where to get the mse course in kentucky

by Travis Emmerich V 7 min read

How many CME hours are required in Kentucky?

The remaining hours may be in Category I or Category II hours. State specific CME hours are defined below: HB 1 (passed in 2012) requires a minimum of 4.5 hours required for physicians who are authorized to prescribe or dispense controlled substances in Kentucky. This CME is required every three year (3) CME cycle period.

How do I get CME credit for an exam?

Passing a certification or recertification examination of one of the specialty boards that are members of the American Board of Medical Specialties or the AOA Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists. This will count for 60 hours of CME credit.

How is the motorcycle safety education program funded?

The program is paid for in part by a portion of all motorcycle license and registration fees to help subsidize the costs of providing the classes. and overseen by the Motorcycle Safety Education Commission.

How many credit hours are required for a Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering?

This program provides for study and research leading to the degree of Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering. The thesis plan requires twenty-four credit hours of course work and a thesis.

How many core courses are required for Plan A and Plan B?

All students (Plan A and Plan B) are required to take four core courses (twelve credit hours). The additional courses, as required, can be selected from a variety of elective courses offered.

MSE 101 - Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Review of modern advances in materials science and engineering. Exposes students to a variety of materials science and engineering case studies to demonstrate the societal impact of the materials science and engineering profession.

MSE 201 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

Correlation of atomic structure, crystal structure, and microstructure of solids with mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of engineering significance.

MSE 210 - Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory

Laboratory assignments demonstrating introductory concepts in materials science and engineering; heat treating, mechanical testing, microscopy.

MSE 250 - Introduction to Materials Kinetics and Transport Phenomena

Mass and energy balances and reaction kinetics. Steady state and transient heat transfer. Viscous flow of gases and liquids. Applications to synthesis and processing of engineering materials and technologies. Analytical and numerical problem solving.

MSE 260 - Materials Engineering Thermodynamics

Thermodynamic laws, entropy, internal energy, and state functions. One-component and two-component phase equilibria. Characteristics of small and large molecular systems. Surface energy, elasticity, and material defects.

MSE 290 - Professional Development

Professionalism, ethical considerations, safety, patents, product liability, field trips, industrial speakers, materials science in a global/societal context, teamwork, contemporary issues, and life-long learning.

MSE 300 - Materials Laboratory Procedures

Hands-on sample preparation, characterization, and data analysis for introductory studies demonstrating the structure-property-processing relationships of materials. Report writing skills including word processing and graphics usage; Oral presentation skills.

What is a ME 599?

A detailed investigation of a topic of current significance in mechanical engineering such as: computer-aided manufacturing, special topics in robotics, and current topics in heat transfer. May be repeated under different subtitles to a maximum of nine credits. A particular topic may be offered at most twice under the ME 599 number. Prereq: Variable; given when topic is identified.

What is a mechanical engineering course?

A background course in the areas of materials and manufacturing processes for mechanic al engineers. Includes basic microstructure of materials, material properties and processing. Also includes an overview of casting, metal forming, machining, additive processing, non-traditional manufacturing processes, and manufacturing of non-metallic components. Prereq: MA 113, CHE 105.

How many credits can you get in a special research and problems class?

Special research and problems for individual students who wish to pursue independent investigations. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Prereq: Consent of department chairperson via permit.

How many CME hours are required for a osteopathic doctor in Kentucky?

In accordance with Board regulation 201 KAR 9:310, as of January 1, 1994, all physicians who maintain an active Kentucky medical or osteopathic license are required to complete 60 hours of CME every three years, with 30 hours being certified in AMA or AOA Category 1 by an organization accredited by the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education or the AOA Council on Continuing Medical Education. The remaining hours may be in Category I or Category II hours. State specific CME hours are defined below:

When is the next CME renewal?

The current cycle is January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2020.

How many hours of CME do you need to be a osteopathic specialist?

This will count for 60 hours of CME credit.

How many hours of CME is required for a licensee?

Each year of postgraduate training is equivalent to 50 hours of CME for full time and 25 hours of CME for part time.

How many CME hours are required for HB 1?

HB 1 (passed in 2012) requires a minimum of 4.5 hours required for physicians who are authorized to prescribe or dispense controlled substances in Kentucky. This CME is required every three year (3) CME cycle period. HB 157 (passed on 2014) requires pediatricians, radiologists, family practitioners, and emergency medicine ...

What are the remaining hours of medical school?

The remaining hours may consist of non‑supervised personal learning activities (Category II ). They can include self‑instruction, audio‑visual materials, television and radio broadcasts, programmed medical education materials, consultation, use of databases and other computer‑based materials, patient care review, self‑assessment, teaching, articles, publications, books, exhibits and CME lectures and seminars.

What is the content of CME?

The content of CME is that body of knowledge and skills generally recognized and accepted by the profession as within the basic medical sciences, the discipline of clinical medicine, and the provision of health care to the public.

What is MSE faculty?

MSE faculty offer an array of courses for Mathematics, Science and Engineering graduate students. Ph.D. students should consult our MSE PhD Advising Tool when selecting courses. Examples of MSE courses are listed below.

What is advanced science education?

Advanced seminar in science education for teachers, consultants, and administrators. Identifies major problems and issues; analyzes current trends and research; and develops a philosophical framework related to science education. Prerequisite: Teacher education course in science and two years of college science; or consent of instructor.

How many hours is the real estate course in Kentucky?

This course was developed by the Kentucky Real Estate Commission to fulfill the 6 hour mandatory core requirement for the state of Kentucky.

What is a continuing education course for real estate?

This continuing education course addresses the specifics of the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics and ethical practices and decision making for real estate professionals. Additionally, this course may potentially be approvable for REALTORS® who wish to fulfill Code of Ethics requirement from the National Association of REALTORS®. Check with your local REALTORS® association.
