in sexually reproducing organisms, what are the sources of variation course hero

by Crystal Sanford III 4 min read

Sexual reproduction is a source of genetic variation as the offspring resulted from sexual reproduction gets his genetic traits from two sources, the male and the female. The resulted offspring has new genetic traits that combine the parents’ traits, So, sexual reproduction is a source of genetic variation from the parents to the children.

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What are variations in sexual reproduction?

Nov 09, 2021 · Answer 5 major methods of genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms are as follow 1. Crossing over occurring during gamete formation. It is a part of Meiosis in which the homologous chromosomes exchange different segments with each other. As a result, a new combination of genes is paired on a homologous chromosome.

What is the role of environmental factors in variation in reproduction?

Sep 20, 2015 · Three sources of genetic variability in sexually reproducing organisms: 1. Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I 2. Random fertilization 3.

What are the main causes of genetic variation in humans?

evolutionary lineages. reproducing species. fossil organisms. Morpholo gical Species consist of organisms that share a set of unique physical characteristics that is not found in other groups of organisms. Easy to use in practice on both living and fossil organisms. Only a few key features are needed for identification. Does not necessarily reflect evolutionary Independence from …

What do you mean by variation?

Answer questions 18-19 on the student worksheet KARYOTYPE Scientists study the chromosome content of cells by creating a karyotype. To construct a karyotype, the chromosomes are photographed while the cell is dividing. The photograph is enlarged and the image is printed or scanned into a computer. The scientist can then cut and paste the chromosomes so that …

Why do somatic variations occur?

Somatic variations may also be caused due to conscious efforts of man e.g., castration (damaging the testes); mutilation (cutting the organs as horns); small feet (by wearing tight shoes; bored pinnae and nose (to wear ornaments) and varied hair, beared and moustache styles.

What are variations in living things?

All living beings exhibit variations in practically every character and in almost all directions. The differences shown by the individuals of a species and also by the offspring of the same parents are referred to as variations.

What are some examples of environmental factors?

On the other hand larva fed on royal jelly (secretion from mouth of nursing workers) forms a queen. 2.

What happens when two rabbits are the same size?

When two young rabbits of same size and age are provided with different conditions of food and air, rabbit with better diet and fresh air develops into a more healthier, stronger and larger as compared to other one.

What plants show luxuriant growth?

Plants found in water deficient soils show modifications to reduce the rate of transpiration. Plants found in moist and humid areas show luxuriant growth. The heterophilous Ranunculusaquatilis bears divided leaves under water and entire type of leaves above water.

What is fluctuating variation?

Such variations are small and indistinct when compared to normal (average). It is found in both plus and minus side of normal type. They are also called fluctuating variations. Such variations are unstable and non-inheritable.