in america what is the person in charge of maintaining a golf course called

by Delphine Kovacek 7 min read

A golf course superintendent is a person who professionally manages the labor, time, materials and financial resources needed to care for the turfgrass and landscaped grounds on a golf course. Golf course superintendents have also been referred to as greenskeepers and turf managers.

Who are the professionals on a golf course?

 · Question 28 point In America, what is the person in charge of maintaining a golf course called?1 / 1 Landscape Manager Caddie Master Course Superintendent Club Professional Head Groundskeeper. Question 29 1 / 1 point The first nine holes of an 18-hole golf course is most often referred to as being the _______. set-up nine opening nine single ...

How much does it cost to maintain a golf course?

Golf course superintendent. The manager in charge of the maintenance of the golf course; her or she is responsible for the playing conditions. Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. The association in charge of setting standards for golf superintendents; it is the certifying body of the industry.

What are the duties of a golf course maintenance employee?

 · Golf Course Greenskeeper Job Description. Greenskeepers maintain greens, fairways, roughs, and sand and water traps. They install and repair course fixtures, such as tee markers and benches, and at times move holes on greens. Greenskeepers prune hedges, trim trees and tend flowerbeds.

What is the definition of a golf course?

A Committee Committee: The person or group in charge of the competition or the course.(...Continued) may define a prepared area of sand as part of the general area General Area: The area of the course that covers all of the courseexcept for the other four defined areas: (1) the teeing area the player must play from in starting the hole he or she is playing, (2) all penalty …

What distinguishes the instrument known as a power rake?

What distinguishes the instrument known as a power rake or dethatcher from the other piece of cultivation equipment shown in the video? Flailing knife blades that vertically shear the turf's surface.

What typically happens when you sever the rhizome of a healthy turfgrass plant?

For lawns, removing cultivation cores is not typically necessary. What typically happens when you sever the rhizome of a healthy turfgrass plant? Amendments of fresh manure depress the ready availability of plant nutrients. Soil organic matter content cannot be effectively increased without amending the soil.

What is the legal term for an unintentional injury to an individual in person property or reputation with compensatory monetary damage?

Terms in this set (16) As it applies to the law, a tort is defined as what? an unintentional injury to an individual in person, property, or reputation, a civil wrong with compensatory monetary damage.

Which one S of the following are sound defense's when sued for a sports related incident?

Which one(s) of the following are sound defense(s) when sued for a sports related incident? The detailed accident report completed on site following the incident indicated no wrongdoings or shortcomings on the part of the the facility or its employees.

What is a golf professional?

Golf Professional Job Description. Golf professionals, commonly called golf pros, are members of the Professional Golfers' Association. Most golf pros coach individuals and small groups to help them improve their technique. They oversee and implement golf workshops, summer camps for children and golf tournaments.

Do golf courses employ workers?

From Pebble Beach to Key West, public golf courses and private clubs employ a lot of workers. Golf course positions range from entry-level jobs to skilled professional roles. Although you likely won't earn a fortune as a golf course employee, you can enjoy working outdoors in one of America’s most popular sports.

How much do golf caddies make?

According to the ZipRecruiter career website, golf caddies earn an average annual salary of around $35,000.

What do golf pros do?

Most golf pros coach individuals and small groups to help them improve their technique. They oversee and implement golf workshops, summer camps for children and golf tournaments. In many private golf clubs, golf pros manage the golfing operation.

Why do golfers hire caddies?

Golfers hire caddies to carry their golf bags and perform basic tasks. Caddies assist their golfers by handing them clubs as needed and storing them back in the bag after shots. Before each hole, a caddy must clean the golfer’s ball and clean the clubs throughout a game.

How does a caddy work?

Using an automatic rangefinder, a caddy calculates the distance between a ball in play and the green. Caddies who don't carry rangefinders calculate the distance mathematically, using distance markers located along fairways. At the green, a caddy must remove and replace the flag stick as the golfers make their putts.

What does a greenskeeper do?

Greenskeepers maintain greens, fairways, roughs, and sand and water traps. They install and repair course fixtures, such as tee markers and benches, and at times move holes on greens . Greenskeepers prune hedges, trim trees and tend flowerbeds.

What is the general area of golf?

The general area General Area: The area of the course that covers all of the courseexcept for the other four defined areas: (1) the teeing area the player must play from in starting the hole he or she is playing, (2) all penalty areas, (3) all bunkers, and (4) the putting green of the hole the player is playing.

What does "caddie" mean in tennis?

The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or his or her caddie Caddie: Someone who helps a player during a round, including in these ways: (...Continued) (or the player’s partner Partner: A player who competes together with another player as a side, in either match play or stroke play. or partner’s Partner: A player who competes together with another player as a side, in either match play or stroke play. caddie Caddie: Someone who helps a player during a round, including in these ways: (...Continued)) begins to search for it.

What is a hole in the ground?

Any hole dug in the ground by an animal Animal: Any living member of the animal kingdom (other than humans), including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates (such as worms, insects, spiders and crustaceans)., except for holes dug by animals Animal: Any living member of the animal kingdom (other than humans), including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates (such as worms, insects, spiders and crustaceans). that are also defined as loose impediments Loose Impediment: Any unattached natural object such as: (...Continued) (such as worms or insects).

What is a lie lie in golf?

The lie Lie: The spot on which a ball is at rest and any growing or attached natural object, immovable obstruction, integral object, or boundary object touching the ball or right next to it. (...Continued) of the player’s ball at rest, the area of intended stance Stance: The position of a player’s feet and body in preparing for and making a stroke., the area of intended swing, the line of play Line of Play: The line where the player intends his or her ball to go after a stroke, including the area on that line that is a reasonable distance up above the ground and on either side of that line. (...Continued) and the relief area Relief Area: The area where a player must drop a ball when taking relief under a Rule. Each relief Rule requires the player to use a specific relief area whose size and location are based on these three factors: (...Continued) where the player will drop Drop: To hold the ball and let go of it so that it falls through the air, with the intent for the ball to be in play. (...Continued) or place a ball.

What does "to hold the ball and let go of it" mean?

To hold the ball and let go of it so that it falls through the air, with the intent for the ball to be in play In Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole: (...Continued) .

What is a movable pole?

A movable pole provided by the Committee Committee: The person or group in charge of the competition or the course. (...Continued) that is placed in the hole Hole: The finishing point on the putting green for the hole being played: (...Continued) to show players where the hole Hole: The finishing point on the putting green for the hole being played: (...Continued) is. The flagstick Flagstick: A movable pole provided by the Committee that is placed in the hole to show players where the hole is. The flagstick includes the flag and any other material or objects attached to the pole. (...Continued) includes the flag and any other material or objects attached to the pole.

What is a flagstick?

The flagstick Flagstick: A movable pole provided by the Committee that is placed in the hole to show players where the hole is. The flagstick includes the flag and any other material or objects attached to the pole. (... Continued) includes the flag and any other material or objects attached to the pole.

Is golf course maintenance competitive?

Golf course maintenance work is demanding and the labor market is very competitive. Recruiting and retaining reliable maintenance staff is currently one of the biggest challenges at golf facilities across the country. Additionally, there are many hidden costs associated with hiring and training new maintenance employees.

What is the most frequently mowed area of golf courses?

Putting greens are the most frequently mowed area of golf courses and the associated costs are significant. Mower technology has improved to the point where triplex units can produce a quality of cut equivalent to that of walk-behind mowers.

What is PGR in agriculture?

Many courses have adjusted fertility, pest control, wetting agent and plant growth regulator (PGR) programs in an effort to cut costs. However, overzealous reductions to these programs is a double-edged sword. For example, timely applications of wetting agents can reduce the need for labor-intensive hand watering.

How to save money during the recession?

A common approach to save money during the recession was to suspend capital expenditures for course improvements, replacing turf maintenance equipment and upgrading infrastructure such as irrigation systems and maintenance facilities. In the short term, this tactic was reasonable and successful.

What is the Aussie method?

The “Aussie method” of bunker raking also gained popularity. Courses that use this approach rake the floors of bunkers by hand or with a mechanical bunker rake. The bunker faces are then groomed by hand with the smooth side of a rake, a paint roller or a squeegee.

Why are roughs important?

Even though they usually are not maintained intensively, the mowing and equipment costs associated with roughs add up because of their large size. The cost of maintaining rough areas may be much higher in arid regions where rough requires irrigation and water costs are high. Out of necessity, many courses in the Southwest removed maintained rough in peripheral areas to cut down on water usage and save money.

Do trees increase maintenance costs?

Many golfers enjoy the presence of trees on a golf course, but trees also increase maintenance costs. Although the cost of planting a tree is a one-time expense that is easy to compute, few golf courses fully consider the long-term economic impact of trees.

What is routine maintenance?

Routine Maintenance. Maintenance workers also perform a certain amount of upkeep, both to keep a building looking ship shape and to maintain a safe environment. This could involve anything from cleaning and replacing air conditioner filters to fixing a broken tile or a light that's burned out.

What is maintenance work?

Maintenance workers handle a wide range of tasks that vary by industry and employer. They work in a variety of settings: some work in a single building (such as a hotel or hospital), while others are responsible for multiple buildings (such as a college campus or housing complex).

Who is Alison Doyle?

Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. Read The Balance's editorial policies. Alison Doyle. Updated September 17, 2020. Things break; maintenance workers fix them and keep them from breaking in the future. And while “maintenance jobs” might call ...

How much do apprentices make?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, workers who complete an apprenticeship program earn an average starting salary of $70,000 per year —and many apprentices earn while they’re training. 3  Use the DOL’s Apprenticeship Finder at to learn more.
