Different Styles of Coaching. Ida Allen January 8, 2019 My Blog. There are generally three different types of coaching styles available in sports including holistic, democratic, and autocratic. Each of these coaching styles has drawbacks and benefits and it’s vital to understand each and every one of them. For every coach, a personal coaching ...
The following are overlapping mentoring benefits that may be experienced in all three approaches:
With this type of coaching, the benefits include: Reflect and improve business vision and strategic direction, Identify and implement successful business growth opportunities. Ultimately, it works for both individuals AND groups within an organization.
It is not limited to the romantic love life level. A relationship coach helps two or more people to improve their communication and interaction. A relationship coach can assist in both the personal and work context, as well as in any other relationship-related setting.
A personal development coach is there to guide clients on how to: Overcome specific obstacles, Achieve specific goals, Reach the next level of personal growth. Unlike other coaching types which are much more narrowed, a personal development coach can help with setting and achieving goals in: Business, Finance,
Indeed, managers AND team leaders are part of the leadership level. However, the role of an executive coach is to mainly: Support, Motivate, Sustain performance. The winning approach of a leadership coach is to help managers: Develop leadership skills,
A performance coach helps with: Boosting the effectiveness + productivity at work, Personal development based on ACTIONABLE goals, Overcome mental blockages to maximize one’s strength.
Life Coaching. This type of coaching focuses mainly on the individual. It can work great for people who need help in: Identify ing their goals, Re-evaluating and re-defining their experience via introspection, Achieve balance and clarity in life. A life coach’s specialties include: Active listening, Accountability,
Somatic Coaching. “ Somatics” originates from the Greek word “soma.”. It refers to the body in its absolute wholeness. Some call it “embodied learning,” as the focus moves from the head into the body. This unique approach provides a symbiosis of all the aspects of our intelligence (mind, body, and soul).