the use of one’s official position for what always raises moral concerns and questions? course hero

by Prof. Marcos Luettgen MD 7 min read

What is the key moral ideal in promotions?

The key moral ideal in promotions is fairness Of the four types of discharge, firing for-cause dismissal--the result of employee theft, gross insubordination, release of proprietary information, and so on Employers have the right to fire an employee who performs inadequately, but they should do so

What determines the morality of giving and receiving gifts in business?

In determining the morality of giving and receiving gifts in a business situation, which of the following factors Most relevant? the purpose of the gift A whistle-blower far from being disloyal, may be acting in the best interest of the organization. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Is whistle blowing done from an appropriate moral motive?

It is done from an appropriate moral motive. - For an act of whistle-blowing to be justified, it must be motivated by a desire to expose unnecessary harm, illegal or immoral actions, or conduct counter to the public good or the defined purpose of the organization.

What is abuse of official position?

Abuse of Official Position pg.541. Abuse of Official Position is the use of one's official position for personal gain and it raises moral concerns and questions because of the likelihood that one is violating one's obligations to the firm or organization.

Why is it important to protect your job?

For many employees, protecting themselves or safeguarding their jobs is the primary factor in deciding whether to put third-party interests above those of the firm. Concern with Self-Interest in cases that pit loyalty to the company against other obligations is altogether understandable and even warranted. After all, workers who subordiante the organization's interests to an outside party's expose themselves to charges of disloyalty, disciplinary action, freezes in job status, forced relocations, and even dismissal. Furthermore, even when an employee successfully blows the whistle, he or she can be blacklisted in an industry.

What are some examples of companies that guard information?

A typical example is when Lexar Media, which sued Toshiba for abusing its business relation with Lexar and passing the latter's confidential flash-memory technology to ScanDisk, one of its competitors. Another example is when Procter&Gamble, sued 3 rival food chains for allegedly using the patented baking technique in its Duncan Hines brand of chocolate-chip cookies to make "infringing cookies." One of the defendents, Frito-Lay, admitted to sending a worker to take pictures of a Duncan Hines bakery from the outside, but denied telling the man's college-age son to walk into the plant and ask for some unbaked cookie dough--which the youth did and got.

Why is it important to act as an agent for an employer?

Because you are hired to work under an employer for compensation, you are acting as an agent for that employer, which places you under a legal obligation to act loyally and in good faith and to carry out all lawful instructions. But it would be morally benighted to view employees simply as agents of their employers or to expect them to subordinate entirely their autonomy and private lives to the organization. Morality requires neither blind loyalty nor total submission to the organization. Loyalty is a two-way street, and for the employer to earn the loyalty of its employees, the employer must show the same loyalty back. But moral theorists believe not only that loyal to the group can become an important value for the individual employee, but also that in the appropriate circumstances the process of group identification can create an addtional obligation of loyalty that the employee otherwise would not have.

How to justify whistleblowing?

- For an act of whistle-blowing to be justified, it must be motivated by a desire to expose unnecessary harm, illegal or immoral actions, or conduct counter to the public good or the defined purpose of the organization. Trying to get the spotlight or money from the media would not be morally motivated. 2.) The whistle-blower, except in special circumstances, has exhausted all internal channels for dissent before going public. - The duty of loyalty to the firm obligates workers to seek an internal remedy beofre informing the public of a misdeed. This is an important consideration, but in some cases, after exhausting internal channels, have resulted in dangerous delays and the exposier of the would-be whistle-blower to retaliation. 3.) The whistle-blower has compelling evidence that wrongful actions have been ordered or have occurred. - Spelling out what constitutes "compelling evidence" is difficult, but employees can ask themselves whether the evidence is strong enough that any reasonable person in possession of it would be convinced that an illegal or immoral activity has happened or is likely to happen. 4.) The whistle-blower has acted after careful analysis of the danger: How serious is the moral violation? How immediate is the problem? Can the whistle-blower point to specific misconduct? - These criteria focus on the nature of the wrongdoing. Owing loyalty to employers, employees should blow the whistle only fo grave legal or moral matters. The greater the harm or the more serious the wrongdoing, the more likely is the whistle-blowing to be justified. 5.) The whistle-blowing has some chance of success. - This criterion recognizes that the chances of remedying an immoral or illegal action are an important consideration. Sometimes the chances are good; other times they're slim. In general, given the potential harmful effects, whistle-blowing that stands no chance of success is less justified than that with some chance of success. *6.) THINK LONG AND HARD--YOU CAN LOSE EVERYTHING.

Is it customary to tip the head of the produce department in a supermarket?

Their purpose is not only to reward good service but to ensure it again. But it's not customary to tip the head of the produce department in a supermarket so the person will put aside the best tomatoes for you. 6.)

Which case prohibits employers from requiring a high school education as a prerequisite for employment or promotion?

Griggs v. Duke Power Company, which prohibits employers from requiring a high school education as a prerequisite for employment or promotion without demonstrable evidence that the associated skills relate directly to job performance

What is the practice of showing favoritism to relatives and close friends?

Inbreeding is the practice of showing favoritism to relatives and close friends.

What is a job description?

A job description describes the qualifications an employee needs, such as skills, educational experience, appearance, and physical attributes.

What affects what constitutes a fair wage scale for that employer's employees?

An employer's financial capabilities affect what constitutes a fair wage scale for that employer's employees.