what command sequence will produce a list in reverse time order? linux course hero

by Alessandro Lebsack 3 min read

To be able to order the file in reverse order, we need an index for each row. So, we use the nl command to put line numbers at the beginning of each line: $ nl /tmp/test 1 line_one 2 line_two 3 line_three 3.2. sort Now we want to sort these indexed lines into reverse order, for which we should use sort:

Full Answer

Which command is used to generate a formatted sequence?

seq -f “FORMAT” FIRST INCREMENT LAST: This command is used to generate sequence in a formatted manner. FIRST and INCREMENT are optional.

How to feed a series of filenames on the command line?

This is how you can feed it a series of filenames on the command line, sorted by file time last modified: The find command prefixes each file/path name with a representation in fractional seconds of the date/time last modified.

How to reverse a list in Python?

Python provides us with various ways of reversing a list. We will go through few of the many techniques on how a list in python can be reversed. Examples: Method 1: Using the reversed() built-in function. In this method, we neither reverse a list in-place(modify the original list), nor we create any copy of the list.

Which method directly modifies the original list?

This method directly modifies the original list. Method 3: Using the slicing technique. In this technique, a copy of the list is made and the list is not sorted in-place. Creating a copy requires more space to hold all of the existing elements.

What is the command option for reverse listing?

To reverse the listing of files by name, add the -r (reverse) option.

How do I reverse a list in alphabetical order in Linux?

-r Option: Sorting In Reverse Order: You can perform a reverse-order sort using the -r flag. the -r flag is an option of the sort command which sorts the input file in reverse order i.e. descending order by default.

How do you reverse an ls order?

1 Answer-l List in long format. ... -r Reverse the order of the sort to get reverse lexicographical order or the oldest entries first (or largest files last, if combined with sort by size.-t Sort by time modified (most recently modified first) before sorting the operands by lexicographical order.

Which option is used with ls to sort the filenames in reverse order?

ls Command Sort Files By Size Command OptionsOptionDescription-lLong listing-SSort by file size, largest first--sort=sizesort by size instead of file name(s)-rReverse order while sorting1 more row•Jun 18, 2021

How do you reverse a list in Linux?

How to list directory content in reverse in LinuxLaunch terminal.List directory content using ls. ... Pipe ls program to sort to display result in reverse. ... List directory content in reverse using ls. ... List directory content based on access time or other options. ... Sort directory content for the specific option in reverse.

How do you reverse a file in Linux?

To view a file in reverse, there is simply the tac command. It is actually the CAT written in reverse: tac file Like the command cat , you can concatenate several files, which will be put together, but in reverse: tac file1 file2 file3 ...

What command would be used to get a time ordered list of files and directories?

ls commandls command ls – Listing contents of directory, this utility can list the files and directories and can even list all the status information about them including: date and time of modification or access, permissions, size, owner, group etc.

How do you do ls by time?

The -t flag will sort the ls command output by last date and time modified:Open the Terminal if you have not done so already (/Applications/Utilities/ in mac OS) and navigate to the directory you wish to sort by date with ls.Issue the following command syntax:More items...•

What command would you use to get a directory listing ordered by time?

Type the ls -l command to list the contents of the directory in a table format with columns including:content permissions.number of links to the content.owner of the content.group owner of the content.size of the content in bytes.last modified date / time of the content.file or directory name.

What is ls l command in Linux?

ls -l. The -l option signifies the long list format. This shows a lot more information presented to the user than the standard command. You will see the file permissions, the number of links, owner name, owner group, file size, time of last modification, and the file or directory name.

How use Whoami command in Linux?

Simply type the 'whoami' on command prompt to find logged in user in current shell. The above output shows that you are logged in with user 'root' in current shell. The same details can be find with id -un command in Linux.

Which command in Linux is used to list all the files in the current directory including hidden files?

The ls commandls -a will list all files including hidden files (files with names beginning with a dot).ls -F gives a full listing, indicating what type files are by putting a slash after directories and a star after executable files (programs you can run).ls -l gives a long listing of all files.More items...

ls sort by size

In the following example, we use the ls -lSr option to sort files (directories) in ascending order according to size.

ls sort by name

Default collation: ., .., numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters. If there are special characters, after the file or directory at the beginning of the number

What Is the seq Command?

As mentioned above, the seq command in Linux quickly generates a sequence of numeric characters. Users can pass arguments to the command to generate different combinations of numbers. For example, you can get an incremented list by simply passing an additional argument to seq.

How to Use seq in Linux

Seq only takes a few arguments, which makes it an easy-to-learn tool for anyone.

Practical Examples

As already mentioned, seq is primarily used with other Linux commands, for example, touch and expr.

How Fast Does seq Generate the Numbers?

You might be thinking if you can achieve similar results using a for loop in bash, why choose seq for the task? This is because the real power of seq lies in its speed. Seq is faster than any other command that generates a sequence of numbers on Linux.

The Power of the Linux Command Line

Seq is not the only tool in Linux that focuses heavily on delivering quick and accurate results. While you can generate a list of numbers using a for loop in bash, it is not a recommended practice considering how blazing fast seq really is.

Basic Use of Seq Command

The basic use of the seq command will print the sequential numbers from 1 to the last number you specify.

Seq Command Options

With the -f option, Seq command allows to use printf style format for printing the numbers using the %e, %f, %g, %E, %F, %G as the conversion characters. However, the %g is used as default.

Seq Command Use Cases

You can also perform simple calculations with seq command like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For this, you will need to use any of the +, -, * and / separator and then pipe the output to the command-line calculator bc.

Use Seq in For Loop

We can use the seq command with “for loops”. In the following example, we have used the seq command in for loop to remove files.


In this article, we have learned how to use the seq command to generate the list of sequential numbers along with it’s different options. The apparently simple seq command when used alone, does not seem very useful. However, when you use seq with it’s options or pipe it to other commands, you realize its true significance.