what age do you need a hunter safety course

by Albin Halvorson 9 min read

If you were born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, and you are:

  • Under 9 years of age: You must be accompanied. Accompanied means: By a person (resident or non-resident) who is at least...
  • Age 9 through 16: You must successfully complete a hunter education course or be accompanied.
  • Age 17 and over: You must successfully complete a hunter education course; or purchase a "Hunter...

Hunters 12-years old and older, born after January 1, 1972 must pass a Hunter education course before buying a hunting license. Hunter education courses accept children 11-years old and older. Certification validates when the hunter turns 12-years old.

Full Answer

What age should I teach gun safety?

When the child demonstrates good behavior, reasoning and self-control-often at age six, seven or eight—it may be time to let him or her shoot, but only under strict controls. If, for example, the child has been told how to handle a knife or other potentially dangerous object but has had transgressions, then it's not time to learn gun safety yet.

What are the age requirements for hunter safety?


  • under 9 years of age, you must be accompanied *.
  • age 9 through 16, you must complete hunter ed. course or be accompanied *.
  • age 17 and over, you must complete hunter ed.or purchase a Deferral and be accompanied *.

What do you learn in the hunter safety course?

  • Always point your muzzle in a safe direction.
  • Always treat every gun as if it’s loaded, and check the chamber first.
  • Always be sure of your target and what is beyond it. Avoid rocks and metal, which could cause a ricochet.
  • Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Your finger should be outside the trigger guard unless you’re firing.

When is the next hunter safety course?

South Birdsboro Archery Rod and Gun Club Douglassville, PA 19518. Thursday, February 24, 2022 5:30pm - 8:30pm. Plus, 1 additional day. Feb 26 Sat. View Event. Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education. Registration Open 46 of 75 seats remaining. Location & Schedule. Jaffa Shrine Altoona, PA 16601.

Does a 13 year old need a hunting license in Texas?

Texas residents and non-residents under the age of 17 must have the Youth Hunting License. They do not need state hunting endorsement requirements, except for the Reptile and Amphibian Endorsement. Visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department website for more details.

Do you have to have hunters education in Texas?

Every hunter in Texas (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete hunter education. Minimum age for certification is 9 years and cost is $15.

Do you have to take a hunter safety course in Ohio?

Who is required to complete hunter education in Ohio? According to Ohio law, first-time hunting license buyers, except apprentice license buyers, must successfully complete a hunter education course before purchasing a hunting license.

How old do you have to be to hunt alone in Texas?

Youth under 17 years old are required to be under the immediate supervision of a permitted adult, at lease18 years old, who is licensed to hunt in Texas. Youth under 12 years old must remain within normal voice distance of an adult supervisor (direct supervision).

How long is hunters ed good for Texas?

Available wherever hunting licenses are sold. Allows hunters age 17 or older to defer completion of hunter education for up to a year, as long as the person is accompanied* by a hunter who has: 1) completed hunter education, or 2) is exempt from the requirement (born before September 2, 1971).

How often do you have to take hunters ed in Texas?

The Texas Hunter Ed Course is valid for only 90 days from the time of registration and payment. If you are not able to complete this course within 90 days, the course will be automatically renewed for another 30 days. Your credit card will be charged 10 for each renewal.

At what age do you need a hunting license in Ohio?

All non-residents age 18 or older must purchase a non-resident hunting license. Non-residents age 17 or younger must purchase a youth hunting license. Additional licenses or permits may be required to hunt specific game species.

Who needs hunter education in Ohio?

Online Hunter Education Course Online Hunter Education is for Ohio residents 12 years of age or older (those under 12 can purchase and use the apprentice license until in-person courses are available again). This version of hunter education allows students to complete the entire course online.

How old do you have to be to youth hunt in Ohio?

12-17 years ofYouth hunters who are 12-17 years of age or less must obtain hunter education certification to hunt within the state of Ohio. Hunters within this age group must also be supervised at all times while hunting by a non-hunting adult who is 18 years of age or older.

Can I hunt deer on my own property in Texas without a license?

A hunting license is still required on public land and allowing others to hunt on your private property for financial consideration requires a hunting lease license.

What Animals Can you hunt in Texas without a license?

These include armadillos, bobcats, coyotes, flying squirrels, frogs, ground squirrels, mountain lions, porcupines, prairie dogs, rabbits and turtles. On private property, these species can be hunted at any time with a valid hunting license. Public hunting lands might have varying restrictions.

Can a 4 year old hunt in Texas?

AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR TEXAS HUNTERS Hunters must be 9 years of age or older to get certified.










  1. For kids under 16, there is no age limit for supervised hunting with a licensed adult 21 years of age or older.
  2. Kids in Florida must be 16 years old and have completed a Hunter’s Safety Course to hunt alone.
  3. http://www.floridaconservation.org/
See more on gothunts.com


Who Must Complete Hunter Education?

  • Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete a Hunter Education Course. Proof of certification or deferral is required to be on your person while hunting, either printed or electronically (including the Texas Outdoor Annual mobile app). Certification is not required to purchase a hunting l...
See more on tpwd.texas.gov

Proof of Certification

Hunter Education Deferral

Bowhunter Education

Course Information