how can an instructor download course content from canvas

by Makenna Herzog MD 6 min read

The course Import tool allows instructors to copy content from one Canvas course to another or import content from other sources. In the course navigation click Settings. On the settings page click Import Course Content from the right sidebar menu.

How to Export a Canvas Course for Offline Viewing
  1. Navigate to Account, then click on Settings.
  2. In the right bottom corner, click “Download Course Content”
  3. The courses that are available for offline download will be listed under “Current Courses.”
  4. Click “Generate ePub” to start the process.

Full Answer

Can I download content from my Canvas course site?

Download a zip file of the entire course OR Download select files; Since this is an older course, it will most likely be active under Past Enrollments in Canvas here: Now select your course. In the course navigation select Files. You should see something similar to: In this example, GRMN0300 is the main course ...

How do I share a canvas course with another instructor?

Select Export Type. In the Export Type heading, click the Course radio button [1]. Click the Create Export button [2]. Note: If you have previously exported the course, Canvas will display prior exports under the Content Exports heading.

How do I export a canvas for elementary course?

Jan 25, 2018 · Actually, Ctrl-A (on a PC; Cmd-A on Mac) will work insofar as that will select ALL files. Once they are all selected, click the arrow that is pointed to on the screen capture below: That will then download the files for you as a . zip file, which you can then, of course, "unzip" on your own computer.

Can I use my teacher's files in canvas?

Apr 06, 2021 · Method 1: Share a Course Export Package. Canvas course content can be exported into a Common Cartridge (IMSCC ZIP) file which can be downloaded from Canvas and then shared with another instructor. The export file can be imported into a blank Canvas course to copy the content into that course. This method works well when wanting to share an ...

Can you download Canvas content?

Courses can be downloaded in an offline, view-only mode. With this download, you cannot interact with the course content, such as completing assignments or viewing submissions. The course content is downloaded as a zip file, which includes the HTML version of the course.Dec 2, 2021

Can I download a Canvas course as a PDF?

Now select your course. You will see a progress bar and a note "The export process has started." 2. Download your course content as documents: PDF, DOC, etc.

Can you export a Canvas course?

Part of a video titled Exporting and Importing a Canvas Course - YouTube
Go to the class. Go to the very bottom the settings in the bottom left hand corner click on settingsMoreGo to the class. Go to the very bottom the settings in the bottom left hand corner click on settings go to the right side and you want to export. Course content so click on that. Now yours will not

How do I copy a Canvas course from another instructor?

Method 1: Share a Course Export Package
  1. Create a course export file from the settings page of the Canvas course you wish to share. ...
  2. Send the course export file to the desired recipient. ...
  3. The recipient downloads the course export file to their computer and then imports it into their Canvas course.
Mar 8, 2021

How do I convert a Canvas assignment to a PDF?

How to save a Canvas Syllabus or Page as a PDF File (using Google Chrome)
  1. Click into the Canvas course whose syllabus you want to save.
  2. On the Course Navigation Menu on the left, select Syllabus.
  3. Right-click on the Syllabus page and select the Print option. ...
  4. Click the Change... ...
  5. Select a Save as PDF option.

Is there a way to download lectures from Canvas?

How do I download a lecture from canvas? You can access my media by clicking My Media on any Canvas site. You can edit videos by clicking on the pencil icon (right-hand corner) underneath the video you wish to download... You can download the file by clicking Downloads.

How do I export an assignment from Canvas?

Canvas quizzes can also be exported and imported into Canvas courses. To export a course (1) click Settings in the left navigation. (2) On the course details page on the right sidebar click Export Course Content. The next screen will display options for the export.

How do I download pages from Canvas?

Try these steps:
  1. Click on your course "Settings" button.
  2. Click on "Export Course Content" on the right side of your screen.
  3. Under "Export Type", make sure "Course" is selected, and then "Create Export".
  4. Download the *.imscc file to your computer when the link becomes available.
Jul 5, 2016

Can you copy someone else's Canvas course?

You can only copy content from a course that you can currently access. This includes any past or future courses that allow instructor access outside active term dates. You must add other instructors to allow them to view/copy your content. Importing a course more than once may have unintended consequences.

How do I import shared content into Canvas?

Import Content
  1. Select Course. Type the name of a course or course code in the Select a Course field [1]. Then select the course into which you want to import the item [2].
  2. Select Location. If you wish, you can import the item into a specific module and location within a course. ...
  3. Import Content. Click the Import button.

How do I copy a course from one semester to another in Canvas?

Part of a video titled Copying Courses in Canvas - YouTube
Let's start by entering into our destination. Course next click on settings on the course menu clickMoreLet's start by entering into our destination. Course next click on settings on the course menu click on import course content from the drop down menu here select copy a canvas course then use the

How long does it take to export a course in Canvas?

View the progress bar. Exporting a course in Canvas may take a few minutes, depending on its size. You will receive an email when the export is complete.

Does Canvas for Elementary retain the theme?

Canvas for Elementary export packages retain the Canvas for Elementary theme.

Does Canvas export include grades?

Canvas exports do not include backups of student interactions and grades. Grades can be exported separately as a comma separated values (CSV) file.

Can you export a Canvas course?

You can export a Canvas course to give to someone in another Canvas account, to upload to another institution's account at a later date, or to create a copy as a backup on your local computer. You can import an export file into Canvas at any time.

Do teachers have an obligation to know how the technology they are using to deliver instruction works?

Teachers have an obligation to know how the technology they are using to deliver instruction works. I suspect that most, if not all, of your professors do know that courses become unavailable to students after the term concludes.

Does Jack Maydan delete a course?

Actually, @jack_maydan , the information, files and even student submissions are not deleted unless a school actually deletes the course. Course content is maintained according to the record retention rules of the school's state, and by school policy.

Is Canvas a problem?

This is not a workaround, this is a problem with Canvas as a product. You need to make clear and clean methods for students to access content. Professors do not understand this software because you have obfuscated it behind layers of random useless features, this is not a case of professors intentionally restricting content. We are paying hundreds of thousands in tuition for this information and knowledge and have every single right to the ability to download it permanently. Any college administrator would agree.

Can you use Canvas files elsewhere?

While it might seem like I am splitting hairs, your teachers have made those files available for you to use in Canvas, and may not wish them to be used elsewhere. In some cases they may not be permitted to allow use elsewhere or outright forbidden (Copyright). In other cases there may security and academic dishonesty concerns about open access to course content. Bottom line is that those are your teachers files, and they can exercise control over them

Can teachers access Canvas?

It is a way that teachers can control access to in order to protect their files. With your Canvas classrooms available 24/7, on any device capable of accessing the internet, from any place where the internet is accessible why not just access your files in Canvas. 05-16-2019 10:39 AM.

Can you access Canvas after term end?

Both faculty and student access to courses after term-end are set by your school's Canvas Admins as part of your school's course conclusion policy (Nothing at all to do with Canvas) . Both your Canvas Support department, and your teachers can provide you access to content in concluded courses if they want and if school policy permits (Nothing at all to do with Canvas).

Can you download a course as an ePub?

If your school and your instructor have enabled this feature, you can download your entire course as an ePub or HTML file. See below......

How to send to another instructor on Canvas?

The "Send To..." option is accessed by clicking the Options kebob icon to the right of a content item's line in a module or course index page (e.g. Assignments or Discussions page).

How to invite other instructors to a Canvas sandbox?

This can be done by entering the instructor's UWGB email address in the + People menu of the sandbox course's People page. Full instructions for this step can be found in this Canvas Instructor guide page on adding users to a course. Please read the section below for information on which role to select when adding the other instructor to your sandbox course.

How to see shared content in Canvas?

Recipients can click Account > Shared Content in the Canvas Global Navigation Menu to view, manage, and import course content that has been shared with them via this method. For full instructions, please reference this Canvas Instructor Guide on managing shared content.

What is a good role to use when adding a user to a course in order to give them access to

A good role to use when adding a user to a course in order to give them access to course content is "Interpreter Pre-Semester. ". This role allows the user to access course materials and import them into other courses, but the role does not allow the user to create, edit, or delete content inside of the course.

Can you import a course file into Canvas?

The recipient downloads the course export file to their computer and then imports it into their Canvas course. Course export files can be imported as a whole or specific content can be selected for import. Full instructions for this step of the process are documented in this Canvas Instructor Guide page on importing course export files.

Can you send a Canvas course file to another person?

Send the course export file to the desired recipient. This step is performed outside of Canvas. Course export files can often be too large to email. Uploading the file to OneDrive and then sharing the file on OneDrive is one recommended method for sharing a Canvas course export file.

Can instructors use roles in Canvas?

Course instructors have a large list of user roles to choose from when adding a user to their Canvas course. UW System has provided descriptions for all of the course-level roles in Canvas on the DLE KnowlegeBase. To protect student information and safeguard against the accidental deletion or modification of course content, it is best to use roles that have limited privileges when full (teacher-level) access to the course is not necessary.

How to download offline view of course?

Follow the directions below to ensure that it is turned on. 1. From the course navigation, go to "Settings" and make sure the "Course Details" tab is selected. 2.

How to make a course offline?

1. From the course navigation, go to "Settings" and make sure the "Course Details" tab is selected. 2. Scroll down until you find the "Offline Course" option. If the "Allow course content to be downloaded and viewed offline" is checked, then the feature is already enabled. 3.

How to export a Zoom course?

Open "Modules" from the Course Navigation. 2. Click on the “Export Course Content” button at the top right. Zoom: Open "Modules" and then click "Export Course Content". 3.

Can you view the offline version of a course?

From the "index.html" file, you can view the offline version of the course. This will only include content that was available at the time of download. In order to see the newest content in offline mode, you will need to do another export.

Can you download a course in view only?

Courses can be downloaded in an offline, view- only mode. With this download, you cannot interact with the course content, such as completing assignments or viewing submissions. The course content is downloaded as a zip file, which includes the HTML version of the course.

How to download a course in Canvas?

These steps show how to download a course content export from a Canvas site and can be shared with students: 1 Enter a Canvas site and click on Modules. 2 Click on the Export Course Content button. 3 A page called “Exported Package History” page will appear, and you will see a progress bar once the export-download begins. 4 Once the course content export downloads, you will be given the option to save the file. The course content export downloads as a .zip file Files and a visual HTML index of files (hidden or unpublished files are NOT included).

What if you don't see modules in Canvas?

If you do not see the Modules button in you course’s Canvas site, then modules have not been enabled for your course. For Canvas sites where modules are not enabled, to find the modules page as a student, which will give you access to the Course Content Export button, you can add “/modules” to the end of the course URL.

What does "concluded past term" mean in Canvas?

By default, past-term Canvas sites are concluded, which means they exists in a read-only state. Consequently, any concluded past-term Canvas site does not display the Course Content Export button. If you would like access to content from a concluded past-term Canvas site, it is recommend that you contact your instructor to request access ...

Can you save a course file as a zip file?

Once the course content export downloads, you will be given the option to save the file. The course content export downloads as a .zip file Files and a visual HTML index of files (hidden or unpublished files are NOT included).

Can you export course content?

Course content export is enabled by default, but teaching team members can disable this feature to prevent offline viewing of content .

Do you need to re-export a course?

You will need to re-export the course any time you want to view updated course content. After the initial export, the export page shows the history of each export, and the “Modules” page shows the last time the content was exported.

Can you export a Canvas course?

Canvas supports exporting course content into an HTML format for offline viewing on a computer. This feature supports courses that use complex HTML or dynamic linking to downloaded files.

What can you see in an ePub file?

In an ePub file, you can view assignment details, availability dates, and point values. Discussions include the discussion topic. All discussion replies (graded or ungraded) are considered submissions and must be viewed online. Additionally, you can view any embedded media files in the ePub.

Can you view embedded media files in ePub?

Additionally, you can view any embedded media files in the ePub. Any files that aren’t supported in the ePub format , such as file attachments or PDFs, can be downloaded to be viewed in the file’s native environment. Follow these steps to export the content:

What is course export?

Course content export packages include all course files, pages, and embedded files added to a module and are viewable as long as the user has permission. Content items locked by modules or by date are not included in offline content and show that the content is not available. Export packages do not include media files embedded from course files.

What happens if you leave the course page?

If you leave the page, you'll receive an email notification when the course download is complete. You can use a link in the email to download the file.

What is HTML offline?

HTML offline content is for offline viewing only; you cannot interact with course content directly, such as completing an assignment or viewing any submissions. In the HTML file, you can view assignment details, availability dates, and point values. Discussions and quizzes only include the description.

Can you view a course offline?

If your institution has enabled offline content, you can view your course offline as an HTML file. You can download the HTML file from the Modules page. Currently HTML files can only be generated in the browser version of Canvas and are only supported on a computer. HTML offline content is for offline viewing only;

Can you export a course without permission?

When exporting course content, all users are notified that they may not reproduce or communicate any of the content in the course, including exported files, without your institution's prior written permission. Please be aware of your institution's online user agreement guidelines, which may include specific course content requirements for instructors.

Can you view discussion replies online?

Discussions and quizzes only include the description. All discussion replies (graded or ungraded) are considered submissions and must be viewed online. Additionally, you can view any embedded media files in the HTML file. If a link can only be accessed online, the link includes an external icon identifying the content as online only.

Can you export a course from the home page?

If your Course Home Page is set to Modules, you can export course content from the Course Home Page. Offline content cannot be downloaded once a course is concluded. If your Modules page does not display the Export Course Content button, confirm that you can allow course content to be exported using the Offline Course checkbox in Course Settings.

What is course export?

Course content export packages include all course files, pages, and embedded files added to a module and are viewable as long as the user has permission. Content items locked by modules or by date are not included in offline content and show that the content is not available. Export packages do not include media files embedded from course files.

Can you view HTML files on a computer?

Users can view the HTML file on a computer any time. Exports are based on modules. To use this feature, you must allow students to view modules in the course, either by displaying the Modules link in Course Navigation or enabling modules as the Course Home Page layout.

Can you download a course as HTML?

If your institution has enabled offline content, you can allow users in your course to download course content as an HTML file in the Modules page. This feature supports courses that use complex HTML or dynamic linking to downloaded files. Users can view the HTML file on a computer any time.

How are ePub files organized?

By default, ePub files are organized by module, though you can change the ePub format to be organized by content type (assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc.) When viewing by module, only items that have been published in each module will be included in the ePub file.

What is an ePub download?

When a course is downloaded as an ePub file, the download includes all published course content, including published content within an unpublished module and published course files that have not been linked in student-facing course content.

Can you upload an ePub file to an eReader?

You can upload the ePub file into any eReader for viewing. If the course includes files that aren' t supported in the ePub, click the Download Associated Files link [2]. Associated files download in a ZIP file and contain all unsupported files, such as media files and Microsoft Office documents.
