what genetic traits would probably have been most successful in the past? course hero

by Lemuel Grimes 7 min read

What is the most likely mode of inheritance in a pedigree?

Jul 30, 2019 · What genetic traits would probably have been most successful in the past? The Pimas have genetic traits that allows them to store food calories. With the change to the modernized lifestyle and a unlimited food source. The “thrifty gene” allows the metabolizes of the Pimas to good while resting and even better while being active.

Are there specific genes that are responsible for personality traits?

What genetic traits would probably have been most successful in the past? In the past, genetically storing as much fat as possible would be the best trait to have. With their diet in the past being a low fat diet, and the droughts, storing fat is essential to living. If they did not have stored fat they would probably die.

Is there a single gene that explains more than a percentage?

Aug 03, 2016 · Exercise is no more intense than that of most other Americans. Compare the contemporary conditions to that of ancestors, even fairly recent ones, faced with the consistent risk of drought and famine in the desert. What genetic traits would probably have been most successful in the past?

What are the most pointless genetic traits?

Jan 09, 2020 · What genetic traits would probably have been most successful in the past? Pimas had a genetic trait that allowed them to store fat efficiently due to survival mechanisms that evolved in the harsh southwestern desert. In times of drought they would be able to survive.

What is unique about each person?

The unique appearance of each person on the planet is the cumulative result of generations of inherited traits, mixed with the traits of their chosen partners, to produce the next generation. But while is common knowledge things such as skin color, eye color and hair color are inherited, there are many other things that are passed through families, ...

What are the two types of earlobes?

There are 2 major types of earlobes, free and attached. Free earlobes are the most common, where a portion of skin hangs below the point at which it is attached to the side of the head. The free earlobe is thought to be the result of a dominant gene.

Why do I have hair on my fingers?

If you have hair on the upper part of your fingers, between your knuckles (on the mid-phalangeal joint), it may not be because of your latent Jekyll and Hyde tendencies, but because of your genes. Anthropologists have studied these stray strands for nearly a hundred years.

Why is my finger crooked?

If you want to find the reason your finger is a bit crooked, it may be worth checking out your parents hands first, since if one of your parents has a crooked pinkie, there will be a 50% chance that they will be passing that on.

Is sneezing a genetic disease?

Most sneezing, of course, is not genetic. Most often it is caused by a virus, an allergy, or environmental factors such as a dusty room. Some types of sneezes, however can have a genetic link.

Why do I have a white streak on my head?

A white patch of hair, usually at the front of the head can be the result of an inherited trait . The streak is known as poliosis, or a ‘Mallen Streak’ after a family in a TV programme who all had a distinctive white patch of hair. Poliosis can affect not just the hair, but also the eyebrows, skin and even eyelashes.

Is baldness inherited from the mother?

4 A Widow’s Peak. It is generally known that male baldness can be linked to genes inherited from the mother. The X chromosome of the mother can contain a genetic predisposition to baldness, although it is not the only cause.