how effective is online course discussion

by Carlee Streich 3 min read

Online course discussion is an excellent opportunity for teaching and prompting critical thinking. By presenting challenging open-ended questions, you can engage in a sort of asynchronous Socratic questioning with your students. Use the following framework to structure your discussion questions or prompts.

Full Answer

What is it like to manage an online discussion?

Managing online discussions of any kind can be a time-consuming endeavor, but it is the heart of a distance education course. I noticed early that I didn't get the same sense of accomplishment out of my online discussion as I did from my on-campus classes.

How can I make my online course effective?

At the most basic level, effective online teaching requires the same skill set as effective F2F teaching. The first step is to critically examine the components of your course. By looking intentionally at the design of your course, you’ll have an opportunity to ensure that the critical components and experiences translate into this new modality.

Are discussion boards effective online teaching strategies?

This article is featured in the resource guide, Effective Online Teaching Strategies. When it comes to facilitating online classroom engagement, discussion boards are a great go-to. They’re practically omnipresent; a tool used in every virtual classroom in every college curriculum.

What are the disadvantages of an online course?

(If you don't keep track of your own posts, you might reply four times to one student and not at all to five others.) This can create resentment or insecurities, and an online course leaves little room to resolve such misunderstandings.

Is online discussion effective?

Both synchronous and asynchronous online discussions are an important component of effective distance education. They allow for the students to interact with each other without being in a classroom. In online discussion environments, students are able to build strong ties and relationships with each other.

What are the benefits of online discussions?

7 Advantages of Online DiscussionConvenience. Online discussions generally can be set for a time convenient for everyone. ... More Focused. ... More in Depth. ... More Introverted Students Participate More. ... More Diverse Perspectives. ... Increased Ability to Limit Remarks That Aren't Constructive. ... More Readily Available Resources.

How effective is the discussion method?

In order for a discussion to be effective, students need to understand the value of actively listening to their peers, tolerating opposing viewpoints, and being open-minded. They also need to recognize the importance of staying focused and expressing themselves clearly.

Are discussion posts effective?

By writing a discussion post, you deepen your learning experience by giving that concept more thought while considering ideas offered by your classmates. Your instructor wants to hear what you have to say, and your classmates will benefit from hearing your perspective.

What are discussion benefits?

BENEFIT OF DISCUSSION, civil law. The right which a surety has to cause the property of the principal debtor to be applied in satisfaction of the obligation in the first instance.

What are the advantages of discussion?

2. The advantages and limitation of Discussion Methodemphsis on learning instead of teaching.participation by everyone in the class.development of democratic way of in reflective thinking.traning in self-expression.spirit of tolerance is inculcated.learning is made interesting.

Why is discussion an effective teaching strategy?

Using discussions as a primary teaching method allows you to stimulate critical thinking. As you establish a rapport with your students, you can demonstrate that you appreciate their contributions at the same time that you challenge them to think more deeply and to articulate their ideas more clearly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of discussion?

Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Group DiscussionAdvantagesDisadvantagesHelps to research and formulate argumentsNot for everyoneMore interactive than a lectureCan get very confusingStudents have a tendency to stay focusedNot everyone will get a chance to express their views2 more rows•Mar 9, 2022

What are the advantages and disadvantages of lecture discussion method?

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Lecture MethodLectures are the cultural norm of adult education.Lectures inflate the trainer's ego.Lectures do not require extensive preparation.Lectures permit efficient coverage of content in a limited time.Lectures can reach a large group at the same time.More items...

Why are discussions important in an online class?

Online discussion fosters collaboration and higher order thinking skills that better prepare students for the type of work they'll find in college and career. Once teachers and students learn how to have robust online conversations, there is never any doubt as to what the students know and what needs to be retaught.

What are the benefits of discussion forums?

Benefits Of Discussion Forums In TrainingPeer-To-Peer Review. A discussion forum is a platform where learners can give their thoughts about a topic. ... Improves Work Quality. ... Helps Learners Prepare Better. ... Role-Playing. ... Different Perspectives. ... Fun-Filled Learning. ... Leads To Future Courses.

What is the purpose of a discussion board in an online course?

The purpose of online chats and discussion boards is to provide a way for students to interact and discuss components of the course.

Why do students take online classes?

Consider offering live discussions. Students often take online courses because their schedule or personal life does not allow them to go to class twice a week. It does not mean that they can't attend live sessions. Two years ago, I introduced live sessions in all my online courses. These are optional.

What are the norms of online academic discussions?

The norms of online academic discussions are a lot less established than those that occur in person. Students might bring particular expectations to their online course. It is important to share with them how you envision your role in online discussions, which depends upon your pedagogical beliefs and teaching style.

What is the first discussion assignment?

The first discussion assignment in my courses is deliberately low-stakes. Students must introduce themselves and are encouraged (but not required) to post a few photos. Students are then asked to read and reply to two or three of their classmates' introductions. This enables them to get to know each other and their instructors and to get accustomed to the discussion board.

How to get better at online courses?

To gain the better from the online course, one should always prefer to go for proper time slots to study in if they are just engaged in online learning. One should make appropriate routines and adhere to them strictly. This would improve discipline and also lead to better results.

Why is online learning important?

Thus online learning is a fit solution for children who want to learn slowly, at their own pace while children with a fast pace can cover more syllabus quickly. Online learning allows one to learn at their own pace. There is no hurry to cope up with the pace of your classmates or colleagues.

What is online learning?

Online learning is a way to take up new professions or skills through various online platforms such as Coursera, Code Academy, Hack Design, Udemy, Udacity, Edx, etc. These online platforms are emerging rapidly worldwide becoming the preferred choice over offline learning.

How can I get professionalized in writing skills?

Content Marketing: One can also get professionalized in writing skills by taking up the concerned courses. This course does require student-teacher interaction as, during learning, the student might come up with many ideas to draft the same topic or story. This course can also be taken online.

Is online learning more accessible?

Accessible in the remote areas. Online learning can be continued in absolutely any area having a decent internet connection and access to technology. Nowadays, as digitalization is spreading fast, online learning is a more preferred choice over moving to any new place, from remote areas, to learn a specific course.

Is online learning effective?

Increasing Effectiveness of Online Learning for You. Online platforms are really useful. The reasons as mentioned above, direct one to opt for a course online rather than offline, but there are also various shortcomings that one might face while opting for an online course.

Is it easier to focus in a class?

Easier to focus. Sometimes it is not easy to focus in a class. One might be driven by random thoughts, maybe tired; maybe the student is not feeling well; perhaps the classroom is very filthy, all such situations would lead to distraction. Thus, online learning is preferable.

How to make sure the discussion question is clearly understood?

Make sure the discussion question is clearly understood—when helpful, refer to assigned readings or resources that provide the basis for the discussion question. At the end of a course, review the reaction to discussion questions and note those questions which did not lead to effective discussion.

What is discussion board?

The discussion board (whether the main board or including the student group boards) is often the heart of an online course as far as student dynamics is concerned, providing a home base for conducting the formal week to week activities of the course, asking and answering questions of clarification, and offering a main venue for collaboration and interaction of all sorts. Interaction takes place between students as well as between instructor and students. All of these activities must be planned in advance as part of your design of the discussion area. In the Preparation for Teaching Online (PTO) workshop, we discussed the differences between using blog or wiki areas for discussion and using Blackboard discussion boards. Please refer to the Week 2 materials of the PTO workshop for that information as well as on the topic of discussion facilitation. We will repeat only a few pertinent points here.

Why is it important to have clear deadlines and succinct directions?

However, it might be overwhelming for learners to cope with the abundance of materials.

How does asynchronous communication affect learning?

A blend of both asynchronous and synchronous communication can positively impact the learning environment. As students work in an online environment, clear messages from the faculty will help to strengthen their understanding of the content and the overall flow of the course.

Why is a teaching persona important?

Moreover, a teaching persona is important because it gives both the student and the instructor a sense of connectedness in and to each other and a course. One of the benchmarks of effective online education is instructor to student interaction.

Does F2F matter in teaching?

Introduction. The research on effective teaching, whether face-to-face (F2F) or online, is clear: learning design decisions matter. Studies indicate that the modality of teaching does not determine overall impact or effectiveness of a course; the design of the learning environment and the strategies used to support learning do (Bernard,et al ...

Why are discussion boards important?

Discussion boards also fuel an impressive level of student contempt.

Do teachers know how to engage in discussion?

Afterall, faculty teaching across the spectrum are not typically specialists in pedagogical theories of education; it may be the case that instructors simply don’t know how to create engagement using online discussion. There are best practices for discussion boards, and such practices have been established for about a decade; they’re nothing new.


Benefits of Discussions

Best Practices For Effective Discussions

Facilitating Discussions

Grading Discussions

Recommended Technologies

Top Five Tips For Effective Online Discussions

  1. Offer a model for the ideal discussion post.
  2. Incorporate interactivity by requiring variation in students’ responses.
  3. Provide opportunities for student autonomy.
  4. Create smaller group discussions in classes larger than a dozen.
  1. Offer a model for the ideal discussion post.
  2. Incorporate interactivity by requiring variation in students’ responses.
  3. Provide opportunities for student autonomy.
  4. Create smaller group discussions in classes larger than a dozen.


Convey Clear Expectations

Adjust to The Discussion Board

Clarify Your Role

  • The norms of online academic discussions are a lot less established than those that occur in person. Students might bring particular expectations to their online course. It is important to share with them how you envision your role in online discussions, which depends upon your pedagogical beliefs and teaching style. I let my students know that I r...
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Provide Feedback and Coaching

Track Participation

Offer Groups and Discussion Board Alternatives

Create Questions You Care About

Select Discussion Leaders

Encourage Note-Taking

Know When It's Time to Stop Posting

How Effective Is Online Learning?

Why Online Courses Are More Effective?

Increasing Effectiveness of Online Learning For You

For Which Professions Online Courses Are More Effective?

  • The effectiveness of online learning improves when done with due diligence and hard work. Only such students would be able to complete who are driven by self-motivation and are willing to complete the course. One can earn professional certificates and licenses after completing the course wholeheartedly. Online courses can be accessed for any concer...
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