what are some of the key listening skills needed to provide superior customer service alison course

by Jazmin Schimmel 3 min read

Why active listening is the best customer service skill?

Why Active Listening is the Best Customer Service Skill. on April 5, 2018. They say the key to any healthy human relationship is effective communication. This principle also applies to the relationship between a customer and a customer service or sales representative. Active listening is the foundation of effective communication.

What are the customer service skills?

Customer service skills list and examples. Although customer service is often seen as a skill in and of itself, there are many associated skills that support strong customer service abilities. Necessary customer service skills include: Active listening. Adaptability.

What are listening skills in communication?

Listening Skills. Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are easily misunderstood.

How do you effectively listen to your customers?

Actively listening to your customers is such a successful approach that more and more companies have switched to it over older models. One of the best ways to reassure someone that you’re really listening is to ask a lot of follow-up questions. This keeps the conversation alive!

What are the 5 listening skills?

They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are listening to what they say.Pay attention. Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. ... Show that you are listening. ... Provide feedback. ... Defer judgment. ... Respond Appropriately.

What are the skills required for providing the best customer service?

As a skill set, customer service entails several qualities like active listening, empathy, problem-solving and communication. Customer service is used in many jobs at every level. While traditionally you might think of customer care as a service from a business to a consumer, it is also applicable within a business.

What are listening skills in customer service?

10 active listening skills for call center agentsActively show that you're tracking what your customer is saying. Using statements such as “I see,” “I understand,” etc. ... Never interrupt. ... Demonstrate concern. ... Avoid distractions. ... Repeat and/or paraphrase. ... Ask questions. ... Avoid arguing or becoming defense. ... Build trust.More items...

What communication skills do you need to deliver great customer service?

Clear Communication Skills Mumbling, losing focus, or using unclear language can be the source of many dissatisfied customer experiences. Your agents can be the most empathetic, professional, and positive people in the business, but they also must be able to communicate well with customers.

What are the 3 most important things in customer service?

Essentially, the 3 important qualities of customer service center around three “p”s: professionalism, patience, and a “people-first” attitude. Although customer service varies from customer to customer, as long as you're following these guidelines, you're on the right track.

What are 4 examples of customer service?

What are some examples good customer service?The store owner who remembers — and appreciates — repeat customers. ... The online merchant that sends personalized video message to each new customer. ... The online store that proactively addresses shipping issues. ... The associate who comes up with the perfect greeting.More items...•

What are the 7 key active listening skills?

7 Key Active Listening SkillsBe attentive.Ask open-ended questions.Ask probing questions.Request clarification.Paraphrase.Be attuned to and reflect feelings.Summarize.

Why are listening skills important in customer service?

You must be able to hear and understand what people are saying. At times, these skills require that you pay attention to the customer's unsaid message, which may not be immediately apparent. Strong listening skills allow you to address the customer's needs and inquiries in a quick and efficient manner.

How can I improve my listening skills in customer service?

Listening is an entire-body experience.Encourage. Let the speaker know you are engaged in the conversation. ... Question. Ask the speaker “you” questions, as in questions about their topic. ... Reflect. ... Practice Your Listening Skills. ... Minimize Any Distractions. ... Never Interrupt the Speaker. ... Provide Verbal and Nonverbal Feedback.

What do customers want?

Customers come with a variety of wants, needs, expectations, attitudes, and emotions. They want to be treated as individuals, not as a number. Recognize your customer’s emotional state and figure out the best way to effectively serve them. Make them feel comfortable and important to you.

What are some phrases that let customers know you are doing your best?

Phrases like this let the customer know that you are doing your best and make them more likely to be understanding. Patronizing the Customer. You should never patronize or talk down to the customer. Customers must never be addressed in a patriarchal way or in a manner that suggests that you are in charge at the store.

When you speak to customers, do you use positive language?

When you speak to customers you must use positive language. Ensure that your phrasing tells customers that you are eager to help. Furthermore, employees must remember that they are representing their organization. Everything you say should portray the organization as one that is dedicated to superior customer service.

Why is eye contact important?

Keeping eye contact while you are communicating or listening to your customer ensures you remain focused and lets them know are interested in providing good service. Also, if you are spending a long time serving a particular customer, it can help to make eye contact with the next customer in line.

Why is active listening important in customer service?

As the name suggests, customer service should focus on the customer. Active listening ensures that their wants and needs drive the entire conversation.

How can I improve my active listening skills?

Here are some easy tips you can use to improve active listening with customers:

What is active listening?

Active listening is a technique that was first used in therapy, but the benefits transfer into a lot of different areas, including customer service. It refers to a pattern of listening that keeps you actively engaged with the person you’re speaking to.

How to know how to help a customer?

Actively listening and empathising with customers is the only real way to know the best way to help a customer. Listen properly, and the customer will let you know the best way to help them. All you have to do is listen.

What is the most dangerous mistake in customer service?

Miscommunication is one of the most dangerous mistakes in customer service. Not feeling heard or appreciated can lead to frustration and complaints.

Why is active listening important?

Active listening builds a strong foundation for any meaningful conversation. It gives your customer service team the tools they need to turn any customer interaction into a positive experience.

What happens if a customer doesn't believe they're being listened to?

If a customer doesn’t believe they’re being listened to, they’re far more likely to feel frustrated and take their business somewhere else.

What are customer service skills?

Customer service skills are the set of behaviors you rely on when interacting with a customer. They can also be useful when following up after an initial conversation. For example, if you work as a virtual assistant for a technology company, you may need to help customers troubleshoot problems with their devices. To accomplish this, you will likely use several different skills:

What are the skills needed to be a good customer service?

Necessary customer service skills include: Many customer service skills are soft skills . As you help learn how to more effectively communicate, make decisions, think independently, and expand your understanding of empathy, you’ll find you can more easily relate to and assist others.

Why is it important to practice customer service?

You may find it helpful to practice your customer service skills. You can practice skills like friendliness and patience with everyone on and off the job, including colleagues and customers. You may also find that improving your knowledge of the service or product your employer offers improves your ability to resolve issues with customers .

Why do employers value soft skills?

Employers value people with strong soft skills because of how well they can interact with both customers and colleagues.

What skills do virtual assistants need?

To accomplish this, you will likely use several different skills: Communication.

Why is customer service important?

Customer service is an important part of every business. Creating positive interactions in the workplace can help ensure your company continues to draw both new and repeat and customers, and help develop a cohesive relationship with colleagues.

Is customer care a service?

While traditionally you might think of customer care as a service from a business to a consumer, it is also applicable within a business. For example, you may be in a role that provides services to other, internal teams. In this case, you would want to ensure that you understood and were able to meet their needs.

Why is active listening important in customer service?

It’s critical to engage in active listening in order to make that person feel truly heard, understood, and served. The more empathy you have with your customers — the more you listen to them — the more they will value their relationship with you and the product and services you offer. People just want to be listened to. And customers do notice — nearly 50% of customers believe companies act empathy when delivering customer service.

How to listen to a customer?

Tips for Better Active Listening in Customer Service: 1 Focus on what the customer is saying, rather than what you’re going to say in response 2 Focus on what the customer isn’t saying – their tone of voice, body language and facial expressions (if you can see them) 3 Don’t interrupt – nobody likes to be cut off in the middle of a sentence. 4 Give the customer your full attention, and tune out distractions; definitely don’t multitask while talking to a customer 5 Take quick notes, but don’t let them distract you from what the customer is saying 6 Occasionally repeat what the customer has said back to them, to confirm you have the correct information, and to demonstrate your attentiveness 7 Don’t take it personally when a customer is upset – often they just want you to validate their frustration before you can move on to a solution 8 Check frequently that you are collecting the right information and understand the issue correctly 9 Do something about it later. This might seem obvious but you can do all the listening in the world and it won’t matter if the issue isn’t fixed.

What is active listening?

Active listening is the foundation of effective communication. Active listening in customer service means being totally focused on the words that the customer is saying, understanding what those words mean and responding in a manner that validates what they’re saying. The more empathy you have with your customers, ...

Why is active listening important?

Active Listening Fosters Understanding and Empathy. Most people call or contact customer service if they’ve encountered a problem with a company’s product or service . That means, more often than not, call center agents have to exhibit a great deal of calm and patience as they navigate each customer’s concerns.

Why do we need real people in call centers?

The purpose of having real people at customer service call centers is to offer that personal touch and interaction for consumers, rather than them having to go through automated messaging. Being able to have a real, authentic conversation is what keeps consumers engaged and coming back.

What is the key to a healthy relationship?

They say the key to any healthy human relationship is effective communication. This principle also applies to the relationship between a customer and a customer service or sales representative.

How to reassure someone that you're listening?

One of the best ways to reassure someone that you’re really listening is to ask a lot of follow-up questions. This keeps the conversation alive!

Learn the important skills to deliver excellent customer service in this free online customer service training course

This free online course is for those who are interested in learning to become customer service representatives or are seeking to improve their skills. This customer service certification will teach you the important skills you need to learn and practice to become excellent at customer service.


All Alison courses are free to enrol, study and complete. To successfully complete this Certificate course and become an Alison Graduate, you need to achieve 80% or higher in each course assessment.

What is an Alison certificate?

Your Alison Certificate is: Ideal for sharing with potential employers - include it in your CV, professional social media profiles and job applications. An indication of your commitment to continuously learn, upskill and achieve high results.

How to become an Alison graduate?

To successfully complete this Certificate course and become an Alison Graduate, you need to achieve 80% or higher in each course assessment. Once you have completed this Certificate course, you have the option to acquire an official Certificate, which is a great way to share your achievement with the world. Your Alison Certificate is:

What is a good way to share your skills with potential employers?

Ideal for sharing with potential employers - include it in your CV, professional social media profiles and job applications. An indication of your commitment to continuously learn, upskill and achieve high results. An incentive for you to continue empowering yourself through lifelong learning.

What is effective listening?

Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships. Spend some time thinking about and developing your listening skills – they are the building blocks of success. See our pages: Employability Skills and Customer Service Skills for more examples of the importance of listening in the workplace.

Why is listening important?

Listening is so important that many top employers provide listening skills training for their employees. This is not surprising when you consider that good listening skills can lead to better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, and increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative ...

What is the purpose of listening?

The Purpose of Listening 1 To specifically focus on the messages being communicated, avoiding distractions and preconceptions. 2 To gain a full and accurate understanding into the speakers point of view and ideas. 3 To critically assess what is being said. (See our page on Critical Thinking for more). 4 To observe the non-verbal signals accompanying what is being said to enhance understanding. 5 To show interest, concern and concentration. 6 To encourage the speaker to communicate fully, openly and honestly. 7 To develop an selflessness approach, putting the speaker first. 8 To arrive at a shared and agreed understanding and acceptance of both sides views.

What does it mean to listen to a story?

Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages.

How does clarity affect listening?

Generally we find it easier to focus if the speaker is fluent in their speech, has a familiar accent, and speaks at an appropriate loudness for the situation . It is more difficult, for example, to focus on somebody who is speaking very fast and very quietly, especially if they are conveying complex information.

What is the purpose of a speaker's speech?

To encourage the speaker to communicate fully, openly and honestly.

How much time do adults spend on communication?

Adults spend an average of 70% of their time engaged in some sort of communication.