how to issue a pdf certificate from a 2.8 moodle course

by Ms. Teresa Zieme DDS 8 min read

How do I download a certificate for my Moodle application?

Certificate should be downloaded from the download Plugins at (see the info box on the page for a link). You should select the certificate download that matches your Moodle version. Here are 3 examples. Click on one to enlarge it.

Is this documentation valid for both Moodle workplace and LMS?

This documentation is valid for both Moodle Workplace and LMS, but some features could be available for Moodle Workplace only. Certificates are diplomas that can be issued upon completion of programs and certifications. Site-wide certificates can be created in Moodle Workplace, and certificates can be shared among tenants.

How does the Certificate Module work?

The Certificate module creates PDF certificates/diplomas for students of the course and is completely customizable. You can add borders, watermarks, seals and even show grade information. Certificate 2.x should be tested on your site or a place that will be similar to your production site.

Which plugins require the certificate manager to issue certificates?

Other plugins can depend on the Certificate manager to issue certificates based on some criteria, for example, the Course certificate (mod_coursecertificate) is an activity module that will automatically issue certificates when the student satisfies the access restrictions.

How do I download a certificate from Moodle?

Certificate should be downloaded from the download Plugins at (see the info box on the page for a link). You should select the certificate download that matches your Moodle version.

Can Moodle issue certificates?

Moodle Workplace comes with a powerful built-in certificate generator that lets you design templates so that you can issue diplomas or certificates of participation. Users can view their certificates in the My certificates section in their user profile.

How do you customize a certificate in Moodle?

Follow one of these, then log into your Moodle site as an administrator and visit the notifications page to complete the install.Git. This requires Git being installed. ... Download the Zip. ... Show position X and Y. ... Manage templates. ... Upload image. ... Certificate options. ... Editing a custom certificate. ... Adding/editing an element.More items...•

How do I enable certificates in Moodle?

1:0422:04So first we'll install the plugin called custom certificates from the moodle plugin directory. SoMoreSo first we'll install the plugin called custom certificates from the moodle plugin directory. So let's go to And at the bottom you see plugins click on plugins. So in the search. Box type

How do I issue a certificate in Moodle?

It can also be found in Site administration > Certificates > Manage certificate templates. Click in the "New certificate template" button to add a new certificate template. Notice that it's called "template" because the actual certificates will be issued later by the Certificate course activity or Dynamic rules.

How do I issue a certificate?

What are details that should be mentioned in the certificateName of the institution.Registration number of the institution.Serial Number of the certificate.Address (optional)Name of the participant.Name of the course/training.Duration/period of the course.Awards given (in case of coaching)More items...

What is a custom certificate?

This is the attestation of a foreign lawyer about the existence, content and interpretation of a foreign law.

Can you make your own certificate of authenticity?

When creating a certificate of authenticity, it is important to note that they aren't legally binding. Essentially, anyone can create one. There are no universal standards for certificates. This means that a lot of the time within the art-world, there can be fraudulent certificates circling.

How do I add an image to a certificate?

To add images to your Certificate template (e.g., a logo, a background or a signature), go to Home > Certificates (1). Go to the Images tab (2). Here, you can see all the images (3) currently used on all your Certificates. You can upload new images by dragging and dropping them into this area.

How do I use certificate plugins in Moodle?

You can add borders, watermarks, seals, signatures, outcomes, grades, add custom text to a certificate via the settings menu. Certificate should be downloaded from the download Plugins at (see the info box on the page for a link). You should select the certificate download that matches your Moodle version.

How do I install a custom certificate plugin in Moodle?

Custom CertificateInstall Custom Certificate.Head to a course of your choice.Turn editing 'ON' in the settings menu.Find the section you want to add a certificate to.Click on “Add Activity or Resource”Click on “Custom Certificate”

What is module certification?

Module certification is the cornerstone for IoT device certification approval and is a prerequisite for device integration and for launch on mobile operator networks. Intertek's broad scope of solutions for cellular modules includes testing and certification per mobile operator, industry, and regulatory requirements.

What is a certificate in Moodle?

Overview. Certificates are diplomas that can be issued upon completion of programs and certifications. Site-wide certificates can be created in Moodle Workplace, and certificates can be shared among tenants. The certificate is based on the Moodle custom certificate plug-in, but with added capabilities relevant to workplace tenants, ...

What is a code with link?

Code with link: prints an alphanumeric code that will lead to the verification page when clicked. Verification URL: prints the whole verification page URL in the certificate. QR Code: prints a QR code that leads to the verification page when scanned by a QR reader.

Certificate examples

Here are 3 examples. Click on one to enlarge it. Two examples show certificates made with the settings menu. The two other examples show a few possible ways to customize a certificate.


Download and Unpack the Certificate zip file (for example mod_certificate_moodle27_2014041800) for the Moodle version your are using in a temporary area,


This is a short list of settings listed by their group. Please see Add/edit_certificate_module for more detailed information.

Customizing certificate

There are several ways to create a custom certificate. Please see Certificate customizing for many examples and code hints. A few quick examples from easiest to more skilled required:


The Course Certificate activity allows certificates to be issued from within the course. It uses the templates that are managed in Certificate Templates and issues them to students.

Adding a new course certificate activity

After turning Editing on, add a new course activity. It will be listed along with all other installed course activities.

Restricting access

Once a user has access to the activity, a certificate is available. Issuing a certificate can either be set up to be automatic (by Moodle) or manual (by the learner).


There are a number of capabilities relevant to the course certificate activity:

Certificate examples

Here are 3 examples. A certificate that uses the standard features found in the install package. Then 2 others with slightly more customization.


This is a short list of settings listed by their group. Please see Add/edit_certificate_module for more detailed information.

Customizing certificate

There are several ways to create a custom certificate. Please see Certificate customizing for many examples and code hints. A few quick examples from easiest to more skilled required:

Certificate companions

This page requires updating for Moodle 2.2. Please do so and remove this template when finished.

Issue a Certificate after Completion of numerous courses

We offer a range of courses, in numerous categories, and want to set up a structure where a student is issued with a certificate after successful completion of specific course (as in a Diploma or Degree format).

Re: Issue a Certificate after Completion of numerous courses

Automatically? I don't think you can. Certificates in Moodle are course activities, not site options.

Re: Issue a Certificate after Completion of numerous courses

Thanks for this. I have been looking at the wrap up course idea that you mention as a possibility. Was hoping that there as an easier way.

Re: Issue a Certificate after Completion of numerous courses

I was thinking the same as Melanie. It's basically cascading course completions. Just like programming, you lay out the paths to goals beyond one completed course on paper. Next course in sequence, next, etc.

Re: Issue a Certificate after Completion of numerous courses

No joke about Metas. In the bad old days of 1.6 and 1.9 I used metas, talk about brain twisting! Cohorts are also a good option...but for cascading courses, I think metas are probably the way to go.

Re: Issue a Certificate after Completion of numerous courses

Thanks Ben. Metas are certainly a minefield! Will look at them as an option.