how much is defensive driving course in ga

by Gianni Lueilwitz 8 min read


How long is GA defensive driving course?

6 hour1. What is a Driver Improvement/Defensive Driving Course? Driver Improvement is a 6 hour course designed to teach drivers about safe driving attitudes and behaviors.

How many points does a defensive driving course take off in GA?

seven pointsBenefits of Defensive Driving Course GA "If you have points on your license, going to a defensive driving course can erase seven points from your license," says Kirk Brisette, Ph. D., CEO and co-founder of DriveSmart Georgia. "This can only happen once every five years.

Is defensive driving course good?

The short answer is yes, defensive driving courses are worth the money. Defensive driving courses give drivers a new perspective on viewing the road. They help drivers identify dangerous situations before they unfold. Defensive drivers can determine and mitigate risky behavior from other drivers.

What is the best defensive driving course to take online?

The best defensive driving course online will leave you with all the above information, helping you improve your safety and others on the road when driving....These include; Traffic School.Approved Course Defensive Driving.Aceable Defensive Driving.

Can I take a defensive driving course online in Georgia?

Does Georgia accept online defensive driving courses? Yes. Many Georgia courts currently allow drivers to complete an online defensive driving course to help with a ticket.

How much does 2 points affect insurance in GA?

Two points will increase a driver's insurance costs by roughly 20% to 100%, depending on the state, insurance company and type of violation. Two points are assigned for relatively minor traffic violations, like driving at night with no headlights or making an illegal U-turn.

What is defensive driving training?

Defensive driving is a form of training for vehicle drivers that makes them aware about the driving rules, standard driving practices and the required driving mechanics. Its main objective is to reduce the risk of driving by anticipating hazardous situations, adverse conditions or the driving errors of others.

What defensive driving means?

Defensive driving describes the practice of drivers who consciously reduce the dangers associated with driving. Defensive driving techniques reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident and can even save costs related to vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption, by driving smoothly and steadily.

How do I improve my driving skills?

How to Be a Better Driver1 Maintain a 4-second gap between other vehicles.2 Adjust your mirrors so they're actually correct.3 Keep your head on a swivel.4 Use the flip switch on the rearview.5 Check your mirrors before changing lanes.6 Don't turn the wheel before you turn left.More items...

Which defensive driving course is easiest?

#1: iDriveSafely iDriveSafely is my top recommended easiest online traffic school for 2022. They've been around since before online traffic school even existed.

Which online traffic school is the fastest?

Fastest Online Traffic School #1 – iDriveSafely Online Traffic School. The iDriveSafely online traffic school program has been around for literally decades and they have it down to a science. This is the fastest online traffic school you can take and it has made this list every year including now in 2019.

Is it true only 1 of all collisions are caused by driver error?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 94 percent of all motor vehicle crashes in the United States are caused by driver error, which comes out to a little over 2 million accidents.

How do I get a traffic violation off my record in Georgia?

To request points off your driving record, you must: Take and complete a certified Driver Improvement course. Obtain a certificate of completion from the course. Present your certificate of completion to the DDS by mail or in-person.

What does 3 points on your license mean in GA?

40-6-181. Speeding. 15-18 mph-2 points. 19-23 mph-3 points. 24-33 mph-4 points.

How many points can you get on your license in GA?

According to Georgia law, you are allowed 15 points on your license in a 24-month period before it gets suspended. However, there are certain situations where your license may be suspended sooner, such as: If you commit a serious driving violation like drunk-driving or reckless driving.

How does 3 points on license affect insurance?

However, bearing all that in mind, research suggests three points could raise a driver's car insurance premium by an average of 5%, while six penalty points could push the cost of insurance up by an average of 25%.

How do I get a copy of my Certificate of Completion?

A certificate will be emailed to you upon completion which you can also download through your account. Additional options for a physical copy to be...

Will the Georgia court accept this defensive driving course?

Please ask permission from the court to take this course & confirm with the court that they will accept your Certificate of Completion.

Will my insurance agent accept this certificate for a car insurance discount?

Please contact your insurance provider to obtain permission to take our online defensive driving course.

Will you submit my Certificate of Completion to the court?

No. You must personally submit your Certificate of Completion to the court if that is required.

Am I guaranteed to pass this course?

We provide unlimited final exam retakes. This is the easiest way to complete the Georgia defensive driving course.

What if I fail the final exam?

Don't worry! You have unlimited final exam retakes. You are guaranteed to pass.

Is this course 100% online?

Yes. You are not required to visit a classroom. You may complete the course 100% online and receive your certificate of completion by email and dow...

How do I take the Georgia defensive driving course for free?

We offer a free trial of the defensive driving course. When you register, you may choose the pay later option to test drive the course for free. We...

How long is this Georgia defensive driving course?

The course is designed to be 6 hours but you can complete it much faster. There are no timers on the page - as such you may finish the course as fa...

Am I required to finish the course in one sitting?

No. You may log in and out and complete the course at your own pace. The course will always resume from where you left off.

How long is the Georgia defensive driving course?

Sharing the road with other drivers and motorcyclists. Alcohol/drug abuse, consequences and violations. Rules of the road. Your course will last at least 6 hours and will cost up to $95. Generally, you must pass a final exam at the end of your defensive driving program.

What is defensive driving school?

Defensive driving/driver improvement school may also be used to earn a safe driver discount on your car insurance premiums . While often only available to elderly and teen drivers, drivers of all ages may be eligible. For specific details about your eligibility and Georgia defensive driving course requirements, ...

What happens when you are convicted of traffic violations in Georgia?

When you are convicted of traffic violations, the Georgia DDS will assess points to your DMV driving record.

What is a DDS course in Georgia?

You may have the option OR requirement of taking a Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) approved defensive driving course, if you: Received a traffic ticket and have a court order. Want to reduce your driving record points. Need to reinstate your driver's license. Want to earn a car insurance discount.

What to do if you get a traffic citation in Georgia?

If you've received a traffic citation, your Georgia traffic court may require completion of a driver improvement course as part of your sentence. Depending on your specific circumstances and your driving history, your GA traffic court may allow you to complete a defensive driving program to dismiss your traffic ticket all together.

How many points can you deduct from your Georgia driver's license?

Driving Records in Georgia. Suspended License in Georgia. However, once every 5 years, you'll be eligible to complete a GA defensive driving course to deduct 7 points from your driving record and possibly avoid a suspended driver's license. After you complete the course, you can submit your defensive driving completion certificate in person ...

Do you have to complete a driver improvement course to reinstate a suspended license in Georgia?

NOTE: The Georgia DDS will require you to complete a driver improvement course to reinstate a suspended driver's license. If you want to receive a point reduction with your reinstatement, you must notify the Georgia DDS in person .

Why do you need to take defensive driving courses in GA?

There are numerous reasons to take a GA online defensive driving course. From improving your defensive driving skills to qualifying for an insurance discount, it’s an excellent way to stay safe behind the wheel and pay less on auto insurance every month.

Why do you take a driver improvement course in Georgia?

Reasons to Take a Georgia Driver Improvement Course. A Georgia driver improvement course is an excellent way to improve your defensive driving skills. You may also qualify for an insurance discount - be sure to check with you insurance company if they provide a discount and how much. Note: Georgia currently only approves in-person defensive driving ...

How to get a Georgia driver's license?

Here’s how it works: 1 Contact your insurance provider to determine if you qualify for an insurance discount by taking an online Georgia driving safety course. 2 Register and complete the defensive driving course -- all online! 3 Submit your certificate of completion to your insurance provider (available for immediate download once you complete DriveSafeToday’s course).

How long is the edge course?

The 6-hour course can be completed at your own pace - no timer involved! The lessons go anywhere with you since the course is 100% online and can be completed from any mobile device with audio and video streaming formats - no matter if you’re in Atlanta, Savannah, or Albany.

Can you take defensive driving courses online in Georgia?

The state of Georgia currently doesn’t approve any online defensive driving courses for reducing points on your driving record or dismissing a ticket. If you received a traffic violation or want to be qualified for point reduction, Georgia requires that you take the course in a physical classroom.

Can you get a discount on auto insurance in Georgia?

No one likes high insurance premiums. Luckily, you have the opportunity in Georgia to qualify for an auto insurance discount with an online defensive driving course.

Does Georgia allow defensive driving?

Note: Georgia currently only approves in-person defensive driving courses for point reductions on your license or ticket dismissals. An online defensive driving course can be used to receive an insurance rate discount if your insurance company allows.

How much does a driver improvement course cost?

What is the cost of a Driver Improvement Course? For license reinstatement, points reduction, or court purposes, clinics must charge $95. For Driver Improvement classes taken for any other reason (i.e. insurance premium reduction, educational purposes), clinics may charge a fee up to $95.

How long is Driver Improvement?

Driver Improvement is a 6 hour course designed to teach drivers about safe driving attitudes and behaviors.

What is the difference between driver education and driver improvement?

What is the difference between Driver’s Education and Driver Improvement? Driver’s Education is a separate program required for 16-year-olds to obtain their Class D license. Driver Improvement is a program geared toward safety education for licensed drivers of any age. 5.

Does DDS accept online driver education?

At this time, DDS does not recognize online Driver Improvement courses for driver’s license related issues. Certificates of Completion from online Driver Improvement courses are not accepted by the DDS for any purposes related to an individual’s driver’s license or driving privileges.

Is a driver improvement clinic an employee of the DDS?

Driver Improvement clinics are independently owned and operated and employ their own instructors and they are not employees of the DDS. The DDS certifies clinics and instructors and ensures compliance in accordance with the requirements set forth by DDS rules and regulations and the Georgia Driver Improvement Act. 16.

How to take defensive driving course in Georgia?

Georgia defensive driving online course: 1 To dismiss a traffic ticket 2 To remove points from your driving record 3 To obtain an auto car insurance discount 4 To obtain a refreshed knowledge of driving rules, regulations, and driving habits

How much does defensive driving cost?

While a defensive driving class usually costs from $20 to $39, a course that reduces driving points may be more. Check with your insurer or state department of motor vehicles to get the exact cost and where you can take the course, whether in a classroom or online.

How often do you need to renew your training?

Most companies and states will allow you to renew the training (and discount) every (3) three years.

What is the purpose of a motor vehicle driver training program?

Its aim is to reduce the risk of collision by anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others.

What is defensive driving?

The standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations, ANSI/ASSE Z15.1, defines defensive driving skills as “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.” This definition is taken from the National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving Course. It is a form of training for motor vehicle drivers that goes beyond mastery of the rules of the road and the basic mechanics of driving. Its aim is to reduce the risk of collision by anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others. This can be achieved through adherence to a variety of general guidelines, such as following the assured clear distance ahead and two second rules, as well as the practice of specific driving techniques. Some motorists describe defensive driving as “driving as if everyone else on the road were drunk.”

Is defensive driving a pain in the neck?

Let’s face it: taking a court-ordered defensive driving course can be a pain in the neck. Classroom courses involve inconvenient schedules, lengthy class periods, and other hassles that only complicate your life. Whether you’re looking to dismiss a traffic ticket or reduce your auto insurance rates, your best option is the Georgia Defensive Driving course. With our 100% online driving course, everything you need to get rid of that traffic violation is right at your fingertips, all from the comfort of your own home.

How many hours do you have to take ticket dismissal in Georgia?

If you’re taking the course for ticket dismissal (court-ordered), you have to spend a minimum of six hours in the course per Georgia state regulations. You can take the entire course in one sitting, or you can log off and back on as often as you like… that’s up to you.

Do you have to take a course to get an auto insurance discount?

If you’re taking the course for an auto insurance discount, there are no time requirements, so you can take as little or as much time getting through the course as you like. Complete it at your own pace!

Can you take defensive driving online?

If you were ordered by a judge to take an online Defensive Driving or Traffic School course, our certificate is most likely accepted. However, this is not a guarantee, so we recommend you request and obtain permission from the court handling your case.

Does Georgia have defensive driving courses?

Yes, our Georgia Defensive Driving course is accepted by almost all courts throughout the state of Georgia, and most insurance companies accept our course for a premium discount. We are an approved course provider for most GA courts, but note that we are not approved by a handful of courts nor the GA DDS. The GA Department of Driver Services does ...
