what are your expectations for a course

by Aniyah Schuppe 6 min read

Types of Expectations to Set

  • Course Structure. Weekly routine: What do you expect students to do on a weekly basis? ...
  • Communication. Communication: How should students contact you? ...
  • Class Meetings. Synchronous sessions: How should students join? ...
  • Assignments. Readings: Where will students find them? ...
  • Grading and Feedback. ...

  • Respect yourself, the teacher & others. ...
  • Put forth your best effort at all times. ...
  • Be prepared for class each day. ...
  • Follow directions when given. ...
  • Pay attention, participate and ask questions. ...
  • Preserve a positive learning environment. ...
  • Take responsibility for your actions.

Full Answer

What motivates you to succeed in this course?

Expectations for Behavior Example #1 Students are expected to display tolerance and respect in all communication. Communicate with others the same way you would in a traditional classroom. Comments and language should be respectful and appropriate for a college community. All comments should also follow acceptable grammar and spelling. ( LIB 2210)

What you should know before watching this course?

Here are five baseline expectations we should have for online learning: 1. Put your learners first. All online learning should be learner-centric. It's traditional to design a course from the top down, where a subject matter expert determines what the learner needs to know, then creates material to impart it. More ›.

What are your reasons for taking this course?

What are your expectations from this course answer? How and Where to Communicate Expectations Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits). Describe the course in terms that get students excited about taking it. Establish a friendly, welcoming course climate. Identify your learning objectives.

How to be successful with this course?

Sep 07, 2014 · The writing course has already captivated my attention. Thus, my expectations from this course are to gain knowledge on how to write effectively and how to develop my writing skills. I would like to take all the rules and knowledge from the writing course and be able to apply them in practice. I am also excited to learn new things as much as possible.

How do you answer what do you expect from this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.Apr 1, 2021

What are your expectations for taking a course online?

Here are five baseline expectations we should have for online learning:Put your learners first. All online learning should be learner-centric. ... Anticipate learner variability. ... Create an active experience for your learners. ... Give your faculty a variety of roles. ... Have a plan for continual improvement. ... Keep learning.

What are student expectations?

Understanding Basic Expectations Be prepared for class. Be considerate and respectful. Show respect for school property and other students. Hand in assignments on time. Wait to be dismissed.Jan 24, 2020

What are the expectations of college students?

Behavioral and Cultural ExpectationsProfessors expect class participation and even grade it. ... Respect individuals and opinions. ... Students must attend class regularly. ... Ask your professor for help if you are struggling in the class. ... Address professors by their formal names (“Dr.More items...

What is the best method to study?

For every 30 minutes, you study, take a short 10-15 minute break to recharge. Make studying less overwhelming by condensing notes from class. Under...

Are online courses free?

We offer a massive number of online courses, most of them are free. You can find the free courses in many fields through Coursef.com

Does online certificate have value?

With the development of internet and technology, now you will find end number of online courses that offer many learning courses. Certificates and...

There are many online education websites that offer academic courses for a fraction of the cost of t...

There are many online education websites that offer academic courses for a fraction of the cost of traditional colleges and universities, making th...

What are the expectations of a student?

Students are expected to display tolerance and respect in all communication. Communicate with others the same way you would in a traditional classroom. Comments and language should be respectful and appropriate for a college community. All comments should also follow acceptable grammar and spelling.

How to use information effectively?

Evaluate information sources critically and incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base. Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose. Understand many of the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information and accesses and uses information critically and legally.

What are some examples of technology in a classroom?

Example #1#N#You are welcome to use laptops, cell phones, and other forms of technology within the classroom. However, they should only be used for completing classroom activities. You are not allowed to send or receive texts or calls that do not pertain to the class. If you are expecting a call that you must take, notify me before the session starts, set your phone to vibrate, and leave the room to take the call.#N#I reserve the right to confiscate technological devices that are not being used for classroom activities. You will receive them back at the end of the session. ( CDIS 4760)#N#Example #2#N#To be successful in this online class you should be confortable using a computer for the following functions:

How to do research on communication disorders?

Example #1#N#By the end of this experience you will: 1 Understand and remember key concepts and terms that apply to research in communication disorders 2 Identify and give details on questions being asked by individual research studies 3 Create your own research questions to determine ways to answer them 4 Be able to read and evaluate research articles and presentations 5 Understand how research in communication disorders is conducted and how it relates to clinical practice 6 Gain hands-on experience with research in communication disorders

Clear Statements on Course Expectations

This page has examples of statements related to establishing clear course expectations for student learning and behavior included in BGSU course syllabi.

What are your hopes and expectations for this course ..

Do not neglect to also discuss your hopes and expectations for the course. Composition: demonstrate suitable college level writing skills (avoid errors in spelling, word usage, grammar, syntax, etc.) Also: This is an exercise in “discovery” intended to expand your “global awareness” of a variety of religions.

Expectations for participating in online courses

Expectations for participating in online courses Time commitment: Taking courses online (fully or partially) enables you to attend graduate school while continuing to... Technology skills: These are the basic ones that you will need to participate in the online components of your classes. Basic ...

What Are Your Expectation For This Course And Of Your ..

What Are Your Expectation For This Course And Of Your Facilitator. Describe what your role, responsibilities and boundaries would be as a teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle. Recommended word count: 300-500 words.

Please evaluate my answer to this question: What are your ..

Your expectations may seem very simple, but actually are quite complicated. Teachers are actually trained to meet these expectations but we use language that is a little bit different.

What are your expectations for the subject?

Some examples of expectations from all subjects that you can say are these: I expect our subjects to widen our knowledge about the topics being taught in these subjects. I expect our subjects to provide us a holistic approach, real-life examples, and hands-on training.

What are expectations in science?

Expectations of science are powerful such that they do not simply describe or envision futures; they are instrumental in shaping actors ideas, interests and identities and mobilizing the necessary actions in the present for creating those envisioned futures (Cooper 2013; Michael 2000; van Lente 1993).

How do you write expectations?

Clear. Your writing needs to make sense on a grammatical level and your ideas also need to be formed so that your reader can understand what you are trying to communicate.

What are student expectations?

Behavior expectations are procedures and rules that are taught to students to encourage positive behaviors and prevent problem behaviors. They form important building blocks for a positive school culture.

What is your expectation from the school?

But beyond these basic expectations what do parents really want to see from their child’s school and what do they hope to get from their teachers? Committed, happy and effective teaching staff. A safe school environment. Intellectual and emotional growth fostered by the school.

What are parents expectations?

Parental expectations can be contrasted with parental aspirations, which typically refer to desires, wishes or goals that parents have formed regarding their children’s future attainment rather than what they realistically expect their children to achieve (Seginer 1983).

What changes do you expect from education?

Less burden of homework, the pressure of marks, and ranking system. Based upon this we can fetch good output and quality with respect to education and development in the country. Equilibrium Between all Subjects: Every child is having their own capabilities right from birth.

My expectations from this course

The writing course has already captivated my attention.#N#Thus, my expectations from this course are to gain knowledge on how to write effectively and how to develop my writing skills. I would like to take all the rules and knowledge from the writing course and be able to apply them in practice.

4 Responses to My expectations from this course

Firstly, I want to mention that you are a hard-working person and you have done a good job and moreover earlier than anybody. I like your paragraph. You have metioned many things about writing. I totally agree with you about rules,new vocabulary,new ideas,new concepts that are to be taught during this course and I believe it will happen soon.

Why is the number of students enrolled in online academic programs increasing every year?

The reason is clear: learners of all backgrounds want to obtain relevant skills in preparation for career entry and advancement. The National Center of Education Statistics (NCES) reports that more than 30% of college students pursue some form of remote learning. Approximately 20% of students at public and private higher education institutions enroll in fully online programs.

How to manage stress?

Managing stress is easier when you maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutrient-rich diet and regular exercise. Be flexible and keep a realistic yet optimistic outlook -- stressful situations are temporary.

What is weekly quiz?

Weekly quizzes are usually provided through the same learning management software you use to take classes. For midterm and final exams, schools generally hire an online proctoring service that uses webcam technology to virtually monitor test-takers' behavior, ensuring the process meets ethical standards. In some cases, online colleges ask students to take exams at designated proctor centers in their area.

Can a counselor work part time?

Counselors can almost always create a schedule that allows for both work and classes. In some cases, this could mean changing students' enrollment status to part-time. The positive in this scenario is the improved ability to pay for living expenses while in school.

What is the most common form of stress?

Be Aware of Stress Levels. The American Psychological Association defines acute stress, which is the most common form of stress, as the anticipation, pressures, and demands of the recent past and near future. For many people, acute stress can be a motivator to stay focused.

Can stress cause anxiety?

For many people, acute stress can be a motivator to stay focused. However, when stress becomes episodic or chronic, it can lead to anxiety, depression, persistent tension headaches, and even heart disease. Identify your internal and external stressors so you can effectively respond to them.

Does blue light affect your circadian rhythm?

Short-wavelength, artificial blue light emitted by many devices suppresses the release of melatonin and alters your circadian rhythm. Proper nutrition is key to academic success. Stick to a healthy eating plan that incorporates nutritious meals and snacks.

What are the expectations of a trainer?

Trainer’s expectations: 1. The audience should be active and willing to participate. 2. The audience should be in the right learning mindset and shouldn’t carry any of their personal worries to the training venue. 3. The audience should be punctual and disciplined . 4.

Why is training important?

Training: Improves company profitability due to an increase in employee productivity. Competitiveness in the workplace.

What is Qtrainers platform?

Qtrainers is a platform that allows you to provide ratings of the trainer, professionally, but it also lets the trainer rate his audience. This allows a healthy balance and an honest review system on both ends.
