course hero a cross of two pure-breeding forms to find out which form of a gene is dominant

by Everett Doyle MD 3 min read

What gene controls the color of chickens?

An incompletely dominant gene controls the color of chickens so that BB produces black, Bb produces a slate-gray color called blue, and bb produces splashed white. A second gene controls comb shape, with the dominant gene R producing a rose comb and r producing a single comb. If a pure-breeding black chicken with rose comb is mated to a splashed-white chicken with a single comb in the F2 generation, what fraction

What is the dominant gene in skin pigmentation?

In humans, normal skin pigmentation is controlled by a dominant gene (C), which allows pigmentation to develop. All individuals who are homozygous for the recessive allele (c) are unable to produce an enzyme needed for melanin formation and are therefore referred to as albino. Two normal parents produce an albino child. What are the chances that the next child will have albinism?

What is the dominant allele for dwarf peas?

In garden peas, one pair of alleles controls the height of the plant and a second pair of alleles controls flower color. The allele for tall (D) is dominant to the allele for dwarf (d), and the allele for purple (P) is dominant to the allele for white (p). A tall plant with purple flowers crossed with a dwarf plant with white flowers produces 1/4 tall purple, 1/4 tall white, 1/4 dwarf purple, and 1/4 dwarf white. What are the genotypes of the parents?

What do the results of a testcross reveal?

The results of a testcross reveal that all offspring resemble the parent being tested. That parent necessarily is

What genotype is a yellow Labrador?

A yellow Labrador retriever of the genotype AA ee was crossed with a brown retriever of the genotype aa EE . What would their F1 offspring look like?

What happens when you cross a plant with blue flowers?

In a certain plant, when individuals with blue flowers are crossed with individuals with blue flowers, only blue flowers are produced. Plants with red flowers crossed with plants with red flowers sometimes produce only red flowers, while other times they produce either red or blue flowers. When plants with red flowers are crossed with plants with blue flowers, sometimes only red flowers are produced; other times either red or blue flowers are produced. Which gene is dominant?

Is tall dominant or dwarf?

Tall (D) is dominant to dwarf (d). Give the F2 genotypic and phenotypic ratios of a cross between a pure-breeding tall plant and a pure-breeding dwarf plant.

What happens if all offspring of a cross have genotype Aa?

If all offspring of a cross have the genotypeAa, the parents of the crosses would most likely be

Which organisms would demonstrate inheritance patterns?

only diploid organisms would demonstrate inheritance patterns

Which plant was an excellent choice for Mendel’s experiments?

The pea plant was an excellent choice for Mendel’s experiments because

Is a short haired animal purebred?

the short-haired animal was not pure-breeding

Can recessive traits be produced?

could be produced only if one of the parents expressed the recessive trait

How many pure breeding seeds are there?

There are two "pure breeding" seeds, including a "pure breeding tall plant". Use this plant in a series of genetic crosses with other tall plants, and see what kind of results you get.

What seeds did Brother Gregory produce?

Before you joined the investigation, Brother Gregory performed some genetic crosses and produced some " Special Peas ". These are at the bottom of the simulation. You will find them useful at various times in your own investigations. There are two "pure breeding" seeds, including a "pure breeding tall plant".