how to prepare course outline and module for map reading and cartography for undergraduate students

by Verona Hagenes 9 min read

Where can I find a sample course outline?

This course provides the fundamental idea of cartography and develop skills in map reading. SP18002 Vectors Credit Allotted - 2 Aim of the module The course is on fundamentals in Vector Algebra. It aims to provide understanding of elementary concepts of vector algebra and to make students familiar with the concepts of vector calculus. The

What are the major points of cartography?

Introduction to Map Reading 181 legend the section on a map that contains the symbols you need to read the map Figure 4.2 The Bottom of a Map Figure 4.3 Map Legend The map legend identifies the symbols used to depict the prominent natural and man-made objects that exist on the ground. These symbols are not the same on every map, especially ...

What is a course outline and how is it used?

MAP Mapping KEY: # = new course * = course changed † = course dropped University of Kentucky 2017-2018 Undergraduate Bulletin 2 MAP 701 HISTORY OF CRITICAL CARTOGRAPHY. (2) This course outlines key moments and arguments in the history of cartography with particular attention to advent of digital map ping and GIScience.

What are the 3 principles of cartographic design?

Maps: a product of culture, history and science Maps face severe practical constraints in their construction and their use: – Maps have evolved because they were of fundamental importance. – Maps have acquired an aesthetic dimension, – Their forms have been influenced by belief, art, imagination, and symbolism as well as by empirical ...

How do you create a course outline?

When creating your course outline there are some essential pieces that you need to include:Course Description from the Academic Calendar. ... Course Goals. ... Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes. ... Assessment Overview. ... Assessment Plan. ... Schedule of Activities. ... Plagiarism Announcement. ... Reading List.

How do I make an outline module?

A course outline should include the following sections:Course Name, Number, Credits and Description.Prerequisites/Co-requisites.Instructors Name, Contact Info and Bio.Course Schedule.Learning Outcomes.Content Breakdown by Session.Instructional Methods Used.Course Evaluation Process, Policies and Grading Scale.More items...•Jun 9, 2016

What does a course outline include?

Course outlines, or syllabi, are an integral part of course design. They generally summarize our course design plans and serve as a “contract” with our students regarding the course described.

How can a student create a learning module?

Write the learning outcomes. ... Create the assessment/s. ... Create or curate learning materials and activities. ... Sequence learning materials and activities to create a learning experience. ... Write instructions for students.

What is course outline?

According to the University of Lethbridge’s Teaching Center, a course outline is a document that benefits students and instructors as it is essential when designing any course. Also known as a syllabus, a course outline serves as a planning tool. As the syllabus is written, it also guides the instructor’s development of ...

What information should be provided about required readings?

Provide specific information about required readings, including title, author (s), edition number and availability (from where they can be purchased or borrowed). It is helpful to the students to indicate how each reading relates to a particular topic in the course. You may also like outline an essay.

What is a syllabus?

Finally, a syllabus also works as a reference for colleagues, administrators, and accreditation agencies.

What is assessment overview?

The assessment overview is a grading guide that allows students to see what weightings can apply to the different assessment elements of a course. An example of an assessment overview is below.

What is a course outline sample?

The course outline sample format can give a model of how to write in a concise and clear manner. You can use these instances to provide an understandable view of what is being taught in your course.

What to say in a training program outline for employees?

In a training program outline for employees, you can say that you are providing the most effective ways to ask for a raise in wages. You can also include how to go about dealing with job stress, and what are the best ways to tell your manager that you need some time off.

How to teach a course?

1. Establish your goals for the course. Having clear objectives for your course will help you know exactly what to teach, and will help your students realize what they should be learning. Objectives are meant to give you a way of measuring whether you and the course have achieved what you need to.

What are some ways to assess learning?

Some typical ways of assessing learning include: Quizzes and exams. Learning activities (fill in the blank, practice equations, etc.)

What is required to teach a course?

Teaching a course at any level requires knowledge, authority and the ability to anticipate and answer questions. Your students will expect to learn things they did not know, and to attain the tools necessary to continue learning in whatever subject you are teaching.

What are some examples of learning goals?

Some examples of learning goals used in actual courses are: Demonstrate the ability to read, evaluate and interpret general economic information. Apply research methods in psychology, including design, data analysis, and interpretation to a research project. Communicate effectively in an oral presentation.

How do you measure student achievement?

Rubrics help you measure student achievement by comparing it to certain levels that you've set. Most rubrics operate on a points or letter-grade scale, such as A/B/C etc.

How to learn about teaching?

Talk to other instructors about your course. You can learn a lot about teaching by discussing ideas with other instructors. Talking to instructors who have taught the same or similar courses can help you when you are planning your syllabus and lesson plans. You can also gain ideas from them throughout the term.

What are the components of a syllabus?

However, syllabi commonly include sections on: Basic information (course title and/or number, meeting times, office hours, contact information) A course description.