which of the following statements is true regarding sql injection attacks? course hero

by Josianne Heller 10 min read

What is a SQL injection attack and how does it work?

What is a SQL Injection Attack? SQL Injection attacks (or SQLi) alter SQL queries, injecting malicious code by exploiting application vulnerabilities. Successful SQLi attacks allow attackers to modify database information, access sensitive data, execute admin tasks on the database, and recover files from the system.

What is error based injection in SQL Server?

Error Based SQL injection: Error Based SQL injection forces the database to perform some operation which returns an error. Union SQL injection: This injection is performed by appending forged query to the original query. Union Select statements returns the union of the legitimate datasets with target datasets

What is a SQLI attack?

SQL Injection attacks (or SQLi) alter SQL queries, injecting malicious code by exploiting application vulnerabilities. Successful SQLi attacks allow attackers to modify database information, access sensitive data, execute admin tasks on the database, and recover files from the system.

What is blind SQL injection?

Blind SQL injection: If SQL Injection was performed on a web application which was vulnerable and the results of the injection are not visible to the attacker. These kinda injections are called as Blind SQL injections

Which of the following is example of SQL injection attack?

Some common SQL injection examples include: Retrieving hidden data, where you can modify an SQL query to return additional results. Subverting application logic, where you can change a query to interfere with the application's logic. UNION attacks, where you can retrieve data from different database tables.

Which of the following approaches is an effective way of protecting yourself against SQL injection?

The only sure way to prevent SQL Injection attacks is input validation and parametrized queries including prepared statements.

Which of the following is a security countermeasure that could be used to protect your production SQL databases against injection attacks?

Security countermeasure could be used to monitor production SQL databases against injection attacks could include encrypting the data elements that reside in long term storage of the SQL databases.

How can SQL injection occurs Mcq?

Explanation: SQL Injection occurs when the user is asked to input a username. In replacement of the name or the user ID, a SQL statement is provided by the user.

What is a method to prevent SQL injection attacks quizlet?

Input validation is the best way to prevent SQL injection attacks on web servers and database servers (or combinations of the two).

Which of the following describes the action of an SQL injection into a database server?

Which of the following describes the action of an SQL injection into a database server? The SQL injection inserts specially created structured query language statements to manipulate the database server, giving control of the database to the attacker, who can then manipulate the database.

What is a common always true SQL injection?

SQL Injection Based on 1=1 is Always True The original purpose of the code was to create an SQL statement to select a user, with a given user id.

What control provides the best protection against both SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks?

WAFs provide efficient protection from a number of malicious security attacks such as: SQL injection. Cross-site scripting (XSS) Session hijacking.

Which SQL injection defense method should be used only as a last resort?

Defense Option 4: Escaping All User-Supplied Input. This technique should only be used as a last resort, when none of the above are feasible. Input validation is probably a better choice as this methodology is frail compared to other defenses and we cannot guarantee it will prevent all SQL Injection in all situations.

Which term refers to the requirement to preserve the privacy of individuals business intellectual property and national security efforts?

Confidentiality: requires that only authorized users have access to information in order to preserve the privacy of individuals, business intellectual property, and national security efforts.

When developing an application using NoSQL instead of MySQL will have what effect on the applications susceptibility to SQL injection attacks?

When developing an application, using NoSQL instead of MySQL will have what effect on the applications susceptibility to SQL Injection attacks ? It will reduce, but not eliminate, the injection attack surface.

Which of the following is a step used to harden a database application?

EXPLANATION. Application hardening, which includes hardening database applications, consists of disabling default accounts and changing default passwords.

How to check for SQL injection vulnerability?

A most common technique to check for the vulnerability is using single quotes (‘’). Doing so indicates whether the user input variable is sanitized or interpreted literally by the server. If the server responds with an error message then it’s most likely susceptible to a SQL injection attack. You may check it by appending a single quote in a URL or an input field.

What is union SQL injection?

Union SQL injection: This injection is performed by appending forged query to the original query. Union Select statements returns the union of the legitimate datasets with target datasets

How to get unauthorized access to a database?

One of the techniques to get unauthorized access to a database is by performing SQL injection. SQL injection is a basic technique a hacker might use to take over unauthorized access to the database or maybe to enumerate the data from the database.

What does the double dash at the end of a command mean?

The double dashes at the end of the command say SQL to ignore the rest of the command as a comment.

Is SQL injection time intensive?

Blind SQL injections are time intensive technique. Sometimes you might end up with False Positives as well. SQL Injection Countermeasures It’s good to know the solution for any vulnerability. To defend against SQL injections you need to implement few secure coding practices and run any vulnerability assessment tool.