how to take pre workout over the course of a week

by Prof. Bo Nikolaus MD 10 min read

As the name suggests, pre-workout should be taken before a workout, and although many people drink it on their way to the gym or during their workout, it should be taken at least 30 to 60 minutes prior to hitting the weights or cardio machines.

Full Answer

When to take pre workout for the best results?

  • What is pre workout? ...
  • What does pre workout do? ...
  • What is the best pre workout? ...
  • When to take pre workout? ...
  • How long does pre workout stay in your system? ...
  • How long does pre workout take to kick in? ...
  • Why does pre workout make you itchy? ...
  • Why does pre workout make me poop? ...

What are the benefits of taking pre workout?

What are the benefits of taking pre workout?

  • Get More Energy to Workout.
  • Increase Workout Performance and Efficiency.
  • Weight Loss and Metabolism.
  • Recover Faster with Supplements.
  • Improve Concentration and Focus at the Gym.
  • Caffeine.
  • Beta-alinine.
  • Branched-chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

How much caffeine should I take pre workout?

Some of the best ways to fit in pre-workout ingredient-filled food include:

  • Coffee (with even adding a teaspoon of sugar).
  • Whole-grain sandwich with lean protein.
  • Turkey.
  • Yogurt.
  • Cheese.
  • Eggs.

What is the healthiest pre workout?

Top 4 Healthiest Pre Workouts

  • Transparent Labs – Bulk Pre Workout. With just over 200 mg of caffeine, BCAAs, Vitamin D3, and Zinc, BULK is a great choice if you're looking for a normal amount ...
  • Transparent Labs – Stim-Free Pre Workout. ...
  • Kaged Muscle – Pre Kaged Pre Workout. ...
  • NutraBio – Pre Workout Non-Artificial. ...

Should I take a week off of pre-workout?

If you continue to take pre-workout on a regular basis, your body can build up a tolerance to its effects, which is why Lovell advises cycling the supplement, or coming off it for six to eight weeks at a time to give your body a chance to reset.

How many days a week should you take pre-workout?

3-4 times a weekFor the best results, use pre-workout 3-4 times a week. Your body will become tolerant to caffeine over time, and you may also mentially become too dependent on pre-workout if you use it every day, so it's recommended for workouts where you need more of a push.

Is it OK to take pre-workout everyday?

In most cases, it's fine. However, this depends on the quality of the supplement you take, as well as your personal medical history. Whether you're taking a pre workout once a month, once a week or once a day, you should ensure it's clean, made from quality ingredients, and doesn't contain any harmful additives.

Should you take pre-workout on off days?

Nutrients like creatine, beta-alanine and glutamine are "stored" up in your muscles, and it's best to keep these muscle stores fully stocked at all times. I recommend taking both Pre JYM and Post JYM on rest days.

What happens if I don't cycle off pre-workout?

Creatine and caffeine are the two ingredients in pre-workout supplements that should be regularly cycled. If you don't cycle creatine, receptors in your body will downregulate and make it difficult to transport the compound to your muscles.

Do pre-workouts help burn fat?

Can Pre-Workout Help With Weight Loss? As stated above, while a pre-workout supplement likely won't trigger your body to burn more fat directly, it can help you accomplish fitness goals by boosting your workout performance.

Should I take pre-workout on an empty stomach?

The main difference between taking a Pre-Workout on an empty stomach rather than after eating a meal will be the duration it takes for that product to take effect. If you have an empty stomach, a Pre-Workout will be able to absorb much quicker and the ingredients will enter your bloodstream rather rapidly.

How do you cycle off pre-workout?

How to Caffeine CycleSimply stop consuming caffeine for 14 days to diminish your caffeine tolerance. To preserve ergogenic effects, consume THE Pump or Caffeine-Free Pre-Workout while cycling off your regular pre-workout shake. ... Repeat as needed to retain all the performance benefits that pre-workout shakes deliver.

How long does pre-workout last?

Pre-workouts are designed to increase your physical and mental energy during workouts. The effects of a pre-workout will last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours after you consume the supplement. Of course, this varies depending on the ingredients, the particular effects you're interested in, and other factors.

Should I drink BCAAs on rest days?

Should You Take BCAAs On Rest Days? The quick answer is yes. Like we mentioned earlier, BCAAs play an important role in muscle repair and recovery, which means that their role on off-days comes into play through accelerating muscle repair to enable a faster, more efficient recovery.

Should I drink creatine on rest days?

The simple answer is yes, you should take creatine on rest days when you are not working out. The purpose of taking creatine on your non-workout days is to maintain a high level of creatine reserves in your muscle cells. It doesn't matter what time you take creatine on your off days.

What is a pre workout?

A pre-workout may sound like an exercise routine that should be done before your workout session. Well, a pre-workout is indeed used before a workout, but it refers to supplements meant to provide all the support your body needs for intense physical effort.

Is it safe to take pre workout supplements?

Pre-workout supplements are not recommended for everyone, because they do contain stimulants like caffeine. Thus, those that have trouble consuming caffeine are at risk if choosing to use such supplements.

Can pre workout supplements cause health problems?

Using pre-workout supplements does not trigger health hazards if used correctly. If you use these supplements, it a very good idea to monitor your daily caffeine intake, as you may get caffeine from several sources throughout the day.

What are Common Ingredients of a Pre-Workout?

Before we talk about timing, let’s first go over some common pre-workout ingredients...

What are the Benefits of a Pre-Workout?

Because no two pre-workouts contain the same ingredients or the same quantity of ingredients, each one will vary depending on their makeup. However, the general idea of a pre-workout is to improve your workout through several factors.

Why Is Pre-workout Timing So Important?

The great thing about taking a pre-workout is that they are fast-acting and have acute benefits. This basically means you can take them whenever you want before you go to the gym and will see the benefits in that same session. However, those benefits that come quickly also dissipate quickly, leaving you with a window of opportunity.

How To Take Pre-Workout?

The vast majority of pre-workouts can be taken simply by mixing with water. However, you could also use it with juice, but understand that most pre-workouts are already sweetened pretty heavily. We suggest drinking with more water than less as you need to be hydrated for your workout anyways.

What is the best supplement for muscle recovery?

Caffeine: for the extra energy you need to crush your workout and fight fatigue for one more rep! Citrulline malate: for getting oxygen and nutrients to your muscles, and providing extra energy to boost your performance. Creatine monohydrate: to boost muscle mass and strength gains.

How long does it take to drink a pre workout drink?

I often see people drinking their pre-workout as they're walking into the gym. Most of the active ingredients in your pre-workout drink take 30-60 minutes to reach peak levels in your blood. If you wait until you reach the gym to take it, you'll be well into your second or third exercise before the full effects kick in.

How long does it take to cut caffeine in your blood?

Most pre-workouts are stimulant based, and that stim is usually caffeine. It takes your body 3-5 hours to cut the concentration of caffeine in your blood in half.

What does it feel like to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

Mistake 2: You're Taking it on an Empty Stomach. If you ever drink coffee on an empty stomach, you know the feeling: light-headed, jittery, and sometimes even nauseous. If you drink a pre-workout with 200-300 milligrams of caffeine without eating anything, you can feel exactly the same way.

Can you take creatine monohydrate at any time of day?

Creatine can be taken at any time of day, but making sure it's in your pre-workout is a great way to get at least one dose in each day.

The Most Common Pre-Workout Ingredients

When it comes to the ingredients in a pre-workout supplement, some pretty standard ones run the show:

How Often Should You Take Pre-Workout?

This is where pre-workout supplements get a little tricky. For the most part, the ingredients in pre-workouts aren’t inherently dangerous and won’t cause issues long-term or derail your progress, but the sticking point usually comes with stimulants.

Pre Lab Pro: The cleanest, safest pre-workout supplement

Designed to take your workouts to the next level without the typical side effects of most pre-workout supplements, Pre Lab Pro is like nothing you’ve ever seen before.

Final Thoughts

If you’re picking up any old pre-workout supplements from the shelf, taking it daily can be a risk to both your long-term health and performance.
