(3) Consider enemy courses of action starting with the most likely/dangerous. Consider as many as time permits. (4) Determine the size of unit to be arrayed. (5) Determine/Validate a LD/LC (offense). (6) Make initial array of friendly forces. Begins at LD/LC through the LOA. The array of ground forces is done two levels down.
The S2 should focus the tactical decisionmaking process through situational templates that identify, as a minimum, the enemy's most likely and most …
Course of Action (COA) Development. Content • Situation Integration ... • Most Likely and Most Dangerous ACOA • Mission specific. MLCOA MLCOA COA Schematic. Actor / Threat Actor Msn: End state: SOM: ... • Staff given two in order to assist in Military Decision-Making Process (MDMP) planning: ‒Most likely ‒Most dangerous.
Mar 12, 2021 · (d) (U) Enemy Courses of Action (COA). Refer to Appendix 1 (Intelligence Estimate) to Annex B. (e) (U) Enemy Most Likely COA (MLCOA). OSC-S attacks with exploitation force (one DTG) advancing from the east along AA5 IOT seize Vetlia, Erdabil and Hachzi Provinces. (f) (U) Enemy Most Dangerous COA (MDCOA). OSC-S conducts a dispersed attack ...
course of action — 1. Any sequence of activities that an individual or unit may follow. 2. A possible plan open to an individual or commander that would accomplish, or is related to the accomplishment of the mission.
The four primary offensive tasks are movement to contact, attack, exploitation, and pursuit.Aug 31, 2012
The four types of offensive operations are movement to contact, attack, exploitation, and pursuit. Commanders direct these offensive operations sequentially and in combination to generate maximum combat power and destroy the enemy.
The author specifies that there are nine principles of war—an objective, mass, offensive, unity of command, simplicity, the economy of force, maneuver, security, and surprise.Jul 21, 2021
An infiltration is a form of maneuver where an attacking force conducts undetected movement through or into an area controlled by enemy forces. The goal is to occupy a position of advantage behind enemy positions while exposing only small friendly elements to their defensive fires.
Commanders conduct the offense to defeat enemy forces or gain control of terrain to produce the effects required by their higher commander. Circumstances may require defending; however, tactical success normally requires shifting to the offense as soon as possible.Jul 31, 2019
Offensive action is the decisive form of battle. The primary purpose of the offense is to defeat, destroy, or neutralize an enemy force. A commander may also take offensive actions to deceive or divert the enemy, deprive him of resources or decisive terrain, develop intelligence, or hold an enemy in position.
An offensive is a military operation that seeks through an aggressive projection of armed forces to occupy territory, gain an objective or achieve some larger strategic, operational, or tactical goal. Another term for an offensive often used by the media is "invasion", or the more general "attack".
The forms of maneuver are envelopment, Turningmovement, infiltration, penetration, and frontal attack. Commanders use these forms of maneuver to orient on the enemy, not terrain. They determine what form of maneuver to use by their analysis of the factors of METT-T.
The three pure types of war may be called absolute war, instru- mental war, and agonistic fighting. Absolute war is unrestricted and unregulated war, agonistic fighting is regulated according to norms, and instrumental war may or may not be restricted, according to considerations of expediency.
Modern military theory divides war into strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
Both the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps argue that will to fight is the single most important factor in war. Will to fight helps determine whether a military unit stays in the fight and also how well it fights.Jul 30, 2017