how to find course codes gettysburg college

by Macy Kutch 6 min read

What is the emphasis of the econ?

Emphasis is on financial planning, investment analysis, asset management, and sources and costs of capital. Prerequisites: Econ 103 or 104, and ECON 241 or an equivalent statistics course. Theory of behavioral sciences applied to the organization, with emphasis on the interaction of the individual and the organization.

What is quantitative thinking?

The introduction of quantitative thinking in organization and management studies which develops students’ capacity to understand the use of statistics at the level of college mathematics. Topics include measurement, statistical methods, logic and decision making, and quantitative aids.

Course Overview

A most fascinating research field, I like to describe Artificial Intelligence (AI) as the interesting "miscellaneous pile" of computer science. For example, more expressive, computationally-complex database research finds its home in AI as "knowledge representation and reasoning". The difficult inverse of computer graphics is machine vision.

Learning Objectives

Understand the role of AI in the context of Computer Science, and how the diverse problem solving techniques can be unified in terms of agents and optimization.


Office Hours: Mo/Tu/We/Fr 2:30-4PM; Th 2:30-3:45PM or by appointment. (I finish teaching Tuesday and Thursday just before office hours, so office hours will start when I transfer from class to office hours.)


You are responsible to know the material from each lecture and reading assignment before the start of the next class. Homework is due at the beginning of lecture on the due date. Late homework will not necessarily be accepted. Code must be a legal program in the relevant language in order to be graded.

Late Assignment Policy

It is your responsibility to notify me of your submission of late work. Late homework will receive a flat 10% penalty (e.g. what would have received 95% would receive 85% credit, not 85.5%).


Class attendance and participation is required. If you attend all classes and are willing to participate, you'll get 100% for this part of your grade. Even if you know enough to give a particular lecture, please consider the value of helping your peers during in-class exercises.

Work Expectations

You are expected to work an average of 9 hours per week beyond class time . Gettysburg College policy, in accordance with federal and state standards, equates 1 credit unit with an average of 12 hours of work per week with 50 minute classes counting as 1 full hour of work.

Course Overview

Learning Objectives


  • You are responsible to know the material from each lecture and reading assignment before the start of the next class. Homework is due at the beginning of lecture on the due date. Late work will not necessarily be accepted (exception: Late Assignment Policy below).Code must be a legal program in the relevant language in order to be graded. This includes compiling correctly with te…
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Late Assignment Policy

  • It is your responsibility to notify me of your submission of late work. Late homework will receive a flat 10% penalty (e.g. what would have received 95% would receive 85% credit, not 85.5%). Late homework will only be accepted until either 6 classes later or half-way between the due date and the last day of classes (rounded down), whichever comes first. For example, homework due at t…
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  • Class attendance and participation is required. If you attend all classes and are willing to participate, you'll get 100% for this part of your grade. Even if you know enough to give a particular lecture, please consider the value of helping your peers during in-class exercises. Woody Allen is quoted as saying "80% of success is just showing up." While our class attendance/participation …
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Work Expectations

  • You are expected to work an average of 9 hours per week beyond class time. Gettysburg College policy, in accordance with federal and state standards, equates 1 credit unit with an average of 12 hours of work per week with 50 minute classes counting as 1 full hour of work. During these remaining 9 hours beyond class, a student is expected to learn from assigned readings, complet…
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Honor Code

  • What is permitted: 1. Discussing algorithms, syntax, and problem specifications with other students 2. Seeking assistance (as needed) from CS professors, students assistants, and approved tutors 3. Use of "starter code" supplied by your professor, or code you have previously developed What is not permitted: 1. Sharing code: Verbal dictation of code...
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