what counts asa technology course

by Tod Quitzon II 4 min read

What is a technology education course?

In the Technology Education Class, students learn about everyday technology by doing things themselves and experimenting with project learning. Technology skills are modern craftmanship skills that can also be used for creative expression.Feb 1, 2021

What are the courses under College of Technology?

Undergraduate Studies BlockComputer Science Degrees.Chemical Engineering Degrees.Civil Engineering Degrees.Electrical Engineering Degrees.Mechanical Engineering Degrees.Engineering Management Degrees.Aeronautical Engineering Degrees.Environmental Engineering Degrees.

What is digital technology class in high school?

Introduction to Digital Technology is a course that is appropriate for all high school students. An emphasis is placed on developing computer programming skills to prepare students for successful completion of the Computer Science – Programming or Computer Science – Advanced Programming pathways.

Which technology course is best?

Some of the best IT courses in India are:Data Science. ... Cloud Computing. ... Cyber Security. ... Blockchain. ... DevOps. ... Data Visualization. ... IoT (Internet of Things) ... AI & ML (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)More items...•Jan 22, 2021

What courses are under Humss Strand?

HUMSS StrandPsychology.Philosophy.Political Science.International Studies.Languages (English and Filipino)Literature.Communications.LIACOM.More items...

Is Computer Engineering under STEM?

Computer engineering is a common education for people who want to work as computer hardware engineers, which is one of the high-paying STEM careers available today. Hardware engineers create a wide variety of computer equipment, testing and analyzing the hardware they have built.

What is digital technology?

Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. Well known examples include social media, online games, multimedia and mobile phones. Digital learning is any type of learning that uses technology. It can happen across all curriculum learning areas.Sep 25, 2019

What is intro to digital technology?

Course Description Introduction to Digital Technology is the foundational course for Web & Digital Communications, Programming, Advanced Programming, Information Support & Services, and Network Systems pathways.Jan 25, 2013

How many IT certifications are there?

Whether you're a recent graduate or seasoned tech specialist, preparing for and attaining a certification is a great way to expand your skill set, impress prospective employers and stand out from the crowd. Here's a guide showing an assortment of IT certifications — 29, in all.Sep 9, 2021

Which course is in demand?

IT Operations and Governance. ... Information Security. ... Mobile App Development. ... Blockchain Technology. ... Cloud computing. ... Data Analysis. ... Cyber Security. ... AI and Machine Learning.More items...•Jan 14, 2022

Which computer course is best for high salary?

Top Online Computer Courses to get a High Paying JobData Science. ... Big Data Engineering. ... Data Analyst. ... Big Data Analysis. ... Web Designing. ... VFX Training And Character Animation Degree. ... Software Development. ... Computer Hardware Engineering And Networking.More items...

How many Discovery courses are there?

Students take a total of 8 courses at the 400 – 600 level.

How do the arts communicate?

The arts communicate through the intellect, the emotions, and the body, sometimes all at once, in ways simple and subtle, direct and subliminal, gentle and soul-shaking. Understanding and appreciating them enriches our lives and preserves our cultural heritage for the future.

What are the physical sciences?

The physical sciences seek to discover the components, structures, properties, and laws of the material world from subatomic particles to the entire universe. Through them, we appreciate both the wondrous complexity of the world and its order. The traditional domains of chemistry, physics, astronomy, cosmology, and earth sciences are the foundations of knowledge in numberless arenas of human activity, while the intersections between these domains and the biological sciences yield astonishing discoveries about living organisms. All courses will provide some understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry as it seeks knowledge about the physical universe, as well as evaluate claims about it in both technical literature and popular media.

What is quantitative reasoning?

Quantitative reasoning refers to the ability to think critically and analytically using abstract formal methods with broad application. Mathematics is the foundation for the physical sciences and, increasingly, for the biological sciences. Its principles and processes illuminate significant aspects of the social sciences as well. In its most precise forms, it enables the design of bridges and the orbiting of satellites. Mathematics discloses invisible truths about the world, makes sense of patterns of which we may or may not be aware, and introduces some order to chaos. In its purest form, it creates its own world of beauty and logic. In its more applied forms, it attempts to make sense of individual and collective human behaviors and complex systems. Many courses listed under this category will help students appreciate the principles of mathematics and gain some skill in its applications to realistic situations, while other courses will introduce kindred subjects including symbolic logic, information theory, statistics, and computer science.

What is the science of biology?

Biology has deep relations with agriculture, chemistry, psychology, and many other fields of study, and it is the foundation of our knowledge regarding health and diseases.

What is a word processing course?

Word Processing and Microsoft Word - This course is vital for computer applications students because word processing software is one of the most-used out there.

What is computer application?

Computer applications include the various programs used in computer operations. Depending on the program or course that a student is taking, the topics covered can include personal computer applications, professional applications and even information technology applications.

What is applied mathematics?

Applied mathematics brings these methods and concepts to other fields of STEM. Competency in mathematics is a core focus of most, if not all, areas of science, technology and engineering.

What is engineering in science?

Engineering covers a broad range of specialized fields that relate to the designing and building of items such as machines, buildings, roads and other structures using scientific principles.

What is a STEM degree?

STEM degree s are college programs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. STEM degrees have seen increasing demand in jobs for the last decade. The term STEM is usually applied to loosely describe areas that directly relate to the hard sciences.

What is the S in STEM?

The “S” in STEM typically applies to natural sciences and formal sciences, the former including chemistry, biology, physics and environmental science, while the latter focuses more on mathematics and statistics.

Is math a STEM field?

While mathematics has no generally accepted definition, almost all STEM fields involve math to some degree. Fields include arithmetic, the study of numbers and the properties of operations on them; geometry, concerned with the shape, size and position of figures; and algebra, the study of mathematical symbols. Applied mathematics brings these methods and concepts to other fields of STEM. Competency in mathematics is a core focus of most, if not all, areas of science, technology and engineering.

How many units of credit do you need to get a diploma in college?

Students must receive at least 4 units of credit in English and language arts in order to meet diploma requirements. Among these must be ninth grade literature and composition and American literature and composition.

What is the most common diploma?

The most common is a high school diploma, which indicates students met all attendance, credit, and standardized testing requirements applicable for their graduating year. The other two options are defined by a student's inability to meet the standard diploma requirements. The first is the high school certificate.

What is the second option for special education?

The second option is a special education diploma, which is available to students with significant intellectual disabilities who were not able to meet standard diploma requirements but achieved those laid out in their individualized education plan.

How many credits do you need to graduate high school in Georgia?

What Social Studies and Physical Education Requirements Are There to Graduate High School in the State of Georgia? At least 3 credits in social studies courses are required to graduate. These 3 credits must consist of 1 credit of world history, 1 credit of US history, half a credit of civics, and half a credit of economics.

How many credits are required for physical education?

The requirement may also be met with 3 credits in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC).

What are the requirements for high school in Georgia?

What Math and Science Requirements Are There to Graduate High School in the State of Georgia? Students are required to earn at least 4 units of credit in mathematics and 4 in science. For mathematics, required courses include mathematics I/II/III, or algebra, geometry, and advanced algebra.

What is the purpose of art classes?

In both college and high school, elective courses give students the chance to take classes outside of a prescribed plan of coursework. This lets students pursue other interests they may have, giving them a more "well-rounded" education.

What are elective classes?

Elective courses are classes that a student can take which are not specifically required to graduate or to fulfill a degree. They are generally seen as the opposite of core requirements, which are classes that all students must take unless they have special dispensation.

What is linguistics in education?

Linguistics studies how the mouth and vocal chords are shaped to produced specific sounds. There are also elective courses that students can choose from that are not connected to their major focus of study. For example, a student pursuing a degree in English might have a few classes that can be taken in any other field.

Is art class an elective?

Some courses, such as English, are required in high school and college. Art class is one of many elective courses students can enjoy. Most classes completed in middle and high school are core requirements for graduation, but others may be taken as electives because they appeal to the student's interests.

What are the goals of STEM education?

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2015 report entitled, National STEM School Education Strategy, stated that "A renewed national focus on STEM in school education is critical to ensuring that all young Australians are equipped with the necessary STEM skills and knowledge that they must need to succeed." Its goals were to: 1 "Ensure all students finish school with strong foundational knowledge in STEM and related skills" 2 "Ensure that students are inspired to take on more challenging STEM subjects"

What is a STEM program in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, STEM is a two-year program and strand that is used for Senior High School (Grade 11 and 12), as signed by the Department of Education or DepEd. The STEM strand is under the Academic Track, which also include other strands like ABM, HUMSS, and GAS. The purpose of STEM strand is to educate students in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, in an interdisciplinary and applied approach, and to give students advance knowledge and application in the field. After completing the program, the students will earn a Diploma in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. In some colleges and universities, they require students applying for STEM degrees (like medicine, engineering, computer studies, etc.) to be a graduate of STEM, if not, they will need to enter a bridging program.

What are the three major branches of science?

The science in STEM typically refers to two out of the three major branches of science: natural sciences, including biology, physics, and chemistry; and formal sciences, of which mathematics is an example, along with logic and statistics. The third major branch of science, social science such as: psychology, sociology, and political science, ...

How much of STEM jobs are women?

Although women make up 47% of the workforce in the U.S., they hold only 24% of STEM jobs. Research suggests that exposing girls to female inventors at a young age has the potential to reduce the gender gap in technical STEM fields by half. Campaigns from organizations like the National Inventors Hall of Fame aimed to achieve a 50/50 gender balance in their youth STEM programs by 2020.

Which country has the highest percentage of STEM graduates?

The peer country with the greatest proportion of STEM graduates, Finland, has over 30% of their university graduates coming from science, mathematics, computer science, and engineering programs. SHAD is an annual Canadian summer enrichment program for high-achieving high school students in July.

Who is the founder of STEM?

However, the acronym STEM predates NSF and was used by a variety of educators including Charles E. Vela, the founder and director of the Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering Education (CAHSEE).

What does STM mean in science?

STM (Scientific, Technical, and Mathematics; or Science, Technology, and Medicine; or Scientific, Technical, and Medical) STEMIE (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Invention and Entrepreneurship); adds Inventing and Entrepreneurship as means to apply STEM to real world problem solving and markets.

What are STEM subjects?

As mentioned, STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but a far wider range of academic disciplines fall under this description. Here’s a list of some of the other STEM courses you could study:

Women in STEM

As well as encouraging more students to choose a STEM degree, universities, employers and governments have also introduced policies aimed at increasing the proportion of women choosing to study in these areas. STEM subjects, historically, have been very male-dominated, with young girls often discouraged from pursuing such a technical career path.


Biological Sciences

  • Biology is a branch of science that investigates the structure and function of living organisms. Scientists investigate ideas and observations that solidify our understanding of the diversity of life from single cells to complex organisms. Biology has deep relations with agriculture, chemistry, psychology, and many other fields of study, and it is ...
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Environment, Technology, and Society

  • The exponential growth of the sciences and engineering has bred an equally dramatic growth in technological advances. From the flint arrowhead to the latest communication, device or weapon, human beings have been inventing things and transforming their lives, their societies, and their environments as they do. But they seldom foresee all the transformations and consequences th…
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Fine and Performing Arts

  • The arts communicate through the intellect, the emotions, and the body, sometimes all at once, in ways simple and subtle, direct and subliminal, gentle and soul-shaking. Understanding and appreciating them enriches our lives and preserves our cultural heritage for the future. Through its performances, publications, and exhibits, UNH offers many artistic experiences for students an…
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Historical Perspectives

  • Even though we are faced daily with evidence of change in our social world and technology, we easily forget that how we live, where we live, and what we see around us are transient states of affairs. It is important to be able to look on one’s own world with an imaginative grasp of its history and the forces behind that history. Courses under this category will give students the opp…
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  • The humanities arose in Renaissance universities as an alternative to theology and consisted mainly of Greek and Latin literature, which dealt with any and every aspect of human life; they became central to the liberal arts. Since the nineteenth century, the humanities have also embraced modern literature, the creative arts, philosophy, and history. They focus on questions …
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Physical Sciences

  • The physical sciences seek to discover the components, structures, properties, and laws of the material world from subatomic particles to the entire universe. Through them, we appreciate both the wondrous complexity of the world and its order. The traditional domains of chemistry, physics, astronomy, cosmology, and earth sciences are the foundations of knowledge in numberless are…
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Quantitative Reasoning

  • Quantitative reasoning refers to the ability to think critically and analytically using abstract formal methods with broad application. Mathematics is the foundation for the physical sciences and, increasingly, for the biological sciences. Its principles and processes illuminate significant aspects of the social sciences as well. In its most precise forms, it enables the design of bridge…
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Social Sciences

  • The social sciences investigate human beings and their societies from the smallest bands of hunter gatherers to huge nations and global institutions. Everything from marriage and kinship to law and crime, from ceremonial gift giving to mortgage derivatives, from witchcraft to health insurance, from ancient ritual to modern communication, is a subject of a social science. As the …
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World Cultures

  • Living in a world of many cultures has created both cooperation and conflict across borders, among and between nations. This category, which includes intermediate language courses and approved study abroad programs, encourages students to become cosmopolitan citizens by gaining knowledge and understanding of cultures other than those of the United States. Student…
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  • A course that fulfills the laboratory requirement in the Discovery Program should provide the students with hands-on experience that reinforces, supports, and/or augments the material presented in other formats throughout the course. It should teach them how the discipline uncovers and validates knowledge; how phenomena are understood through observation; experi…
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