how to take online course on lockdown browser

by Leonie Metz 3 min read

LockDown Browser: The Student Experience
  1. Download & Install. If students are required to install LockDown Browser themselves, they'll receive a download URL unique to that institution. ...
  2. Start the Browser. ...
  3. Login to Course and Select Exam. ...
  4. Taking an Exam.

How do I set up an exam in Respondus LockDown Browser?

In the Control Panel, click Course Tools, select Respondus Lockdown Browser. Note: If the “About LockDown Browser” screen is shown, click Continue to LockDown Browser. Find the exam you want to use Lockdown Browser, click the action link (Chevron icon), and select Settings.

Can I take a LockDown Browser exam on my phone?

You will need a Mac or Windows laptop (Linux and Android devices are not supported).

Can you take a test on LockDown Browser without webcam?

You may be required to use LockDown Browser with a webcam, which will record you during an online, non- proctored exam. (The webcam feature is sometimes referred to as “Respondus Monitor.”) Your computer must have a functioning webcam and microphone. A broadband connection is also required.

How do teachers use LockDown Browser?

When ready, the teacher provides students a start code for the online exam – students start LockDown Browser from there. The teacher can then watch students via the video conference system for the duration of the exam.

Can LockDown Browser see your keyboard?

What can browser lockdown software see? Generally speaking, browser lockdown software can see if a student attempts to access another browser tab or computer application and if the student attempts to use keyboard shortcuts.

Can LockDown Browser see you?

Definitions: Respondus Lockdown Browser is an internet browser downloaded and installed by students, which locks down the computer on which they are taking the test so that students cannot open other applications or web pages. Lockdown Browser does not monitor or record student activity.

What can teachers see on Respondus LockDown Browser?

This view allows the instructor to see the duration of time the student used to take the exam, how many minutes facial recognition was successful, how many minutes they were facing the webcam, and the number of flagged events.

How does Respondus LockDown Browser detect cheating?

The Respondus lockdown browser detects cheating by using the computer's webcams and microphone to record student's video and audio during a test. These webcams are used to detect behavior that may be linked to cheating. The instructors have to ascertain the incidents because not all flagged incidents warrant cheating.

Does LockDown Browser record your audio?

LockDown Browser alone does not monitor or record student audio or video without the Respondus Monitor also called Respondus LockDown Browser, but simply locks down the student's testing environment within the learning management system restricting student actions like copy-pasting, printing, switching tabs, using ...

How do you put notes in LockDown Browser?

Navigate to the exam and click on “Edit the Test.” Click on Edit to edit test instructions.

NOTE: You can add this text to any place in the exam. For example, you can add this to a test question where they might need to take notes.

How do I test my webcam on LockDown Browser?

Open LockDown Browser, log in to the Online School, and navigate to a course. Then click on the "Help Center" icon in the upper toolbar of the LockDown Browser application. Click on the button titled "Run Webcam Check."

How do you know if Respondus flags you?

If the details of your face don't show clearly during the webcam check, the automated video analysis is more likely to flag you as missing. Avoid backlighting situations, such as sitting with your back to a window. The general rule is to have light in front of your face, not behind your head.