what do you think would be the best course of action in handling school violence?

by Margarette Langworth 4 min read

If you’re committed to reducing violence in schools, your first plan of action should be to check if there are any clubs in your school that specifically target this effort. Sometimes it might be a club to support students who are prone to violence by offering an opportunity to release aggression, like a boxing/ sparring club.

Full Answer

What is school violence and how can we prevent it?

School violence is violence that occurs in the school setting. It describes violent acts that disrupt learning and have a negative effect on students, schools, and the broader community. School is the location where the violence occurs, not a type of violence. Examples of school violence include:

What is school violence and what are some examples?

School violence describes violent acts that disrupt learning and have a negative effect on students, schools, and the broader community. School is the location where the violence occurs, not a type of violence. Examples of violent behavior include: Bullying and cyberbullying; Fighting (e.g., punching, slapping, kicking) Weapon use; Gang violence

What are the most effective school violence prevention and response plans?

The most effective violence prevention and response plans are developed in cooperation with school and health officials, parents, and community members. These plans include descriptions of school safety policies, early warning signs, intervention strategies, emergency response plans, and post-crisis procedures. 9.

What is the best book on violence in American schools?

Violence in American Schools. New York: Cambridge University Press. [6] Nansel, T. R., M. Overpeck, R. S. Pilla, W. J. Ruan, B. Simons-Morton, and P. Scheidt. (2001). "Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth." JAMA, 285, 2094–2100. [7] Aronson, E. (2000).

What can be done to prevent violence in schools?

10 Things You Can Do to Prevent Violence in Your School CommunityTalk to Your Children. ... Set Clear Rules and Limits for Your Children. ... Know the Warning Signs. ... Don't Be Afraid to Parent; Know When to Intervene. ... Stay Involved in Your Child's School. ... Join Your PTA or a Violence Prevention Coalition.More items...

How can we solve violence?

Tips for Youth to Stop ViolenceTell someone. If you are the victim or are witness to violence, tell someone. ... Take all violence and abuse seriously. ... Take a stand. ... Be an individual. ... Take back the power. ... Remember, putting others down doesn't raise you up. ... Wrong. ... Be a friend.More items...

How can we prevent violence and resolve conflict peacefully?

Some Ways to Resolve ConflictsTalk directly. Assuming that there is no threat of physical violence, talk directly to the person with whom you have the problem. ... Choose a good time. ... Plan ahead. ... Don't blame or name-call. ... Give information. ... Listen. ... Show that you are listening. ... Talk it all through.More items...

How can you protect yourself from violent situations?

Protecting yourself from violenceSeek support. In stressful times, you can find peace by talking to people who support you. ... Be kind to yourself. ... Set small goals. ... Consider filing a protective order. ... If the Violence Escalates.

What is school violence?

School violence describes violent acts that disrupt learning and have a negative effect on students, schools, and the broader community. School is the location where the violence occurs, not a type of violence. Examples of violent behavior include:

How many high school students were threatened with a weapon?

8% of high school students had been in a physical fight on school property one or more times during the 12 months before the survey. More than 7% of high school students had been threatened or injured with a weapon (for example, a gun, knife, or club) on school property one or more times during the 12 months before the survey.

Can school violence be prevented?

The good news is school violence can be prevented. Many factors contribute to school violence. Preventing school violence requires addressing factors at the individual, relational, community, and societal levels . Research shows that prevention efforts by teachers, administrators, ...

1. Stop contributing to the problem

Key to solving the problem of violence in schools is also acknowledging that we (Youth) are huge contributors to the issue. In fact, data from UNICEF shows that close to 130 million students between the ages of 13 and 15 experience bullying worldwide.

2. Join a club or organization

If you’re committed to reducing violence in schools, your first plan of action should be to check if there are any clubs in your school that specifically target this effort. Sometimes it might be a club to support students who are prone to violence by offering an opportunity to release aggression, like a boxing/ sparring club.

4. Report

Ever heard the saying, “Silence can be deadly”? It turns out that this is often very much the case. If you have witnessed a student being abducted or violently abused in or around school, one of your first instincts should be to report it to your school or local authorities, based on the situation.

What is school violence?

School violence is a public health problem and may take the form of bullying, shooting, ...

What are the consequences of school violence?

The consequences of school violence are grave, as extreme cases have led to the loss of human lives. Other effects of school violence include vandalism and loss of property – especially school facilities, moral decadence, poor human capital development, increase in crime rate, erosion of cultural values and a bad reputation for schools as well as ...

What is the definition of violence?

The World Health Organization defines violence as ‘’the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation’’.

Why is school violence ironic?

It's ironic because the aim of school is to construct children's personalities. However, lots of violence cases happen in the school. Violent conflict in the school causes an imbalance ...

How many students were killed in the Beslan school shooting?

The perpetrators, reportedly two senior students, murdered a total of 12 students and one teacher; injuring 21 additional people, after which the pair then committed suicide. Proving that school violence is indeed a global threat, the National School Safety Centre records one of the worst cases of school violence to have occurred in Beslan, Russia, ...

What topics should students be counselled on?

Students should be counselled and enlightened on anger-management, conflict resolution, character development and a host of other topics that will help to deal with the psychological issues associated with school violence.

What does it mean when a student is shy?

Shyness, for instance, may cause a student to feel out of place amongst his peers, thereby influencing him to be rebellious or try to get noticed by any means . Such behaviour may also result in bullying and gang fights.

How much does crime decrease with violence prevention?

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, the crime rate can decrease by as much as 30 percent when a violence prevention initiative is a community-wide effort. All parents, students, school staff, and members of the community need to be a part of creating safe school environments for our children.

What do parents need to do when their children are exhibiting behavior?

Parents need to step in and intervene when children exhibit behavior or attitudes that could potentially harm them or others. And you don't have to deal with problems alone—the most effective interventions have parent, school, and health professionals working together to provide on-going monitoring and support.

Why is it important to keep the lines of communication open with your children and teens?

Keeping the lines of communication open with your children and teens is an important step to keeping involved in their schoolwork, friends, and activities.

How to teach your child to be fair?

3. Know the Warning Signs .

How to show your kids you believe in education?

Show your children you believe education is important and that you want your children to do their best in school by being involved in their education. Get to know your child's teachers and help them get to know you and your child. Communicate with your child's teachers throughout the school year, not just when problems arise.

Why is effective management important in the classroom?

Good behavior starts in the classroom, so effective management is key for preventing school violence.

Why is a safe school climate important?

A safe school climate is incredibly important for preventing school violence. For example, if a school has a plan in place for conflict resolution and every teacher, staff member, and administrator is trained in the strategies for conflict resolution, there is less of a chance that disagreements and arguments between students will escalate to ...

How effective is reinforcement in preventing negative behavior?

Reinforcing positive behavior is more effective in preventing negative behavior than simply reacting to every situation in which a student breaks a rule. For example, Mr. Smiley will verbally acknowledge when a student resists the temptation to act out, every single time he notices a student doing so.

Is Mark the teacher a victim of bullying?

You have been Mark's teacher for a month, and you know he is very outgoing and hardworking. However, he is also sometimes the victim of bullying and harassment. A few days ago, Mark became very withdrawn both inside the classroom and in the hallways.

Is school violence a serious issue?

If you answered all of them, you would be correct! School violence is any violence that occurs between students or between a student and staff member on school property, at school events, or on the way to and from school and school events. It is a serious issue in many schools, but there are several strategies that districts, schools, ...

How can we stop school violence?

Here are a few ways you can help prevent and stop school violence: 1. Praise: Praise and encourage children for their good behavior. Make sure to highlight all their achievements and take pride in the same. Reward children for their achievements and help them set positive goals. 2.

How to help a child who is a victim of school violence?

Make sure your child is always busy doing things he enjoys. Parents and teachers play the most crucial part in a child’s development and safety. Make sure you curb violence right at the start. If you are worried that your child may be a victim of school violence, encourage him confide in you.

How do I know if my child is violent?

Sometimes, children who have a violent tendency will show their aggression in other ways. Watch out for these signs which lead to violence in schools: 1 Cruelty to pet or stray animals. 2 Being interested in playing with weapons of any kind. 3 Especially obsessed with games or movies that involve violence. 4 Bully or threaten other people.

Why do children turn violent?

They feel it gives them power and hides the negativity they faced. Children also wrongly display violent behavior in order to win the approval of peers and the opposite sex. Witnessing abusive or violent behavior at home, especially between parents or guardians, can also make children turn violent.

Why do kids get violent in school?

There are a few common triggers that may lead to violence at school: Children often mistake power for respect. In trying to command the respect of their peers, they often resort to methods of abuse and violence. Children imitate what they see as ‘cool’ behavior, often associated with action heroes and on-screen characters.

What does "violence" mean in school?

While it certainly means violence that happens inside the school, it also means: Violence that can happen during any school related or school sponsored event. Violence that takes place while the child is on the way to or from a school related event. Violence that takes place while the child is on the way to or from school.

What are the most common forms of school violence?

School violence can be in various forms, not all of which are physical. Here is a list of the most common types of school violence: Subscribe. A physical fight may involve slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, etc. Violence against an individual by a gang. Use of weapons. Bullying – both physical and mental. Verbal abuse.

What are the primary goals of school based violence prevention?

However, the methods that address these primary goals can conflict with one another and have unintended effects.

What are some facts about school violence?

During one school year, about half of public middle and high schools reported at least one incident of physical attacks, fights (without a weapon), theft, larceny, or vandalism. School violence is not confined to urban schools; it is also prevalent in suburban schools. [3] .

Why are students afraid of school shootings?

In light of these statistics, the concerns and fears of parents and children appear to be out of proportion to reality. The publicity that school shootings have received is a likely cause of fear. But there are other reasons for elevated fears. In addition to their Concerns about violent behavior, students are fearful of and intimidated by other, less serious forms of peer hostility. These include physical aggression such as shoving and pushing, face-to-face verbal harassment, public humiliation, and rumor mongering. About 20–30 percent of American students (i.e., over 10 million) repeatedly either engage in or are the targets of bullying tactics [6] that contribute to the climate of fear. [7] In fact, youth ages 8 to 15 rank bullying as more of a problem in their lives than discrimination, racism, or violence. [8] And children who view themselves as targets of bullying show high levels of anxiety and depression that impede their school performance. [9]

Why are metal detectors decreasing in schools?

Recent reports from administrators suggest that some schools are decreasing their use of metal detectors and searches because they appear to increase students' fears and anxieties. Thus, weapons deterrence may increase physical safety but compromise the psychological safety of students.

How does anti-bullying affect social norms?

Systemic anti-bullying programs alter social norms by changing school responses to bullying incidents and increasing social awareness. Numerous instructional violence prevention programs are available for elementary schools, but only a handful are designed for secondary school students.

What are the most common physical surveillance measures used in schools?

Among the most common physical surveillance measures currently used in schools are weapons deterrence and the use of campus security and police officers. These strategies are aimed at preventing the most extreme forms of violence. Weapons deterrence.

What is a program in education?

A program is defined as instructional if it consists of multiple lessons that are implemented by teachers or other adult staff. These programs tend to focus on precursors or antecedents of violent behavior [20] with the presumption that, by targeting behaviors that predict violence (e.g., bullying and impulsive behavior), more serious manifestations of aggression will be prevented. [5] Other programs, such as character education and lessons in social skills, aim to make individuals more socially competent. [21], [22]
