this course is organized around what central metaphor

by Prof. Karson Stracke MD 4 min read

What is a tree metaphor?

This course offers strategies you can use immediately to plan your term or year. The course centers around the concept of keeping things: Simple, Consistent, Engaging, and Supportive.

Why do we use metaphors in art?

The 2nd paradigm, in contrast, is organized around a central metaphor of mind and computer as symmetric, coupled information processors. At the center is a set of information processing phenomena or issues in com-puters and users such as ‘how does information get in’, ‘what transformations does it undergo’, ‘how does it go

What is the scope and sequence of the course?

A Course in Metaphors: Introduction to Advanced Metaphor Mastery, with Kevin Hogan, Psy.D. An Advanced Home Study Program in Changing Behavior, Learning and Reprogramming Minds. Kevin Hogan will take you on a journey of discovery, revealing symbols and language that you will recognize from your own experiences in life and you will be introduced ...

Why are plants and trees used in metaphors?

Plants and trees are commonly used in metaphors to explain concepts related to growth and origin stories (your ‘roots’). Plant and tree metaphors are so built into our language that we often don’t even realize we’re referring to them in our language. In these cases, the phrases have become commonplace idioms. ...

What does it mean when someone says they can't see the forest for the trees?

When you say that someone “can’t see the forest for the trees”, you’re saying that someone is so focused on the small details that they can’t see the big picture.

What is a root and branch review?

A root and branch review is a review is a review of something that looks at all its parts. Roots and branches are two separate but very important parts of a tree. If we were to hypothetically review a tree (perhaps to assess its health), we’d want to look at both its roots and its branches.

What does it mean to grow taller?

A person who has grown ‘as a person’ may have become wiser, overcome personal problems, or learned to move on from past hurts.

Where do we go back to our roots?

This is the place of origin – much like a tree’s roots are its origins. Another time we might say we’re going back to our roots is when we go to the place of our ancestors. Many American-Irish expatriates, for example, might return to Ireland and the village of their ancestors during a trip to see ‘their roots’.

What is family tree?

A family tree is a list of ancestors that is organized to show relationships between children and parents. It helps us see our origins and identify relationships between distant kin. Often, you can trace your family tree back to famous people or immigrants to your new country.

What does it mean to say something is deep rooted?

To say something is deep rooted is to say that it’s really firmly embedded into something else. But, it doesn’t have to be physical. It can be something psychological, cultural or spiritual too.

How has the centralized mindset affected science?

The centralized mindset has undoubtedly affected many theories and trends in the history of science. Just as children assimilate new information by fitting it into their pre-existing models and conceptions of the world, so do scientists. As Keller (1985) puts it: "In our zealous desire for familiar models of explanation, we risk not noticing the discrepancies between our own predispositions and the range of possibilities inherent in natural phenomena. In short we risk imposing on nature the very stories we like to hear." In particular, we risk imposing centralized models on a decentralized world. For many years, there has been a self-reinforcing spiral. People saw the world in centralized ways, so they constructed centralized tools and models, which further encouraged a centralized view of the world. Until recently, there was little pressure against this centralization spiral. For many things that people created and organized, centralized approaches tended to be adequate, even superior to decentralized ones. Even if someone wanted to experiment with decentralized approaches, there were few tools or opportunities to do so.

Who are the contributors to the StarLogo project?

Hal Abelson, Seymour Papert, Brian Silverman, Randy Sargent, Ryan Evans, and Uri Wilensky have provided encouragement, inspiration, and ideas for the StarLogo project. Steve Ocko, Fred Martin, Randy Sargent, Brian Silverman, and Seymour Papert have been major contributors to the LEGO/Logo project. Special thanks to Chris Langton for his comments on a draft of this paper--and, more generally, for his continuing interest in this research. The LEGO Group and the National Science Foundation (Grants 851031-0195, MDR-8751190, and TPE-8850449) have provided financial support.

What are some examples of decentralized systems?

As ants forage for food, for example, their trail patterns are determined not by the dictates of the queen ant, but by local interactions among thousands of worker ants. In the immune system, armies of antibodies seek out bacteria in a systematic, coordinated attack--without any "generals" organizing the battle plan. The antibodies are organized without an organizer, coordinated without a coordinator.

How does Newton's theory of the universe work?

Newton's universe is ruled by linear cause and effect--one gear turns, which makes a second gear turn, which makes a third gear turn, and so on. This cause-effect relationship is captured in Newton's F=ma formula: force gives rise to acceleration, cause gives rise to effect.

What is negative feedback?

For most people, positive feedback is symbolized by the screeching sound that results when a microphone is placed near a speaker. By contrast, negative feedback is viewed as very useful, keeping things under control. Negative feedback is symbolized by the thermostat, keeping room temperature at a desired level by turning the heater on and off as needed.

What is the goal of artificial life?

major goal of Artificial Life research is to gain a better understanding of emergent phenomena. As Langton (1989) put it: "The `key' concept in AL is emergent behavior. Natural life emerges out of the organized interactions of a great number of nonliving molecules, with no global controller responsible for the behavior of every part." In many animal systems, there are two types of emergence. First, the behavior of each individual creature emerges from interactions among the "agents" that make up the creature's mind. At the same time, the behavior of the entire animal colony or society emerges from the interactions among the individual creatures. In short: the colony level emerges from the creature level, which in turn emerges from the agent level.

Which area of computer science makes a regular practice of engaging in explicit discourse about its own metaphors?

The only area of computer science that makes a regular practice of engaging in explicit discourse about its own metaphors is the field of human interface design. No doubt this is due to the nature of the interface task: to make hidden, inner, abstruse worlds of computational objects and actions accessible to users who may not have any direct knowledge of their properties.

What are explicit metaphors used for?

Explicit metaphors are often used to teach beginners how to program. One common example, by now a cliché, is to describe the interpretation of a program as similar to following the steps of a recipe. These instructional metaphors allow a student to understand the abstruse operations of the computer in terms borrowed from more familiar domains. This is almost a necessity for learning about the operations of a system that cannot be directly perceived. Since the purpose of these metaphoric models is to describe something that is hidden in terms of something visible, the source domains are often taken from the concrete [5] physical world, such as boxes containing pieces of paper as a metaphor for variables containing values.

What is imperative model?

One of the fundamental metaphor systems used to describe computer processes is the imperative model. This model underlies most discourse about the hardware levels of computer systems, and is the source of such terms as instruction and command. The imperative metaphor underlies most naive models of computing such as the transaction level model (Mayer 1979) and the descriptions of computation found in beginner's texts. It also forms the conceptual basis underlying popular early computer languages such as BASIC and FORTRAN. But it may also be found in its earliest forms in Turing's and von Neumann's description of the first theoretical computing machines, and so is really at the very root of the modern idea of computation itself. The imperative model captures the notion of the computer as a device capable of sequentially executing simple instructions according to a stored program. The basic elements of this metaphoric model are:

What is OOP programming?

Object-oriented programming ( OOP) is an interesting example of a programming methodology explicitly organized around a powerful metaphor. In OOP, computational objects are depicted metaphorically in terms of physical and social objects. Like physical objects, they can have properties and state, and like social objects, they can communicate and respond to communications.

What is constraint model?

The constraint model is something of a departure from the other programming models considered so far. Despite their differing metaphoric bases, to program in all the previous models is to provide the computer with a fully deterministic procedure for carrying out a computation. Even functional languages generally have an imperative interpretation so that the programmer will be aware of the sequence of events which will occur when the program is executed. Constraint languages, in contrast, implement a form of declarative programming in which only the relations between objects are specified by the programmer while leaving the procedural details of how to enforce these relations up to the constraint-solving system. As a result, constraint languages require significantly more intelligence in their interpreter, whose operation is thus harder to understand.

What is procedural programming?

The procedural model of programming, which underlies modern languages like Lisp and Pascal, combines elements of the imperative and functional metaphors within the more powerful overarching framework of procedural abstraction. The procedural model thus is not founded directly on a single metaphor, although it lends itself to new and powerful forms of description based on anthropomorphic and social metaphors. Under the procedural model, a program is constructed out of smaller programs or procedures. A procedure can both carry out instructions (like an imperative program) and return values (like a function). The procedural model introduces the notion that one procedure can call another to perform some task or compute some value. The metaphoric and animate suggestiveness of the term call indicates the beginnings of an anthropomorphic, multiagent view of computation. A procedure, encapsulates as it does both the imperative and functional aspects of the computer, is in essence a miniature image of the computer as a whole.

What is the starting point of a course?

A starting point in course development is a description of the course rationale. This is a brief written description of the reasons for the course and the nature of it. The course rationale seeks to answer the following questions:

What is text based syllabus?

Text-based syllabus: One that is built around texts and samples of ex-tended discourse. As already noted, this can be regarded as a type of situa-tional approach because the starting point in planning a syllabus is analysis of the contexts in which the learners will use the language.

What is a syllabus in a language course?

A syllabus describes the major elements that will be used in planning a language course and provides the basis for its instructional focus and content. The syllabus could be: Task-based: organized around different tasks and activities that the learn-. ers would carry out in English.

What is a grammatical syllabus?

Grammatical (or structural) syllabus: one that is organizes arouna grammatical items. Traditionally, grammatical syllabuses have been used as the basis for planning general courses, particularly for beginning-level learners.

What is instructional material?

Whether the teacher uses a textbook, institutionally prepared materials, or his or her own materials, instructional materials generally serve as the basis for much of the language input learners receive and the language practice that occurs in the classroom.

What is the purpose of the English language course?

It teaches the basic communication skills needed to communicate in a variety of different work settings. The course seeks to enable participants to recognize their strengths and needs in language learning and to give them the confidence to use English more effectively to achieve their own goals.

What is situational analysis?

Situational Analysis: Situation analysis is an analysis of factors in the context of a planned or present curriculum project that is made in order to assess their potential impact on the project. These factors may be politic, social, economic, or institutional. Course Planning: A number of different levels of planning and development are involved ...

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