which of these is not a part of the “iron triangle” of farm policy negotiation? course hero

by Mr. Nathanial Wolf 3 min read

What is the Iron Triangle theory of government?

Chapter Quiz. Which of the following is not a part of the “iron triangle”? a. Interest groups. b. Bureaucratic agencies. c. Congressional committees. d. All are found within an “iron triangle.”.

What is the Iron Triangle in project management?

Aug 07, 2015 · The iron triangle is a relationship in politics between bureaucracy, congress, and lobbyists that is of mutual benefit to all three parties. Study the …

Why is the triangle of health care iron?

Apr 13, 2018 · The Iron Triangle, also called the Triple Constraint, is a central concept to project management research and practice, representing the relationship between key performance criteria. However, there is disagreement about which criteria should be represented on the vertices of this triangle. The purpose of this paper is to explore which concepts are part of the …

Are time and cost part of the Iron Triangle of quality?

A lot of the private negotiations between the people of the Iron Triangle create political bonds as strong as iron. ... who could come in and change or disrupt the policy making system? A new President, or new Congressional Party Leadership. Sets found in the same folder. The "Iron Triangle"- AP Government ... (Crash Course) 8 terms. thirtycats ...

How to understand the iron triangle?

To understand the iron triangle, you've got to put yourself in the shoes of each of the actors. First, take, for example, a bureaucrat in the Department of Energy, a congressman on the Energy Committee, and a lobbyist from a major oil company, like Exxon Mobil . The bureaucrat's goal is to maintain his department's funding and thus his job. The congressman's goal is to gain re-election. The lobbyist's goal is to represent his company and get legislative bills of interest to his company passed. According to the iron triangle theory, all three will work together so that all three can achieve their goals. It all comes to three relationships among the three groups.

What is the iron triangle?

The iron triangle is a mutually beneficial, three-way relationship between Congress, government bureaucracies, and special interest lobby groups. Each group does some action that will help the other group, creating a lasting and unbreakable bond between the three.

What is the third relationship between the bureaucrat and the lobbyist?

The third relationship is between the bureaucrat and the lobbyist. The lobbyist pledges support for the bureaucrat's department. In exchange, the bureaucrat agrees to lighten up on the regulations of Exxon Mobil. Thus, the lobbyist scratches the bureaucrat's back, and the bureaucrat scratches the lobbyist's back.

What is the relationship between the member of Congress and the bureaucrat?

First, there is the relationship between the member of Congress and the bureaucrat. The bureaucrat knows that the funding for his job depends on how much money Congress gives the Department of Energy. So, the bureaucrat has an incentive to make the legislators on the Energy Committee happy.

What is the goal of a congressman?

The congressman's goal is to gain re-election. The lobbyist's goal is to represent his company and get legislative bills of interest to his company passed. According to the iron triangle theory, all three will work together so that all three can achieve their goals.

How do orchid bees help the flowers?

But in the process, orchid bees help the flowers flourish by pollinating the female parts of other orchids.

Who is Lesley Chapel?

She has a Master's degree in History. The iron triangle is a unique relationship between bureaucracy, congressmen, and lobbyists that results in the mutual benefit of all three of them .


The Iron Triangle, also called the Triple Constraint, is a central concept to project management research and practice, representing the relationship between key performance criteria. However, there is disagreement about which criteria should be represented on the vertices of this triangle.


Significant links were found between Time, Cost, and Quality, verifying these concepts as the vertices on the Iron Triangle. These links were significantly stronger than links to alternatives, such as Scope, Performance, or Requirements. Other concepts that are core to the Iron Triangle were also identified, and how these have changed over time.

What is the Iron Triangle of Health Care?

The Iron Triangle of Health Care is a concept developed by William Kissick, the father of Medicare, in his 1994 book, Medicine’s Dilemmas: Infinite Needs Versus Finite Resources. He describes three health care issues which are the primary concerns of all health care systems and that operate in a dynamic and complex relationship: Cost, Quality, ...

Why is the triangle iron?

The Triangle is Iron because it is generally difficult to have a low-cost, high quality, wide access health care system. It is generally assumed that if quality increases, then costs must increase as well. And, as you can see below, some commentators argue that Choice is the fourth corner of the Triangle, which, I suppose, ...

What does it mean when a patient is informed about the amount of rehab they must perform before and after knee surgery?

For example, if a patient is informed about the amount of and type of rehab they must perform before and after knee surgery, and if the patient understands why they have to perform so much rehab, then the patient is more likely to do their rehab, which means that the patient will have a more successful knee surgery.

What is the trend in healthcare over the past 20+ years?

The goal of patient-centered care is to care for patients in the context of their own social worlds, and make them feel listened to, informed, respected, and involved in their care.

Why is it important to have a good relationship with a physician?

In patient-centered care, the personal and professional relationship between the patient and their physician is very important because a patient and a physician with a good relationship are more likely to make good mutual decisions than patients and physicians with a bad relationship.

Why is access the most nebulous of the corners?

Access. Access is the most nebulous of the corners because access means a lot of things. At its most simple, access asks whether you can access the type of health care that you need. In the US, we generally see this framed as an urban/rural divide.

What is the theory of buy in?

The theory, and the research that backs up the theory, shows that if patients are empowered with knowledge of their condition and are allowed to meaningfully participate in their health care decisions, then there is greater buy-in by the patient. This buy-in results in patients who are engaged and who manage their health ...