how to write about a course you are passionate about

by Arno Brekke 5 min read

How to answer “what are you Passionate about?

We’ll cover that, too. Let’s get started. The best way to answer “what are you passionate about” is to name one single area of interest. This will keep your answer simple and easy to remember (and easy to practice).

How do you write a passion story?

You want to dig deep and think about what you are truly passionate about. This is going to form the core of your passion story. Write down what you are truly passionate about and describe how it drives your business and/or what you do professionally. Explain how this passion helps other people.

How can I show my passion for my subject?

At several stages of the application process there is the opportunity to show your passion for your subject: in your personal statement, at interview and in an admissions test. Each of these has something of the ‘blank canvas’ element about them.

How do you describe your passion in a resume?

Passions that the candidate may want to share with the potential employer: 1 Show having a passion for developing a new skill or new soft skill. 2 And having a passion for discovering a different passion. 3 And having a passion for developing a new interest. 4 Or having a passion for learning "new things."

How do you show you are passionate about a course?

You show how much you love the subject through the way that you talk about it and the actions you have taken to further your knowledge of the degree that you will be studying. You explain why you like the subject - i.e. why you want to study it.

How do I write I am passionate about something?

Try this: I love [describe your passion]. I love doing this because [talk about what excites you and what you find rewarding about it]. The best part is [describe an outcome of what you do]. Example: I love helping people who want to get published, improve their writing or change careers to become a writer.

How do you say you are passionate about something on a resume?

Some of the easiest ways to demonstrate your passion through achievements are by listing or speaking about: awards or accolades you've received, outstanding results you've achieved in past roles, and occasions where you've gone above and beyond to achieve great results.

What makes you interested in this course?

Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. Be specific when discussing how you hope this specific course prepares you for your career. Share specific career milestones you hope to achieve, and discuss why you chose this specific career.

What are you passionate about in your career?

This could be: Working with technology, solving interesting technical challenges, helping people, making a difference in people's lives, helping people live healthier lives, etc. Then think about why that excites you, or how that fits into your personal interests.

How do I express my passion for work?

How to Show You're Passionate in a Job InterviewStart with your why. ... Discuss where you invest extra time. ... Share your hobbies. ... Talk about where you've worked for free.

How do you show enthusiasm in a letter?

The most successful way to convey your excitement for a position in a cover letter is to take that passion and tie it directly to your successes. Then, translate how those successes are directly relevant and repeatable at this new company.

How do you write a passionate cover letter?

To create an effective opening to your cover letter, follow these steps:Convey enthusiasm for the company. ... Highlight a mutual connection. ... Lead with an impressive accomplishment. ... Bring up something newsworthy. ... Express passion for what you do. ... Tell a creative story. ... Start with a belief statement.

What can I write instead of passionate on my CV?

Try these instead: Self-starter: enthusiastic, inspired, motivated, zealous. Go-getter: ambitious, aspiring, determined, industrious, passionate.

How do you answer what do you hope to gain from this course?

For example, you can show the hiring manager your ability to make practical goals by saying, "I am interested in the ways this job can help me grow personally and professionally. I am excited to hone my collaboration skills by working with others and to have the chance to see some glimpses into my future career path."

Why should we select you for this course answer?

“Over the years, I have acquired relevant skills and experience, which I shall bring to your organization. I have also worked tirelessly on my communication abilities and teamwork skills, which I will put to use in my future career, which would be in your organization if I am selected for the position.

Why did you choose to pursue this degree?

Talking about how you chose your major can tell the interviewer what you're passionate about and what you see in your future. For example, if you chose to major in computer science because you've loved fixing and building computers since you were a teenager, that bodes well for your interest in a job in IT.

How Do You Know What You Are Passionate About?

If you’re thinking “what are my passions?”, or if you’re still not sure which one thing to mention in your interview answer, then this section is for you.


Whether you choose a work-related passion or a personal passion, it’s best to name one single thing that you’re passionate about, and then explain why.

Why do employers care about your passions?

Employers care about your passions because they want to make sure that they are placing you into a job function you will enjoy. That's the truth. If they can align your passions with parts of the job that drive excellence, they know they'll get the best performance out of you.

What should I mention during a motivational session?

All of your passions that you mention during the session should include a reference to your soft skills. One of which might be your devotion or motivation. For example, bringing up health and fitness is perfectly okay since it mentions your ability to be motivated and work toward something greater.

Is teamwork a passion?

As a job seeker, if nothing comes to mind in terms of passions, using teamwork as a passion is always acceptable. For example, working with new people, finding ways to address problems and solutions together, doing great work, and having general enthusiasm about work.

1. When Your Passion Is Directly Related to Work

Maybe you’re a software engineer who spends all of your spare time working on a coding side project. Or you’re applying for a content strategist role and also run your own personal blog. This is the easiest scenario to be in, since you can draw a direct line between what you love to do outside of work and the actual job duties.

2. When Your Passion Is Unrelated to the Job

It might feel weird to talk about your passion when it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the job you’re interviewing for. Still, it’s perfectly fine to mention an interest that doesn’t seem job-related on paper. Most employers want you to have a life outside of work and do what makes you happy.

What are you passionate about Answer examples?

Competitive baking is something I enjoy. My grandmother and I used to bake on the weekends.

What is your passion best answer?

If you want to know what you’re passionate about, name one area of interest. Next, you want to tell them what the specific thing is, and then explain why you’re passionate about it.

How do I describe my passion?

Think about what you are truly passionate about and determine your passion story. Explain how the passion helps other people. If you don’t feel passionate about your business, ask yourself what you loved to do when you were a child. You need to connect that passion with what you are doing.

What is your passion at work examples?

It’s important to understand the job and how it fits into an organization.

Chocolate Decadence

You might not know this, but smoothies are one of the best ways to get nutrients into your system – they make a great breakfast and are also the perfect replenishment after a workout. I drink them for both occasions! The best thing is that they can be both healthy and delicious.

RECIPE: Chocolate Decadence Smoothie

I also particularly like Zero Belly’s Velvety Elvis smoothie, which includes banana, spirulina, and almond butter. What a treat – and it looks like the ocean! But I can’t find it on the internet and dare not violate any copyrights. Plus I really think everyone with any interest in smoothie creations must buy the book.

Not a Blender Fan?

You might be lamenting, “My blender smells like rubber anytime I make it work hard.” Or, “My blender is so hard to clean!” or “My blender leaves big chunks of food in my drink. ‘Smooth’ is the last word I’d use to describe the sludge my blender produces.”

Not Really a College Essay

So I didn’t really write a college-essay-worthy essay here, since I would never want any student to give advice in a college application. But have I gotten my excitement across – and provided some insight on how to write a unique college essay?

The spark

The key here is to spark the interest of the person you’re talking to.

The flame

Now it’s time to turn that spark of your story into a flame. But when you’re still getting to know someone, you want a slow comfortable burn so that people aren’t overwhelmed with too much information.

The fire

Now you want to fan that flame so it turns into a fire. This is when you get to tell other aspects of your story and give other people a real insight into your business, passions and life.

Why you need to share your passion story

Your passion might be flying kites, creating stories or restoring vintage cars, or it might be changing people’s lives. Everyone is different. If it’s connected to the work you do, great. It makes sense for you to share your story so people get an understanding about what inspires and drives you.

Determining your passion story

Pour yourself a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, get a notepad and step away from your computer. You don’t want to be distracted by emails, tweets or items on your ‘to do’ list that are calling your name. You want to dig deep and think about what you are truly passionate about. This is going to form the core of your passion story.

How can I become a better writer?

Brushing up your writing by learning everything there is to learn about your niche , using simple language to make your writing more comprehensible, writing every day and sprinkling your work with your personality are all straightforward ways to become a better writer.

What do you have to write about in fashion?

You have to write about something that you’re truly passionate about to keep your writing engaging. Although part of fashion is keeping up with trends, if you write about the trend of the moment but without any real heart, sooner or later the real you is going to come out.

What does it mean to write about movies?

Writing about movies means you’ll get to have tons of fun going to the cinema to see all the new releases. If you’re writing a film blog, the first thing you need to decide is whether you’ll write about a specific genre, such as horror or comedy, or whether you’ll write about films in general.

How many hours should I work to be a writer?

Many of us will be familiar with the “10,000 hours rule” which observed that people who made it to the very height of their profession practiced for 10,000 hours. Research may have debunked the rule, but to be a better writer, you’ve got to hone your skills by practice writing, editing and proofreading every day.

How to develop your own style?

Write with personality. The best way to develop your own style is to bring your own personality into the writing. You’ve got to express yourself how you’d express yourself normally, but within reason, of course.
