proofread anywhere what if i don't pass the course

by Reyes Reinger 10 min read

How long does it take to complete proofread anywhere?

3 weeks to 9 monthsAbout Proofread Anywhere Time to complete this education training ranges from 3 weeks to 9 months depending on the qualification, with a median time to complete of 3 months. The cost to attend Proofread Anywhere ranges from $375 to $600 depending on the qualification, with a median cost of $500.

Is proofread anywhere worth it?

People also ask me, “Is Proofread Anywhere worth it?” Short answer: Yes. If you want to learn how to start a proofreading business and earn money from home reading books and articles, then Proofread Anywhere will give you the kick-start you need.

Is learn proofread anywhere legit?

No. Proofread Anywhere is not a scam… but it's a fair question. When it comes to making money online and working at home, people get suspicious and their defenses go up. And for good reason…

Which is better proofreading academy or proofread anywhere?

As mentioned in the pros and cons, Proofreading Academy offers more training in grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. Proofread Anywhere offers a bit of instruction in these areas but encourages you to learn the applicable grammar and punctuation rules as you work through the practice documents using a style guide.

Are proofreading courses worth it?

The answer is, yes, proofreading courses are worth it. Proofreading isn't an innate talent; it's a skill. There are lots of innate qualities that will make you predisposed to proofreading (such as vigilance and patience) but the skill itself really needs to be taught.

Which proofreading course is best?

What are the Best Online Proofreading Classes?1) Editing and Proofreading Masterclass: Dominate Writing, Punctuation & Grammar (Skillshare)2) How to be an Editor/Proofreader (For Translators) – Skillshare.3) Proofreading Power Basics (Udemy)4) Kickstart a Freelance Editor & Proofreader Career on Upwork (Udemy)More items...•

How much does proofread anywhere Pay?

PayScale reports that proofreaders can earn anywhere from $11.82 to $30.14 per hour.

Is proofreading a good side hustle?

Online proofreading jobs offer flexibility, the potential for high earnings and a creative way to make money. It's a great side hustle option for stay at home moms, working moms who want to earn extra income on the side, college students or anyone who'd love to get paid to correct errors.

How do I start proofreading with no experience?

Learn What a Proofreader Does. You don't need a degree to work as a proofreader, but you do need a strong grasp of the English language. ... Learn How to Use Common Editing Tools in Microsoft Word. ... Get to Know the Major Style Guides. ... Volunteer Your Services. ... Sign Up with Knowadays.

Can I make a living proofreading?

You can succeed freelance proofreading or working for a company. If you're contemplating working as an in-house proofreader, according to the median annual salary of a proofreader in the US is $49, 258 (2017), with the average range between $43K – $56K.

How do I become a certified proofreader?

To become a certified proofreader, you need to obtain a professional certification. Currently, the only way to get this certification is to pass a rigorous test offered by Editors Canada. They recommend you have at least five years of experience as a full-time proofreader before taking the exam.

How long is a proofreading Academy free trial?

Proofreading Academy offers a free trial. So, you can give it a try before making any commitments. With this free trial, you can get a sneak peek of the course material for one module — for one week. Even if you think you're sure about the course, we suggest taking the free trial anyway.

What is Included in the Best Online Proofreading Courses?

No proofreading course would be complete without a thorough overview of the most common errors writers make in their copy. These include:

How to succeed in proofreading?

To succeed at proofreading courses online, you must feel comfortable with a self-taught learning style and completing your lessons remotely. This level of comfort is necessary to give you the widest range of proofreading courses available.

What are the most common errors in proofreading?

No proofreading course would be complete without a thorough overview of the most common errors writers make in their copy. These include: 1 Apostrophes 2 Capitalization 3 Commas and semicolons 4 Commonly misused words 5 Hyphens 6 Numbers 7 Noun and pronoun agreement 8 Quotation marks and italics 9 Subject and verb agreement

What is proofreading in writing?

The proofreader ensures the final version of a text has zero errors before it is printed or published online.

What is the importance of proofreading?

Covering the technical skills required to be an excellent proofreader is crucial, but proofreading courses need to go beyond the basics and teach people how to work as independent contractors. Learning how to think like a businessperson takes an entirely different set of skills. This is especially true if you have always worked for someone else and proofreading is your first stint with self-employment.

What is the introduction period for proofreading?

Most courses have a brief introduction period where the instructor discusses the purpose of proofreading, the skills you need, and duties you can expect to complete on the job. Proofreading students must also learn the language, abbreviations and symbols common to the industry.

Is proofreading online good?

Of course, any online proofreading course can claim to be the best. Here are some questions to ask before enrolling:

What is transcript proofreading?

What is transcript proofreading? Court reporters, sometimes called court stenographers, create verbatim transcripts of different legal proceedings, such as hearings, trials, depositions, arbitrations, examinations under oath, jury selections, and many others. After these transcripts are created and edited, they are sent off to a proofreader to verify that the transcript is free of errors.

Who owns Proofread Anywhere?

Proofread Anywhere is a blog owned by Caitlin Pyle, master entrepreneur, proofreader extraordinaire, and creator of Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice™, the first and only multimedia training program for transcript proofreading. What is transcript proofreading?

What are the types of errors in transcripts?

Transcripts can have many different types of errors. Proofreaders must have an excellent command of English grammar and punctuation, as well as court transcript formatting — something that varies between the different states and districts. Transcript errors can include incorrect punctuation, mistranslated steno ...

Can I do proofreading on my iPad?

Proofreading can be done entirely from an iPad at home. Some choose to do it on paper or on a computer screen, but the course teaches — and I totally agree based on my own experience — that it is a million times more efficient to do it from an iPad.

Why did I choose Proofread Anywhere?

The Proofread Anywhere General Proofreading: Theory and Practice™ course sounded perfect as it promised lots of proofreading practice, marketing information, and a graded exam to verify my skills.

Why did I become a proofreader?

At first, I didn’t think I’d be any good at it, but it turned out to be a perfect fit. I get a real sense of satisfaction from being able to find and fix errors.

How is the General Proofreading course organized?

There are two levels of the course that you can purchase: Ignite and Ignite Plus.

What are the benefits of this course?

There are numerous benefits and that’s why I wrote this general proofreading course review! I have gotten so much more out of it than I thought possible.

What about the course creator, Caitlin Pyle?

Caitlin Pyle, the course creator, started out as a proofreader for court reporters. After people kept asking her to show them how to earn money as proofreaders, she decided to create her first course, Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice. This course has helped a lot of people earn money from proofreading as a side hustle or full-time freelance business. A couple of years later, Caitlin created a course for general proofreaders for people who would prefer to proofread books and blogs.

What is a hand graded exam?

A hand-graded exam to test your knowledge of what you’ve learned in the course. The real meat of the course is in the proofreading practice module. There are 40 practice essays for you to work through and apply the lessons you’ve learned from the course.

Is Proofread anywhere worth it?

People also ask me, “Is Proofread Anywhere worth it?” Short answer: Yes. If you want to learn how to start a proofreading business and earn money from home reading books and articles, then Proofread Anywhere will give you the kick-start you need.

How long does it take to complete a transcript proofreading course?

Transcript proofreading is serious work, and it takes much, much longer than seven days to learn the craft. The full course is entirely self-paced and generally takes 2-4 months to complete, with some students taking 6-8 months or longer. We recommend taking things slowly to facilitate the absorption of the material. Check out our syllabus to see exactly what each module entails, and/or watch this video to take a tour of the course:

When did ProofreadAnywhere go live?

False. has been on the web since November 1, 2014, and the course has been live since February 16, 2015. Since that date and as of September 23, 2015, just over 100 students have successfully completed the challenging Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice ™ course and received their certificate.

Can you proofread in Kenya?

You can proofread in the UK. You can proofread in Kenya. You can proofread in your pajamas on the couch. We do not promote proofreading at the circus, at Walmart, or if babies are screaming and crawling all over you.

Is proofreading for everyone?

Proofreading isn’t for everyone, and we do a lot of work to make sure not just anyone enrolls. Not everyone has what it takes to successfully complete the course. In addition, we test students’ ability to proofread before we ever allow them access to the marketing modules within the course content.

Can you proofread anywhere?

The name “Proofread Anywhere” does not mean you can proofread anywhere you want regardless of security and noise. The name actually stemmed from the location independence that comes with transcript proofreading as a career choice. You can proofread in the US. You can proofread in the UK. You can proofread in Kenya.

Did we miss one?

Have you heard a rumor or myths about Proofread Anywhere you’d like us to address? Leave a comment below, and we’ ll debunk it.
