what are some of the most important lessons you feel you have learned over the course of your life?

by Vivien Spencer DVM 9 min read

Now, please think about some of the biggest lessons you have learned in your life. These might be about success, happiness, productivity, health, mental health, money, relationships, learning, personal development, career, business, creativity, or any aspect of life.

The following list unveils some of the most important lessons in life that people learn the hard way.
  1. Walk your own path. ...
  2. Don't hesitate when you should act. ...
  3. Experience what you have learned. ...
  4. Good things don't come easy. ...
  5. Never fail to try more. ...
  6. Take care of your health early. ...
  7. Make every moment count. ...
  8. Live and let live.
Sep 18, 2021

Full Answer

What is the most important lesson you have learned in life?

One of the most important lessons that I have learned in life is to "face your fears." Fears can hold us back from experiencing everything that life has to offer. When we give into fear we limit ourselves. We think we can do only this—go only that far—but no more. My fear was a fear of failure.

What are “life lessons”?

It seems “life lessons” are called that for a reason. The lessons learned in life are a byproduct of life itself. But you can learn some of these lessons before life forces them on you in a painful way.

What life lessons should every man learn early on?

Some life lessons people should learn early on. 1. Money will NEVER solve your real problems. Money is a tool; a commodity that buys you necessities and some nice “wants,” but it is not the panacea to your problems.

Are the lessons learned in life a byproduct of life?

The lessons learned in life are a byproduct of life itself. But you can learn some of these lessons before life forces them on you in a painful way. What are life lessons? 1. Your life is now.

How do you answer what are the most important lessons you have learned in your career?

The Top Five Lessons People Have Learned Throughout Their CareerProactively meet challenges. Everyone's career has challenges. ... Have courage. The advice to have courage comes from financial guru Suze Orman. ... Don't overlook any skill's importance. ... The people and the job are equally important. ... Listen.

What were the top three lessons in career or life that you learned the hard way?

30 Life Lessons Learned The Hard WayNot Everyone Can Be Forever. Most people we date will not be for forever. ... We Don't Always Get Closure. ... Love Doesn't Hurt. ... I Can Survive Anything. ... If The Person Loves You, He/She Comes Back. ... Separated People Are Not Ready. ... You Don't NEED Anyone. ... Mixed Signals Are No BUENO.More items...•

What have you Learnt life?

Confidence to me is about being comfortable and not trying to be someone that I'm not.Be ready to adapt and change direction at any moment. ... Always follow your gut. ... Making mistakes is about learning lessons. ... Learn from those around you. ... Be nice to everyone. ... Take care of yourself. ... Eat well. ... Eliminate negativity.More items...•

What are the greatest lessons you have learned from your past challenges?

An essential daily guide to achieving the good lifeYou can't control life but you can control yourself. ... You can't change the way things are but you can change the way you look at things.You are actually a very strong person.You are your own worst enemy and your own best friend.You realize who your true friends are.More items...•

What are the most important lessons in life?

The following list unveils some of the most important lessons in life that people learn the hard way.Walk your own path. ... Don't hesitate when you should act. ... Experience what you have learned. ... Good things don't come easy. ... Never fail to try more. ... Take care of your health early. ... Make every moment count. ... Live and let live.More items...•

What important lessons we learn from schools?

Meaningful Life Lessons We Learn From Teachers at SchoolRemain True to Yourself.You Cannot Control Who Your Parents Are. ... Pave Your Own Path. ... Organization Matters. ... Make the Most of Each Opportunity. ... You Are Special. ... Hard Work Pays Off. ... You Will Be Held Accountable for Your Actions. ... More items...•

What is a good life lesson?

1. Make yourself necessary and you will always be needed. If you want to feel successful, learn to create, innovate or design something other people can use and need.

Why is it important to learn lessons?

An effective lesson makes the class more interesting. It allows the students to grow more interest in the subject matter and they participate in active conversation. This interaction gets the students thinking and helps them build new skills. Engaging lessons helps the students to concentrate more and memorise them.

What are the three most important things you learned this year?

20 Life Lessons We Learnt From 2020:Learn To Love Yourself. 2020 was the year of self-love. ... The Art Of Sanitising. Sanitizers became and always will be our best friend.Admire The Little Things. ... Count Your Blessings. ... Save Money. ... Don't Take Anything For Granted. ... Learn To Have Patience. ... Put Your Mental Health First.More items...•

What is the biggest lesson you learned this year?

The 5 Biggest Lessons I Learned This YearManaging your energy is more important than managing your time. ... It's not what you say, it's how people feel after you say it. ... Being a good listener is the most underrated skill. ... Get more sleep. ... A clear vision will solve most of your problems.

What is your greatest learning from the past one year?

TOP 5 MOST IMPORTANT THINGS I LEARNED LAST YEARPut God first. ... Focus on what you can control, not what you can't. ... Focus on what you have instead of what you don't have. ... Focus on the future, not on the past. ... Be Nice to Yourself.

What are the important things you have learned about stress?

Stress is a normal biological reaction to a potentially dangerous situation. When you encounter sudden stress, your brain floods your body with chemicals and hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. That gets your heart beating faster and sends blood to muscles and important organs.

What is the most important lesson you have learned in life?

One of the most important lessons that I have learned in life is to "face your fears.". Fears can hold us back from experiencing everything that life has to offer. When we give into fear we limit ourselves. We think we can do only this—go only that far—but no more.

What is the second most important lesson in life?

The second most important life lesson that I learned is to treat people like you want to be treated. This is the "Golden Rule." It is a Biblical principle to "Love your neighbor as yourself."

25 Important Lessons I Have Learned in Life

Recently I turned 25 and it’s had me thinking about where my life is going and where I want it to go, which means that I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on what I’ve learned in life so far, and what I hope to pass on to others!


If they really love YOU and respect YOU, they will put time into keeping you in their life and maintaining the relationship because of how special you are to them!

WHOO! Our 25 by 25 has come to a close!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve learned that I need to make reflections a part of my daily routine. Instead of getting flooded with thoughts on thoughts after I’ve spent a couple hours on the phone with my mom, I plan to spend more time each day thinking about what I’m grateful for, and how I plan to show that gratitude in everything I do!

Why do I want things when I'm young?

When you’re young you want things. Because you see other people having things and you think your life would be better if you had them as well. Material things are just things. They don’t make your identity. Possessions are raw materials moved from one place to another do you think ten years from now you’ll care that at the moment you have the latest iPhone.

Is happiness a thing?

Happiness isn’t something that depends on anything, it doesn’t even need anyone’s approval. Happiness is something you experience by yourself. Because your reality is in tune with your expectations. The good news is you can choose to be happy. The bad news is you need to put some real effort into it. Because just as anything worth pursuing it won’t happen by itself. At least not to the degree you’re looking for.

What is a life lesson?

A life lesson is a powerful piece of wisdom, knowledge, insight, or self-awareness that you adopt to improve yourself, your relationships, and your life in general. You often need to experience life in order to learn the lesson. And the more life you experience, the more lessons you accumulate.

What does it mean to live a simpler life?

A simpler life in all regards gives you more space for joy, authenticity, and engagement.

How does vulnerability heal?

Vulnerability, practiced with safe and loving people, can heal emotional pain and strengthen relationships. Let down your walls and connect.

Why is it important to play?

Play is the most important thing you can do as a child. Playing outside or inside stimulates your creativity, helps you learn valuable life skills, and allows you to work off steam from school and other pressures.

Is it hard to wait for success?

In a world of instant gratification, it’s hard to wait for success in your career. But most people don’t find career success until they’ve put in many years of effort and hard work.

Does it matter where you grow up?

It doesn’t matter where you grew up , how successful your parents are, the color of your skin, or how attractive you may be — you aren’t entitled to anything special as a result.

Can your spouse read your mind?

Never assume your spouse or significant other knows what you are thinking or feeling. He or she can’t read your mind and shouldn’t be expected to intuit your feelings and needs.

What is life about?

Life is about the journey. A lot of times we get so caught up in what we want to achieve, the ability to live life to perfection, that end result, so much so that we forget to live and to really enjoy this wonderful journey of living. Sometimes we need to allow ourselves to live.

What does "I know there are much more to come" mean?

1. Life poses no mistakes, rather lessons for us to learn. We are constantly learning from everything, everyone and everyplace. It is evident, as humans, that we are prone to make mistakes, it’s the way of life.

Why do we deserve a second chance?

Everyone deserves a second chance. The moment you forgive somebody; chances are that you will also give them a second chance. By doing this, you are also allowing yourself to grow. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone is human. Which is why everyone deserves a second chance. A chance to redeem themselves.

Is life perfect?

Life isn’t perfect and neither are we. Life is a journey that no one knows the answer to. Each and every day we are learning more about ourselves and more about the world around us. I’ve had some incredible life experiences and some bad ones too. But what’s living without a few bumps in the road.

What are the lessons we have learned?

Here’re 10 important life lessons you should learn early on: 1. Money Will Never Solve Your Real Problems. Money is a tool; a commodity that buys you necessities and some nice “wants,” but it is not the panacea to your problems.

Why is the brain so efficient?

The brain is far too efficient to retain every detail about every event that happens in your life, mainly because many events that occur aren’t always that important. The brain doesn’t—and shouldn’t—care what you ate for lunch three weeks ago or what color shirt you wore golfing last month.

How to train yourself to be more mindful?

Let your life unfold. Wait a bit to see where it takes you, and take time to weigh your options. Enjoy every bite of food, take time to look around you, let the other person finish their side of the conversation. Allow yourself time to think , to mull a bit . Try these 7 Ways To Train Yourself To Be More Mindful.

Why is body language important?

Body language can play a significant role in how our words and communication are interpreted, especially when there is a disconnection involved. [4] . When someone tells you one thing, yet their body language screams something completely different, it’s challenging to let that go.

Is it normal to be aware of everything?

It helps to keep things in perspective. 7. There’s No Shame in Not Knowing.

Do you have to spend money to get back in touch with your old friends?

You think you have plenty of time to get back in touch with your old friends or spend time with new ones, but you don’t. You have the money to spend, or you think you’ll have it next month, but you might not. Nothing in your life is not guaranteed to be there tomorrow, including those you love.
