what did you find most valuable about this course

by Tiara Cummerata 3 min read

What is the most valuable course you took in college?

There is no single course that helps the most. It is the amalgamation of various courses in various fields that make the college experience very valuable and memorable. Anthropology 1. was the most valuable course I took in college in terms of the knowledge that it imparted.

How do you describe the value of your courses in interview?

As you describe the value of those courses to the interviewer, he or she will learn what opportunities have meant the most to you. From your response, your interviewer will develop a sense of your personal affinities and proclivities. Every class that makes your discussion list provides a lens into your goals.

Are you more valuable than the salary you get?

They are very valuable. To this I would answer that you are correct. You definitely are more valuable than the going rate of pay. However, it is what it is and I would again say that life is NOT fair and NO ONE REALLY cares and those are the facts so do your research, pick the right path for you and live a long and happy life.

Is an online class worth the work?

I never expected to learn so much from an online class; I now see the ocean life in a whole new way. I know I could have done better, but in the end I learned that an online class could be as much work or more than a regular class. However, I still enjoyed it very much. I really enjoyed this class and the format it was presented in.

What are the most useful things you have learned from the online course?

10 Things I've Learned from Online ClassesCreate a daily schedule. ... Use a planner or calendar. ... Make a daily to-do list. ... Actually attend your online Zoom meetings and be actively engaged. ... Check your email and D2L regularly. ... Email your professors if you have questions. ... Have a designated study or “school” space.More items...

How can we make the course more valuable?

15 Ways to Add More Value to Your Online Courses (Quickly)1Upgrade Your Course Content. ... 2Make Use of Pre-Course Resources. ... 3Use Written Transcripts. ... 4Offer Some Coaching. ... 5Create a Community. ... 6Sharing Experts' Insights. ... 7Offer Training Certifications. ... 8Give Take-Away Material.More items...•

What would you most like to get out of this course?

Become a good and effective teacher in a large group environment. Learn to use my knowledge to inspire others. Be able to get a job at the end of it all.

How do you answer what do you hope to learn from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What is the value of online courses?

Online education enables the teacher and the student to set their own learning pace, and there's the added flexibility of setting a schedule that fits everyone's agenda. As a result, using an online educational platform allows for a better balance of work and studies, so there's no need to give anything up.

How do you create a successful online course?

Share this articlePick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.Determine the most engaging and effective delivery methods for each lesson.More items...•

Why did you choose this course answer?

To answer this question in an interview, you can talk about your interests, skills and career goals. This question is a great way for interviewers to understand how seriously you take your chosen course. Interviewers also want to know that you chose this course on your own and are not influenced by a guardian.

Why should we select you for this course answer?

“Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position.

Why did you choose to pursue this degree?

Talking about how you chose your major can tell the interviewer what you're passionate about and what you see in your future. For example, if you chose to major in computer science because you've loved fixing and building computers since you were a teenager, that bodes well for your interest in a job in IT.

What do you expect to learn from training?

When employees undergo training, it improves their skills and knowledge of the job and builds their confidence in their abilities. This will improve their performance and make them work more efficiently and effectively.

Points to Emphasize

Your response to this question dealing specifically with coursework and your ability to apply it to your job gives you an opportunity to emphasize your personal skills, objectives, and potential.

Mistakes You Should Avoid

Any question that requires deep thought and revelations presents some danger of becoming anecdotal or boring. Avoid pitfalls such as this and others.

Sample Answer

Your most effective response to a question of this sort may sound something like this:

Popular Interview Questions

What Qualifications Do You Have That Make You Successful In This Position?

Three Tips on Answering

Here are a few ways you can approach this interview question that should help you put a smile on the recruiter’s face.

Sample Answer

As a business student, I really enjoyed the many management courses I was able to take. I met a lot of great people and learned many skills that I use in my profession.

Closing Thoughts

If you need some extra help preparing for your job interview, we can help!
