how does celie change over the course of the novel

by Abelardo Jerde 7 min read

In Alice Walker's The Color Purple, the main character Celie is an ugly, poor girl who is severely lacking in self-confidence. However, Celie transforms throughout the course of the novel and manages to realize herself as a colorful, beautiful, and proud human being. Celie becomes a powerful individual.

In what ways does Celie grow and change throughout the novel?

She learned to fight, to stand up for herself, and she was rewarded. She never gave up on her love for Nettie, nor did she give up on her love for God. Celie survived physically and spiritually, and she matured into a full, solid, modern twentieth-century woman.

How does Celie's view of God change over the course of the novel?

After she marries an abusive man, Celie becomes more reliant on God to save her. In the beginning of the novel, Celie writes letters solely addressed to God. She is alone, vulnerable, and degraded, so she seeks encouragement from God instead of from physical beings.

How does Celie become independent?

Celie has taken sewing, traditionally a domestic chore, and turned it into an instrument of independence.

What happened to Celie at the end of The Color Purple?

Questioning her faith, Celie begins addressing her letters to Nettie. However, Shug later encourages Celie to change her beliefs about God. An emboldened Celie then decides to leave Albert and go to Memphis with Shug. Once there, Celie comes into her own and creates a successful business selling tailored pants.

Why does Celie stop writing to God?

Celie and Shug have a discussion about religion, after Celie decides to stop writing to God. Shug says that, just because she (Shug) has behaved immorally in her life, she is not without religion, and she tells Celie not to blaspheme against the God that she (Shug) believes in.

What does Celie say about God?

By Alice Walker Celie is pretty upset with God because she says, "he give me a lynched daddy, a crazy mama, a lowdown dog of a step pa, and a sister I probably won't ever see again."

What does Celie symbolize in The Color Purple?

The color purple represents all the good things in the world that God creates for men and women to enjoy. At the beginning of the book, you could say that Celie has no sense of the color purple. She has such a horrible life, she's not stopping to smell the roses, she's just surviving.

How is Celie presented in the Colour purple?

The protagonist and narrator of The Color Purple. Celie is a poor, uneducated black woman with a sad personal history. She survives a stepfather who rapes her and steals her babies and also survives an abusive husband.

How is Celie a dynamic character?

By the end of the novel, Celie achieves living her life the she wants to and proves she is a dynamic character by transforming from a voiceless, invisible and believes she is worthless to a strong, independent, successful and self-confident woman.

Is color purple on Netflix?

Watch The Color Purple | Netflix.

What happens at the end of color purple?

At the novel's end, the two sisters are reunited, while Albert and Harpo have learned to take on new roles in the household and in their relationships. Note that the novel's title is alluded to in Letter 12, when Celie associates the color purple with royalty and longs for a purple dress.

How does Celie feel about herself?

By, Jake Short. as the story progresses, it seems that celie is slowy gaining more respect for herself and sees herself in a different way every time. she becomes for confident through out the book.