what is one (or more) thing(s) that i may want to omit, in future versions of this course, and why?

by Jovan Sanford 9 min read

Is the future what we thought it would be?

Aug 08, 2016 · Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing has already begun to enter our lives in major ways. In the future 3D printers will be even more common than paper printers are today. 1. 3D printed makeup for women. Just insert a person’s face and the machine will be programmed to apply the exact makeup pattern requested by the user. 2.

Is the future as fantastic as we hope it is?

Mar 04, 2014 · Read about someone else's future. Read about a wizard's future, a hobbit's future, a dragon's future -- someone whose future doesn't involve the same things yours will. Envelop yourself in a world where standardized tests and GPAs and college acceptance letters don't exist. Personally, rereading the Harry Potter series has been a source of more ...

What will the world of Bits look like in the future?

Oct 19, 2014 · This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Mark 9:29 based on Majority Text: So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” (NKJV) Mark 9:29 based on “Critical” Text: And he said to them, “This kind cannot be driven out by anything but prayer.” (ESV) “Fasting” is in dispute.

Do Your UI toolkit do your graphic design?

Mar 17, 2014 · When the economics of manufacturing, healthcare and energy starts to look like the economics of information technology, life will be very different. 3. Your Technology Will Know You. When IBM ...

Do manuscripts have fasting?

That is, some manuscripts have the words and fasting while others don’t. That is the simple fact. Which manuscript tradition the particular translation in question is following determines the omission or not. She has also given a good and accurate presentation of a non-majority text tradition.

Did Origen mention fasting?

It would not be surprising if he was wary of advocating their food practices. ( 134-135) Grimm states later, In all of Origen's discussion of Christian food practices there is no mention of fasting. (137) Both Origen and his teacher (or at least influencer) Clement of Alexandria (late 2nd c.) wanted to.

Will the world of bits invade the world of atoms?

If you thought it was tough to keep up in the past, it will be that much more challenging in the future. 2. The World of Bits Will Invade The World Of Atoms. Probably the most dramatic difference in the next decade or two will be the extent that the world of bits will invade the world of atoms.

What was the world like in 2004?

If you think back ten years, the world was very different. In 2004, Google was still relatively new and just had its IPO. There were iPods, but no iPhone and no real mobile Internet. A 42 inch flat TV screen would cost you $4000. There was no social media, no cloud and very few location based services. Life was recognizable, but very different.

Why is a paper prototype interactive?

Because a paper prototype is actually interactive, you can actually user-test it: give users a task to do and watch how they do it. A paper prototype is clearly low fidelity in both look and feel. But it can be arbitrarily high fidelity in breadth at very little cost (just sketching, which is part of design anyway).

Is a paper prototype high fidelity?

A paper prototype is clearly low fidelity in both look and feel. But it can be arbitrarily high fidelity in breadth at very little cost (just sketching, which is part of design anyway). Best of all, paper prototypes can be high-fidelity in depthat little cost, since a human being is simulating the backend.
