958, emphasizing the social composition of Iraq's people and its ruling elites.

What is HIST 307?

HIST 307: Old Regime and Revolutionary Europe. 3 credits. Political, social, economic, and cultural history of Europe from 1648 to 1815. Crisis of authority, consolidation of the state, absolutism, colonial expansion, the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution and Napoleon.

What is the survey of Middle Eastern history?

Survey of Middle Eastern history from rise of Islam to present, emphasizing processes that led to emergence of economic, cultural, social, and political institutions that characterize region today. Surveys period from rise of Islam in 570 to medieval period (ca. 1258) Offered by History & Art History.

Linked Sections

Courses that have lectures with a lab and/or recitation components must link in CLSS the lectures with the labs and/or recitations so that the registration system ensures that the student enrolls in both.

Examples of Linked Sections

Link one or more lectures too many labs/recitations so that students can enroll in any lecture lab /recitation combination.
