nyu and the us government and the us army are examples of what type of organization. course hero

by Dean Kulas 10 min read

What is the organizational structure of the US Army?

Organization The Army, as one of the three military departments (Army, Navy and Air Force) reporting to the Department of Defense, is composed of two distinct and equally important components: the active component and the reserve components. The reserve components are the United States Army Reserve and the Army National Guard.

What is an institutional organization in the Army?

Institutional organizations provide the infrastructure necessary to raise, train, equip, deploy, and ensure the readiness of all Army forces. The training base provides military skills and professional education to every Soldier—as well as members of sister services and allied forces. It also allows the Army to expand rapidly in time of war.

What are the different types of Army units?

The operational Army consists of numbered armies, corps, divisions, brigades, and battalions that conduct full spectrum operations around the world.

What are the two components of the US Army?

The Army, as one of the three military departments (Army, Navy and Air Force) reporting to the Department of Defense, is composed of two distinct and equally important components: the active component and the reserve components. The reserve components are the United States Army Reserve and the Army National Guard.

Enslavement in the U.S

Arguably no episode in U.S. history has left a greater imprint on race relations than slavery. Before the legislation was enacted to end slavery, enslaved people across the world fought for freedom by organizing rebellions, and their descendants fought against attempts to perpetuate racism during the civil rights movement .

Race and World War II

World War II marked both racial advancements and setbacks in the United States. On the one hand, it gave underrepresented groups such as Black people, Asian people, and Native American people the opportunity to show they had the skill and intellect necessary to excel in the military.

Racial Profiling

Racial profiling has become an everyday occurrence, and it impacts more than just the people involved.

Race, Intolerance, and the Church

Religious institutions have not been untouched by racism. Several Christian denominations have apologized for discriminating against Black people by supporting Jim Crow and backing slavery.

In Summation

Activists, including abolitionists and suffragettes, have long had success in overturning some forms of institutional racism. A number of 21st-century social movements, such as Black Lives Matter, seek to address institutional racism across the board, from the legal system to schools.


Andrews, Edmund. "Stanford researchers develop new statistical test that shows racial profiling in police traffic stops." Stanford News, June 28, 2016.

What are the two main parts of the Army?

The Army, as one of the three military departments (Army, Navy and Air Force) reporting to the Department of Defense, is composed of two distinct and equally important components: the active component and the reserve components . The reserve components are the United States Army Reserve and the Army National Guard.

What is an institutional organization?

Institutional organizations provide the infrastructure necessary to raise, train, equip, deploy, and ensure the readiness of all Army forces. The training base provides military skills and professional education to every Soldier—as well as members of sister services and allied forces.

What is the mission of the USMA?

The mission of the USMA is to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.

What is the USACE?

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Washington, D.C. USACE is designated as a Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) by the Secretary of the Army. The USACE provides engineering services and capabilities in support of National interests.

What is the USASMDC?

USASMDC is the assigned Army Service Component Command (ASCC) to the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and provides continuous oversight, control, integration, and coordination of Army forces supporting USSTRATCOM.

What branch is the bureaucracy?

The Bureaucracy is part of the Executive Branch . Judicial Branch —The judicial power of the United States is vested in the Supreme Court and the federal courts. Their job is to interpret and apply US laws through cases brought before them.

What is the two party system?

The two major parties in America are the Democratic and Republican parties. They act as coalitions and attempt to win elections. We currently have a two-party system because of not only historical precedent and tradition but also the electoral system itself.

What are the two branches of Congress?

Congress consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Executive Branch —The Executive power lies with the President of the United States who is given the job of executing, enforcing, and administering the laws and government. The Bureaucracy is part of the Executive Branch. Judicial Branch —The judicial power ...
