which of the following variables is inversely related with a caplet value? course hero

by Dr. Armani Steuber 6 min read

When two variables are in inverse proportion, what is the product?

Or we can say when two variables or quantities are in inverse proportion, then the product of the two variables is equal to a constant value. Ultimately, when the value of one variable increases, then the value of another variable decreases and theirproduct remains constant or unchanged. Inversely Proportional Formula.

What does it mean when a quantity is inversely proportional?

Inversely proportional. When the value of one quantity increases with respect to decrease in other or vice-versa , then they are said to be inversely proportional.  It means that the two quantities behave opposite in nature. For example, speed and time are in inverse proportion with each other.

What does it mean when a variable is proportional?

Inversely Proportional Meaning. Directly proportional variables are those in which if one variable increases, the other also increases. If one variable decreases, the other decreases in the same proportion .

What is the inversely proportional theorem?

Inversely Proportional Definition. Two variables are called inversely proportional, if and only if the variables are directly proportional to the reciprocal of each other.