I understand if I fail or withdraw from a course, my MyCAA Account will be suspended and no financial assistance documents can be created until I contact a Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Counselor. If a second failure or withdrawal is made, I understand that I will not be allowed to receive any further funds from MyCAA.
Non-academic credit or ungraded courses, including courses taken on an audit basis or as an internship, practicum, apprenticeship, or clinical supervision; also, orientation programs that are non-academic credit or ungraded Courses taken more than one time unless MyCAA has received a full refund from the school
Jun 12, 2012 · Non-academic credit or ungraded courses, including courses taken on an audit basis or as an internship, practicum, apprenticeship, or clinical supervision; also, orientation programs that are non-academic credit or ungraded Courses taken more than one time unless MyCAA has received a full refund from the school
MyCAA Frequently Asked Questions. You may have heard the term MyCAA from spouses or even your service member when discussing career and education options. If …
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Do I Have To Pay Back MyCAA? MyCAA is considered a scholarship, not a loan or other type of repayable financial aid. Those using MyCAA are responsible for any remaining expenses above and beyond MyCAA assistance.
Is MyCAA a One-Time Thing? While you can only receive the scholarship one time, you can continue to use the funds as long as you fit within the eligibility requirements. There is a $2000 cap per fiscal year but, if your course and certification costs exceed that amount, then more can be used up to the total $4000.Jan 13, 2020
The review process can take up to 14 business days. Spouses will NOT be able to apply for My Career Advancement Account financial assistance until the ETP has been approved.
If you're familiar with educational monetary aid, you may be wondering: “Can I use MyCAA and other sources of financial aid together?” The quick answer: Yes, you can.May 21, 2019
MyCAA Approved Career FieldsAerospace.Animal Services.Automotive Services & Transportation.Business, Finance & Administration.Construction.Energy.Health & Human Services.Homeland Security.More items...
What We Do. NMFA is the voice of military families because, for 50 years, we have proven that we stand with all military families. Our Association is the “go to” source for Administration Officials, Members of Congress, and key decision makers when they want to understand the issues facing our families.
We are very excited that our MyCAA-approved programs include a laptop for all military spouses who sign up using this funding! This is a big deal because, with the online format of our CareerStep training programs, including laptops ensures that military spouses can study from anywhere they have an internet connection.Aug 13, 2018
My Career Advancement Account ScholarshipMyCAA: Scholarship for MilSpouses. The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship is a workforce development program that provides eligible military spouses with up to $4,000 in financial assistance for licenses, certifications, national tests or associate degrees to pursue an occupation or career field.
Title 10 allows the President to “federalize” National Guard forces by ordering them to active duty in their reserve component status or by calling them into Federal service in their militia status.May 3, 2006
MyCAA (Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts) Member: This Tuition Assistance program provides up to $4,000 (over 2 years) of Financial Assistance for military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification, or Associate's degree in a portable career field and occupation.
Military spouses with federal loans can utilize the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, which requires that borrowers make 120 payments while working for a qualifying employer in order to have their loan balance forgiven.Apr 13, 2021
Once enrolled and approved, a military spouse can receive up to 36 months of benefits that can be used for housing, tuition, and books or supplies. For more information about the GI Bill, eligibility, and transferring it over to a spouse, you can visit the Veterans Affairs website.
Some exciting news when it comes to the MYCAA program. MYCAA stands for the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship. MYCAA is a program that will give you up to $4,000 of tuition assistance for your education, broken up as $2,000 per year for two years. The FY20 National Defense Authorization Act expands the MYCAA program.
Fees of any kind, including but not limited to registration fees, technology fees, parking fees, etc. Nonacademic credit or ungraded courses, including courses taken on an audit basis or as an internship, practicum, apprenticeship or clinical supervision; also, nonacademic credit or ungraded orientation programs.
O-1 to O-2. If your spouse promotes above the eligibility ranks after you have started the program, with an approved education and training plan in place, you will remain eligible. You must have completed high school. Your spouse needs to be on Title 10 orders.
devices of any kind. Student activities, events and entertainment. Prepayment or deposits for future courses, unless costs. are part of a block of study. School or college level entrance examinations, comprehensive exams and related preparatory courses.
Title 10 of the US Code outlines the role of the armed forces. Legally, this means being on “active full-time service” as opposed to part-time status like you are a lot of the time in the National Guard or the Reserves.
Often times MyCAA can’t pay for all of your education. Make sure you also apply for FAFSA, which is the application for federal student aid. You can also look into transfering your spouse’s Post 9/11 GI Bill to you. Additionally, there are many scholarships you can apply for that are specific for military spouses.
With this change, military spouses can pursue any license, certification, or associate’s degree to pursue any occupation or career. Military spouses, school and a Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) career coach will need to work together to define a clear career path for the military spouse. This plan is called an education and ...
MyCAA pays for tuition costs for education and training courses and examinations leading to a recognized license, certificate, certification or Associate's degree with a specified concentration or major. Certificates may contain post-graduate courses. The concentration or major for the Associate's degree cannot be in General Studies, Liberal Arts or Interdisciplinary Studies unless there is a specific concentration such as General Studies - Nursing, or General Studies - Teaching. The license, certificate/certification and Associate’s degree must be obtained from a MyCAA approved accredited college, university, or technical school in the United States or approved testing organization that expands employment or portable career opportunities for military spouses.
MyCAA issues the Payment Authorization Letter in order to authorize schools to charge the Department of Defense’s credit card (MASTERCARD), to pay for courses listed on each FA document and the school invoice. Remember no actual card is sent. It contains the following information:
Schools must provide course grades to MyCAA within 60 days of course end dates. Spouses will not be able to access additional Financial Assistance (FA) until this requirement is met.
An Education and Training Plan (E&TP) identifies the spouse’s education and career goal as well as the courses they are planning to take to help them meet their goal. Please see questions #2 and 3 for more information on what MyCAA does and does not pay for.
program completion signifies a spouse has finished a program of study at their institution. MyCAA is dedicated to focusing on the career development of its participants; as such it is essential for school officials to update the program completion section of the AI Portal at the end of every term. This allows MyCAA to track the overall success of the program and aids counselors in identifying opportunities to assist spouses with career readiness, career connections, and to work with such SECO partners as MSEP.
“I” grades MUST be updated by the school to a final grade no later than 6 months after the course end date displayed on the corresponding FA document. A final grade is the letter grade earned or if no grade is earned schools must post an “N” grade indicating “Non-completion.”
School officials, not spouses, must post grades in the AI Portal within 60 days of course end dates. If grades are not submitted within this time frame, no further Financial Assistance (FA) will be provided to the spouse until grades are received.
All schools and institutions participating in the MyCAA Program must be accredited by a regulatory body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education or the Department of Defense. Accreditations must be recognized by national, regional, state or industry standards.
MyCAA pays for tuition costs for education and training courses and examinations leading to a recognized license, certificate, certification or Associate's degree with a specified concentration or major. The concentration or major for the Associate's degree cannot be in General Studies, Liberal Arts or Interdisciplinary Studies unless there is a specific concentration such as General Studies - Nursing, or General Studies - Teaching. The license, certificate/certification and Associate’s degree must be obtained from a MyCAA approved accredited college, university, or technical school in the United States or approved testing organization that expands employment or portable career opportunities for military spouses.
The Department of Labor and Department of Defense define a portable career as one that is high growth; high demand; largest employment; and most likely to have job openings in military duty locations . These types of careers are plentiful in many locations where the Armed Forces stations military families. Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Counselors (1-800-342-9647) can provide career and education counseling that will help spouses find licenses, certifications and other credentials that are recognized by the Departments of Labor and Defense as portable. They can also direct spouses to testing sources for these credentials and testing organizations that are registered participants in the MyCAA Program. For more information, spouses should visit the Tests Page in the MyCAA Spouse Portal (https://aiportal.acc.af.mil/mycaa).
Contact a Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Counselor (1-800-342-9647) or send a Message via the MyCAA Account Message Box for assistance. Changes to Education and Training Plans are restricted.
If the military sponsor has not registered his or her spouse in DEERS or information is out-of-date (especially information confirming that the service member is on Active Duty):
There are over 1.2 million military spouses eligible to participate in the MyCAA program and over 3,000 schools that are registered in the MyCAA electronic invoicing system. MyCAA answers calls and messages in the order they were received unless they are urgent requirements related to class start dates or graduations.
Spouses can take any program of study from an accredited school or institution recognized by the Department of Education or Department of Defense that leads to a license, certification, certificate or Associate’s Degree (except General Studies and Liberal Arts).
If only $1,000 is used in the first fiscal year of the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, then $2,000 can be used in the second fiscal year, and $1,000 can be used in the third fiscal year, not to exceed $4,000. Example 2: If only $300 is requested at the end of the first .
The duration of an associate degree course cannot exceed 12 months and a license or certificate program cannot exceed . 18 months. No exceptions can be made to exceed either of these timeframes. Schools and organizations receiving scholarship funds are required to post grades and program completion status�.
Student activities, events and entertainment. Prepayments or deposits for future courses, unless costs are part of a block of study. School or college level entrance examinations, comprehensive exams and related preparatory courses. Courses, tests or fees typically paid by an employer as part of a job training program.
The remaining $1,700 cannot be used until the third fiscal year. Example 3: If only $500 is used in the first fiscal year of the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship and $500 is used in the second fiscal year, only $2,000 would be available to use in the third fiscal year.
Yes� Employed spouses can use My Career Advancement Account Scholarship funding for coursework and exams that . lead to employment and career advancement in one or more portable career fields and occupations that require a license, certificate, certification or associate degree.
No� If a spouse needs to repeat a course , the spouse will need to do so at his or her own expense, unless My Career . Advancement Account receives a full refund from the school� My Career Advancement Account Scholarship also does not pay for a course that is being audited or for ungraded or nonacademic courses�.