what college course is equivalent to physics c

by Mattie Reinger 10 min read

AP Physics C: Mechanics is equivalent to a one-semester, calculus- based, college-level physics course, especially appropriate for students planning to specialize or major in physical science or engineering.

Full Answer

What is AP Physics C equivalent to in college?

The AP Physics C classes are each equivalent to one semester of introductory, calculus-based college physics courses and will put aspiring engineers or physicists on track towards their goals. While it is possible to do so, taking all four AP Physics classes is not necessary to reach your long-term career or college goals.

Is Physics C harder than physics 2?

Notice there is some overlap with the Physics 2 curriculum, though again, Physics C will be more difficult since it incorporates calculus. The two topics are sometimes taught as the same course even though there are two different exams, with each topic being taught over one semester.

Do I have to take Physics 1 or 2 before Physics C?

So while you don't have to take Physics 1 or Physics 2 before you take Physics C, taking one (or both!) introductory physics courses is recommended. You can read a full description of Physics C at the AP website. Looking for help studying for your AP exam? Our one-on-one online AP tutoring services can help you prepare for your AP exams.

What AP physics classes should I take in high school?

Students who are planning on pursuing physics, math, or engineering in college should try to take the AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism AP exams in high school. These courses are equivalent to the first and/or second physics courses offered in college to STEM majors.

Is AP Physics C the same as 1?

Both AP Physics C courses are calculus-based, meaning you should have already taken calculus or concurrently be taking calculus while you take either AP Physics C course. This is the main factor that makes Physics C more challenging than Physics 1 and Physics 2.

Is Physics C the same as physics 2?

AP Physics 1+2 cover algebra-based physics. The two courses cover topics in mechanics, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, and nuclear physics. AP Physics C covers calculus-based physics. The two separate components cover mechanics and electricity & magnetism.

Is Physics C harder than AP Chem?

In terms of content, Physics C is definitely harder than Chemistry.

Is AP Physics C easier than AP 1?

We all know that AP® Physics 1 is easier than AP® Physics C. We note that many of the AP® Physics C courses self-select for those motivated students or those with higher grades in Math. That is the reason for the ridiculously high rates for AP® Physics C as compared to AP® Physics 1.

When should I take physics C?

Advanced Placement recommends that students who plan to major in engineering or physics in college should study AP Physics C (along with Calculus AB or BC). However, it is not necessary to take all AP physics courses, because you will not have enough time in school to study biology and chemistry as well.

Can physics c take physics 1 without?

Essentially, you can pick and choose which AP Physics courses you want to take, and you can take either AP Physics C course without first taking AP Physics 1 and 2. However, keep in mind that AP Physics 1 and 2 are algebra-based courses, whereas both AP Physics C courses are calculus-based.

Is Physics C the hardest AP class?

The Hardest AP Classes In High School – Ranked AP Physics C – Electricity & Magnetism (E&M) is rated as the hardest AP test by real AP class alumnae, with an average difficulty rating of 7.9 / 10 (10 = hardest). Those who stay the course often score well, though, with a 2021 pass rate of 70%.

Should I take AP Physics C: Mechanics or electricity and Magnetism?

It is strongly recommended that AP Physics C: Mechanics & AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism be taught as a second-year physics course. 3. Through each of these courses, you can major in Aerospace engineering, Astronomy, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, and other courses.

What is the hardest AP test to get a 5 on?

What are the Hardest AP Classes and Tests?Exam NamePassing Rate (3+)5 RateUnited States History52.10%11.70%Chemistry52.30%9.70%European History53.60%7.90%English Literature and Composition54.60%7.40%33 more rows•Mar 1, 2022

What is AP Physics C equivalent to?

AP Physics C: Mechanics is equivalent to a one-semester, calculus- based, college-level physics course, especially appropriate for students planning to specialize or major in physical science or engineering.

Does Khan Academy have Physics C?

AP Physics C Course – Khan Academy Help Center.

Do I need AP Physics for college?

Many college programs only require one semester of algebra-based physics for a science requirement, and AP Physics 1 may cover that requirement. However, if you want to pursue a degree in engineering or physics, then you should expect to take at least one AP Physics C class, if not both.

How long is the Physics C mechanics test?

Length: 1.5 hrs, offered directly after the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam, though students are not required to take both. Section 1: 35 multiple choice questions, 45 minutes, 50% of your total score. Section 2: 3 short-answer questions, 45 minutes, 50% of your total score.

How many years of advanced physics study replaces Physics B?

This study formally recommended that “a two-year sequence of advanced physics study replace Physics B, enabling students to delve deeper into key physics concepts as they develop the reasoning and inquiry skills necessary to think like scientists.”.

What is AP Physics 1?

AP Physics 1. The AP Physics 1 course is the equivalent of a first-semester, algebra-based college physics course. It is the most introductory of the AP Physics options and it covers Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion), work, energy, power, mechanical waves and sound, and introductory, simple circuits.

How many AP classes are there?

Currently, there are 38 AP class options, and counting. This means that there are plenty of choices for every interest, ranging from studio arts to foreign languages to science and engineering. Sometimes, though, the course options can seem a little confusing to someone who’s just beginning to explore them.

Do I need to take algebra 2 to get into AP Physics 1?

There are no formal prerequisites for AP Physics 1, but if you want to take it, you will need to have completed geometry and be concurrently taking Algebra II or an equivalent course to grasp the calculations required for the coursework.

Is AP Physics C a second year?

The College Board strongly recommends that AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism be taken as a second year physics course. Students should be prepared for college-level calculus-based work and must at minimum have taken or be concurrently taking calculus.

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About the Course

Explore concepts such as kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion, work, energy, and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; rotation; oscillations; and gravitation. You’ll do hands-on laboratory work and in-class activities to investigate phenomena and use calculus to solve problems.

About the Units

The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.

Course Content

You’ll begin your study of motion and the quantities associated with the motion of an object: position, velocity, acceleration, and time.

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What is the best AP physics class?

Physics 2 is the best AP Physics class to take after a regular or honors physics class (Physics 1 would pretty much just repeat what you already learned). AP Physics C is also an option if you're taking/have already taken calculus and have either Physics 1 or Physics 2 under your belt.

How many AP Physics exams are there?

Both of these courses are calculus-based. This means that there are now four AP Physics exams: AP Physics 1. AP Physics 2. AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism. AP Physics C: Mechanics. The fact that there are now four AP Physics exams can be confusing.

What is AP Physics 1?

AP Physics 1. AP Physics 1 is an introductory, algebra-based, college-level physics course. It explores fundamental physics concepts like motion, force, Newtonian mechanics, gravity, energy, and momentum . AP Physics 1 was designed to be a first-year physics course which you can take without prior physics experience.

What if your school doesn't offer physics?

If your school doesn't offer Physics C, take AP Physics 2 or honors physics if you can. Taking AP Physics 1 and Physics 2 is plenty if you aren't going to study natural sciences or engineering since you want to make room for other AP classes in your schedule.

What is the main concept of mechanics?

Mechanics covers kinematics, Newton's laws of motion, work, energy, power, linear momentum, circular motion and rotation, oscillations and gravitation. As you can see, these are many of the same concepts explored in Physics 1.

Is AP Physics C calculus?

Both AP Physics C courses are calculus-based, meaning you should have already taken calculus or concurrently be taking calculus while you take either AP Physics C course. This is the main factor that makes Physics C more challenging than Physics 1 and Physics 2. Additionally, AP Physics C requires that students are enrolled or have already taken ...

Do you have to take physics before AP Physics C?

So while you don't have to take Physics 1 or Physics 2 before you take Physics C, taking one (or both!) introductory physics courses is recommended. You can read a full description of Physics C at the AP website.

Key Differences

One key difference between the AP Physics 1+2 sequence and AP Physics C is the mathematical background. AP Physics 1+2 are algebra based, requiring only knowledge in Algebra II or Precalculus .

Which course and exam should you take?

Students who are planning on pursuing physics, math, or engineering in college should try to take the AP Physics C: Mechanics and AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism AP exams in high school. These courses are equivalent to the first and/or second physics courses offered in college to STEM majors.

How to Prepare

Students preparing for an AP exam should take an accompanying AP course to prepare for the exam.
